1. Continuous and Diverse Image-to-Image Translation via Signed Attribute Vectors
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2. Pushing the Envelope of Rotation Averaging for Visual SLAM
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3. Reducing the Annotation Effort for Video Object Segmentation Datasets
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4. SLAM in the Field: An Evaluation of Monocular Mapping and Localization on Challenging Dynamic Agricultural Environment
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5. Facial Keypoint Sequence Generation from Audio
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6. Multi-Task Learning for Calorie Prediction on a Novel Large-Scale Recipe Dataset Enriched with Nutritional Information
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7. Image Inpainting with Learnable Feature Imputation
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8. CABiNet: Efficient Context Aggregation Network for Low-Latency Semantic Segmentation
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9. PBP-Net: Point Projection and Back-Projection Network for 3D Point Cloud Segmentation
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10. 3D Multi-bodies: Fitting Sets of Plausible 3D Human Models to Ambiguous Image Data
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11. Refactoring Policy for Compositional Generalizability using Self-Supervised Object Proposals
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12. Diverse Image Captioning with Context-Object Split Latent Spaces
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13. Learning a Deep Reinforcement Learning Policy Over the Latent Space of a Pre-trained GAN for Semantic Age Manipulation
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15. Boost Image Captioning with Knowledge Reasoning
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16. MARNet: Multi-Abstraction Refinement Network for 3D Point Cloud Analysis
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17. Facial UV Map Completion for Pose-invariant Face Recognition: A Novel Adversarial Approach based on Coupled Attention Residual UNets
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18. Efficient texture mapping via a non-iterative global texture alignment
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19. Receptive Field Size Optimization with Continuous Time Pooling
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20. Do 2D GANs Know 3D Shape? Unsupervised 3D shape reconstruction from 2D Image GANs
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21. Predicting Brain Degeneration with a Multimodal Siamese Neural Network
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22. PV-NAS: Practical Neural Architecture Search for Video Recognition
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23. Data-free Knowledge Distillation for Segmentation using Data-Enriching GAN
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24. CaCL: Class-aware Codebook Learning for Weakly Supervised Segmentation on Diffuse Image Patterns
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25. A topological approach to exploring convolutional neural networks
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26. Deep Representation Decomposition for Feature Disentanglement
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27. Actor and Action Modular Network for Text-based Video Segmentation
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28. Context-based Image Segment Labeling (CBISL)
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29. Set Augmented Triplet Loss for Video Person Re-Identification
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30. Deep Feature Augmentation for Occluded Image Classification
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31. Mutual Information-based Disentangled Neural Networks for Classifying Unseen Categories in Different Domains: Application to Fetal Ultrasound Imaging
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32. CNN-Driven Quasiconformal Model for Large Deformation Image Registration
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33. Road Damage Detection using Deep Ensemble Learning
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34. Multi-Modal Active Learning for Automatic Liver Fibrosis Diagnosis based on Ultrasound Shear Wave Elastography
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35. Highway Driving Dataset for Semantic Video Segmentation
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36. Multi-View Adaptive Fusion Network for 3D Object Detection
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37. Unsupervised Metric Relocalization Using Transform Consistency Loss
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38. COOT: Cooperative Hierarchical Transformer for Video-Text Representation Learning
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39. FusiformNet: Extracting Discriminative Facial Features on Different Levels
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40. Human Leg Motion Tracking by Fusing IMUs and RGB Camera Data Using Extended Kalman Filter
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41. DeepOpht: Medical Report Generation for Retinal Images via Deep Models and Visual Explanation
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42. LG-GAN: Label Guided Adversarial Network for Flexible Targeted Attack of Point Cloud-based Deep Networks
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43. Memory Group Sampling Based Online Action Recognition Using Kinetic Skeleton Features
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44. Adversarial Self-Supervised Scene Flow Estimation
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45. Autonomous Extraction of Gleason Patterns for Grading Prostate Cancer using Multi-Gigapixel Whole Slide Images
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46. HM4: Hidden Markov Model with Memory Management for Visual Place Recognition
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47. A Parallel Approach for Real-Time Face Recognition from a Large Database
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48. Efficient Pipelines for Vision-Based Context Sensing
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49. Dark Reciprocal-Rank: Boosting Graph-Convolutional Self-Localization Network via Teacher-to-student Knowledge Transfer
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50. Temporally-Continuous Probabilistic Prediction using Polynomial Trajectory Parameterization
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51. IndRNN Based Long-term Temporal Recognition in the Spatial and Frequency Domain
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52. Real-Time Text Detection and Recognition
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53. A Survey on Contrastive Self-supervised Learning
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54. TartanVO: A Generalizable Learning-based VO
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55. Unsupervised Deep Persistent Monocular Visual Odometry and Depth Estimation in Extreme Environments
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56. Self-paced and self-consistent co-training for semi-supervised image segmentation
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57. Scene Flow from Point Clouds with or without Learning
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58. General Data Analytics With Applications To Visual Information Analysis: A Provable Backward-Compatible Semisimple Paradigm Over T-Algebra
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59. Pose Randomization for Weakly Paired Image Style Translation
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60. LandmarkGAN: Synthesizing Faces from Landmarks
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61. ProxylessKD: Direct Knowledge Distillation with Inherited Classifier for Face Recognition
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62. Temporal Smoothing for 3D Human Pose Estimation and Localization for Occluded People
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63. Enhanced Balancing GAN: Minority-class Image Generation
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64. Self-supervised Representation Learning for Evolutionary Neural Architecture Search
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65. Exploring Severe Occlusion: Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation with Gated Convolution
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66. Learning Open Set Network with Discriminative Reciprocal Points
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67. Multimodal and self-supervised representation learning for automatic gesture recognition in surgical robotics
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68. Automatic Chronic Degenerative Diseases Identification Using Enteric Nervous System Images
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69. Weakly Supervised 3D Classification of Chest CT using Aggregated Multi-Resolution Deep Segmentation Features
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70. Leveraging Adaptive Color Augmentation in Convolutional Neural Networks for Deep Skin Lesion Segmentation
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71. Pixel-Level Cycle Association: A New Perspective for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
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72. (Un)Masked COVID-19 Trends from Social Media
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73. Pose-based Body Language Recognition for Emotion and Psychiatric Symptom Interpretation
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74. A Deep Learning Study on Osteosarcoma Detection from Histological Images
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75. Perceive, Attend, and Drive: Learning Spatial Attention for Safe Self-Driving
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76. Into the Wild with AudioScope: Unsupervised Audio-Visual Separation of On-Screen Sounds
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77. U-Net and its variants for medical image segmentation: theory and applications
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78. Top 10 BraTS 2020 challenge solution: Brain tumor segmentation with self-ensembled, deeply-supervised 3D-Unet like neural networks
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79. Depth Ranging Performance Evaluation and Improvement for RGB-D Cameras on Field-Based High-Throughput Phenotyping Robots
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80. AVECL-UMONS database for audio-visual event classification and localization
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81. ASIST: Annotation-free synthetic instance segmentation and tracking for microscope video analysis
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82. Deep Learning in Computer-Aided Diagnosis and Treatment of Tumors: A Survey
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83. nnU-Net for Brain Tumor Segmentation
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84. Bifurcated Autoencoder for Segmentation of COVID-19 Infected Regions in CT Images
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85. Brain Tumor Classification Using Medial Residual Encoder Layers
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86. Tracking Partially-Occluded Deformable Objects while Enforcing Geometric Constraints
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87. Triage of Potential COVID-19 Patients from Chest X-ray Images using Hierarchical Convolutional Networks
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88. Learning Euler's Elastica Model for Medical Image Segmentation
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89. Generating Correct Answers for Progressive Matrices Intelligence Tests
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90. Dynamic radiomics: a new methodology to extract quantitative time-related features from tomographic images
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91. Two-layer clustering-based sparsifying transform learning for low-dose CT reconstruction
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92. Using Monte Carlo dropout and bootstrap aggregation for uncertainty estimation in radiation therapy dose prediction with deep learning neural networks
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93. Segmentation of Infrared Breast Images Using MultiResUnet Neural Network
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94. Pose Estimation of Specular and Symmetrical Objects
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95. DL-Reg: A Deep Learning Regularization Technique using Linear Regression
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96. Deep learning in the ultrasound evaluation of neonatal respiratory status
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97. Encoding Clinical Priori in 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Prostate Cancer Detection in bpMRI
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98. Meta-Learning with Adaptive Hyperparameters
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99. Combining Domain-Specific Meta-Learners in the Parameter Space for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Classification
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100. Evaluation of Inference Attack Models for Deep Learning on Medical Data
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101. Dense Pixel-wise Micro-motion Estimation of Object Surface by using Low Dimensional Embedding of Laser Speckle Pattern
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102. Integer Programming-based Error-Correcting Output Code Design for Robust Classification
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103. EDCNN: Edge enhancement-based Densely Connected Network with Compound Loss for Low-Dose CT Denoising
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104. Multi-stage transfer learning for lung segmentation using portable X-ray devices for patients with COVID-19
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105. C-Net: A Reliable Convolutional Neural Network for Biomedical Image Classification
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106. 83% ImageNet Accuracy in One Hour
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107. Adversarial Robust Training in MRI Reconstruction
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