1. Find it if You Can: End-to-End Adversarial Erasing for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
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2. Fast Fourier Intrinsic Network
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3. Masked Face Image Classification with Sparse Representation based on Majority Voting Mechanism
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4. MinkLoc3D: Point Cloud Based Large-Scale Place Recognition
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5. Fast Hybrid Cascade for Voxel-based 3D Object Classification
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6. DynaVSR: Dynamic Adaptive Blind Video Super-Resolution
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7. Deep Transfer Learning for Automated Diagnosis of Skin Lesions from Photographs
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8. Neural Architecture Search with an Efficient Multiobjective Evolutionary Framework
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9. TTVOS: Lightweight Video Object Segmentation with Adaptive Template Attention Module and Temporal Consistency Loss
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10. FACEGAN: Facial Attribute Controllable rEenactment GAN
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11. SeasonDepth: Cross-Season Monocular Depth Prediction Dataset and Benchmark under Multiple Environments
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12. EDEN: Multimodal Synthetic Dataset of Enclosed GarDEN Scenes
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13. MAGNeto: An Efficient Deep Learning Method for the Extractive Tags Summarization Problem
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14. EfficientPose -- An efficient, accurate and scalable end-to-end 6D multi object pose estimation approach
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15. Learning the Best Pooling Strategy for Visual Semantic Embedding
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16. Sketch-Inspector: a Deep Mixture Model for High-Quality Sketch Generation of Cats
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17. Closing the Generalization Gap in One-Shot Object Detection
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18. Unified Quality Assessment of In-the-Wild Videos with Mixed Datasets Training
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19. Robust Visual Tracking via Statistical Positive Sample Generation and Gradient Aware Learning
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20. Improved Soccer Action Spotting using both Audio and Video Streams
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21. Real-time object detection method based on improved YOLOv4-tiny
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22. Dual ResGCN for Balanced Scene GraphGeneration
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23. End-to-end Lane Shape Prediction with Transformers
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24. An improved helmet detection method for YOLOv3 on an unbalanced dataset
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25. Detecting Outliers with Foreign Patch Interpolation
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26. Two-Stream Appearance Transfer Network for Person Image Generation
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27. Deep Learning based Monocular Depth Prediction: Datasets, Methods and Applications
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28. Localising In Complex Scenes Using Balanced Adversarial Adaptation
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29. Distance-Based Anomaly Detection for Industrial Surfaces Using Triplet Networks
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30. Image Clustering using an Augmented Generative Adversarial Network and Information Maximization
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31. An HVS-Oriented Saliency Map Prediction Modeling
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32. AI on the Bog: Monitoring and Evaluating Cranberry Crop Risk
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33. Analysis of Dimensional Influence of Convolutional Neural Networks for Histopathological Cancer Classification
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34. Performance Analysis of Optimizers for Plant Disease Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks
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35. Predictive Analysis of Diabetic Retinopathy with Transfer Learning
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36. Adaptive Linear Span Network for Object Skeleton Detection
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37. The quantization error in a Self-Organizing Map as a contrast and colour specific indicator of single-pixel change in large random patterns
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38. FlowCaps: Optical Flow Estimation with Capsule Networks For Action Recognition
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39. Right on Time: Multi-Temporal Convolutions for Human Action Recognition in Videos
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40. PointTransformer for Shape Classification and Retrieval of 3D and ALS Roof PointClouds
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41. Integrating Human Gaze into Attention for Egocentric Activity Recognition
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42. Faster object tracking pipeline for real time tracking
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43. Channel Pruning Guided by Spatial and Channel Attention for DNNs in Intelligent Edge Computing
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44. Latent Neural Differential Equations for Video Generation
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45. Deep traffic light detection by overlaying synthetic context on arbitrary natural images
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46. On the spatial attention in Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for skeleton-based human action recognition
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47. Towards Resolving the Challenge of Long-tail Distribution in UAV Images for Object Detection
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48. Sim-to-Real Transfer for Vision-and-Language Navigation
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49. Symmetric Parallax Attention for Stereo Image Super-Resolution
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50. Deep Learning Analysis and Age Prediction from Shoeprints
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51. Rapid Pose Label Generation through Sparse Representation of Unknown Objects
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52. Text-to-Image Generation Grounded by Fine-Grained User Attention
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53. A Multi-stream Convolutional Neural Network for Micro-expression Recognition Using Optical Flow and EVM
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54. A Strong Baseline for Crowd Counting and Unsupervised People Localization
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55. Coarse- and Fine-grained Attention Network with Background-aware Loss for Crowd Density Map Estimation
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56. DeepCFL: Deep Contextual Features Learning from a Single Image
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57. Blind Motion Deblurring through SinGAN Architecture
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58. TB-Net: A Three-Stream Boundary-Aware Network for Fine-Grained Pavement Disease Segmentation
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59. Depthwise Multiception Convolution for Reducing Network Parameters without Sacrificing Accuracy
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60. Domain-Aware Unsupervised Hyperspectral Reconstruction for Aerial Image Dehazing
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61. Identifying Mislabeled Images in Supervised Learning Utilizing Autoencoder
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62. ROBIN: a Graph-Theoretic Approach to Reject Outliers in Robust Estimation using Invariants
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63. Augmented Equivariant Attention Networks for Electron Microscopy Image Super-Resolution
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64. Efficient Robust Watermarking Based on Quaternion Singular Value Decomposition and Coefficient Pair Selection
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65. A Weakly Supervised Convolutional Network for Change Segmentation and Classification
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66. Generating Image Descriptions via Sequential Cross-Modal Alignment Guided by Human Gaze
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67. MPRNet: Multi-Path Residual Network for Lightweight Image Super Resolution
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68. Refer, Reuse, Reduce: Generating Subsequent References in Visual and Conversational Contexts
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69. Learning to Localize in New Environments from Synthetic Training Data
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70. Towards a quantitative assessment of neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease
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71. A Poisson multi-Bernoulli mixture filter for coexisting point and extended targets
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72. An Empirical Study of Visual Features for DNN based Audio-Visual Speech Enhancement in Multi-talker Environments
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73. CapWAP: Captioning with a Purpose
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74. PAMS: Quantized Super-Resolution via Parameterized Max Scale
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75. Geometric Structure Aided Visual Inertial Localization
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76. Fine Perceptive GANs for Brain MR Image Super-Resolution in Wavelet Domain
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77. Kimera-Multi: a System for Distributed Multi-Robot Metric-Semantic Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
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78. Long Range Arena: A Benchmark for Efficient Transformers
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79. Real-time Surgical Environment Enhancement for Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery Based on Super-Resolution
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80. Learning-based 3D Occupancy Prediction for Autonomous Navigation in Occluded Environments
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81. Cross-Modal Self-Attention Distillation for Prostate Cancer Segmentation
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82. Learning to Model and Ignore Dataset Bias with Mixed Capacity Ensembles
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83. Autonomous Intruder Detection Using a ROS-Based Multi-Robot System Equipped with 2D-LiDAR Sensors
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84. Multiscale Point Cloud Geometry Compression
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85. Grading the Severity of Arteriolosclerosis from Retinal Arterio-venous Crossing Patterns
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86. Robustness and Diversity Seeking Data-Free Knowledge Distillation
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87. Interventional Domain Adaptation
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88. Data--driven Image Restoration with Option--driven Learning for Big and Small Astronomical Image Datasets
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89. Deeply-Supervised Density Regression for Automatic Cell Counting in Microscopy Images
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90. Strawberry Detection Using a Heterogeneous Multi-Processor Platform
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91. Motion Prediction on Self-driving Cars: A Review
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92. Unmasking Communication Partners: A Low-Cost AI Solution for Digitally Removing Head-Mounted Displays in VR-Based Telepresence
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93. HDR Imaging with Quanta Image Sensors: Theoretical Limits and Optimal Reconstruction
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94. Chest X-ray Image Phase Features for Improved Diagnosis of COVID-19 Using Convolutional Neural Network
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