1. Optical Non-Line-of-Sight Physics-based 3D Human Pose Estimation
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2. Probabilistic Pixel-Adaptive Refinement Networks
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3. TransMoMo: Invariance-Driven Unsupervised Video Motion Retargeting
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4. UniformAugment: A Search-free Probabilistic Data Augmentation Approach
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5. How Useful is Self-Supervised Pretraining for Visual Tasks?
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6. Du$^2$Net: Learning Depth Estimation from Dual-Cameras and Dual-Pixels
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7. Take the Scenic Route: Improving Generalization in Vision-and-Language Navigation
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8. SCT: Set Constrained Temporal Transformer for Set Supervised Action Segmentation
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9. DPGN: Distribution Propagation Graph Network for Few-shot Learning
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10. Straight to the Point: Fast-forwarding Videos via Reinforcement Learning Using Textual Data
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11. Real-Time Semantic Segmentation via Auto Depth, Downsampling Joint Decision and Feature Aggregation
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12. DISIR: Deep Image Segmentation with Interactive Refinement
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13. Attention-based Assisted Excitation for Salient Object Segmentation
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14. GAST-Net: Graph Attention Spatio-temporal Convolutional Networks for 3D Human Pose Estimation in Video
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15. Recognizing Characters in Art History Using Deep Learning
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16. Pix2Shape -- Towards Unsupervised Learning of 3D Scenes from Images using a View-based Representation
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17. Look-into-Object: Self-supervised Structure Modeling for Object Recognition
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18. Disentangling and Unifying Graph Convolutions for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
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19. Real-Time Camera Pose Estimation for Sports Fields
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20. Learning Cross-domain Semantic-Visual Relation for Transductive Zero-Shot Learning
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21. X-Linear Attention Networks for Image Captioning
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22. Long Short-Term Relation Networks for Video Action Detection
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23. Inverting Gradients -- How easy is it to break privacy in federated learning?
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24. 3D Sketch-aware Semantic Scene Completion via Semi-supervised Structure Prior
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25. Prediction Confidence from Neighbors
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26. Distance in Latent Space as Novelty Measure
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27. SPARE3D: A Dataset for SPAtial REasoning on Three-View Line Drawings
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28. PolarNet: An Improved Grid Representation for Online LiDAR Point Clouds Semantic Segmentation
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29. BANet: Bidirectional Aggregation Network with Occlusion Handling for Panoptic Segmentation
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30. Distilled Semantics for Comprehensive Scene Understanding from Videos
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31. Learning Human-Object Interaction Detection using Interaction Points
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32. SK-Net: Deep Learning on Point Cloud via End-to-end Discovery of Spatial Keypoints
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33. FaceScape: a Large-scale High Quality 3D Face Dataset and Detailed Riggable 3D Face Prediction
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34. Fashion Meets Computer Vision: A Survey
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35. DeepLPF: Deep Local Parametric Filters for Image Enhancement
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36. Multi-Modal Graph Neural Network for Joint Reasoning on Vision and Scene Text
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37. Neural Networks Are More Productive Teachers Than Human Raters: Active Mixup for Data-Efficient Knowledge Distillation from a Blackbox Model
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38. FGN: Fully Guided Network for Few-Shot Instance Segmentation
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39. Self-supervised Monocular Trained Depth Estimation using Self-attention and Discrete Disparity Volume
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40. Segmenting Transparent Objects in the Wild
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41. A Simple Class Decision Balancing for Incremental Learning
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42. Spatio-Temporal Graph for Video Captioning with Knowledge Distillation
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43. EvolveGraph: Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Multi-Modal Trajectory Prediction with Evolving Interaction Graphs
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44. Y-net: Multi-scale feature aggregation network with wavelet structure similarity loss function for single image dehazing
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45. Proxy Anchor Loss for Deep Metric Learning
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46. Attention-based Multi-modal Fusion Network for Semantic Scene Completion
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47. Learning Oracle Attention for High-fidelity Face Completion
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48. Edge Guided GANs with Semantic Preserving for Semantic Image Synthesis
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49. TITAN: Future Forecast using Action Priors
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50. MUXConv: Information Multiplexing in Convolutional Neural Networks
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51. RetinaTrack: Online Single Stage Joint Detection and Tracking
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52. 3D-MPA: Multi Proposal Aggregation for 3D Semantic Instance Segmentation
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53. Semi-supervised Learning for Few-shot Image-to-Image Translation
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54. Can Deep Learning Recognize Subtle Human Activities?
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55. AvatarMe: Realistically Renderable 3D Facial Reconstruction "in-the-wild"
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56. ActGAN: Flexible and Efficient One-shot Face Reenactment
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57. Label-Efficient Learning on Point Clouds using Approximate Convex Decompositions
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58. Sign Language Transformers: Joint End-to-end Sign Language Recognition and Translation
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59. Co-occurrence of deep convolutional features for image search
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60. When to Use Convolutional Neural Networks for Inverse Problems
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61. Domain Balancing: Face Recognition on Long-Tailed Domains
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62. Measuring Generalisation to Unseen Viewpoints, Articulations, Shapes and Objects for 3D Hand Pose Estimation under Hand-Object Interaction
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63. Understanding the impact of mistakes on background regions in crowd counting
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64. Combining detection and tracking for human pose estimation in videos
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65. Certifiable Relative Pose Estimation
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66. COVID-ResNet: A Deep Learning Framework for Screening of COVID19 from Radiographs
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67. Automated Methods for Detection and Classification Pneumonia based on X-Ray Images Using Deep Learning
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68. Learning from Small Data Through Sampling an Implicit Conditional Generative Latent Optimization Model
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69. Radiologist-level stroke classification on non-contrast CT scans with Deep U-Net
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70. Pathological Retinal Region Segmentation From OCT Images Using Geometric Relation Based Augmentation
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71. MTL-NAS: Task-Agnostic Neural Architecture Search towards General-Purpose Multi-Task Learning
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72. Supervised Raw Video Denoising with a Benchmark Dataset on Dynamic Scenes
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73. A Thorough Comparison Study on Adversarial Attacks and Defenses for Common Thorax Disease Classification in Chest X-rays
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74. Regularizing Class-wise Predictions via Self-knowledge Distillation
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75. Recurrent Neural Networks with Longitudinal Pooling and Consistency Regularization
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76. Ranger: Boosting Error Resilience of Deep Neural Networks through Range Restriction
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77. Lesion Conditional Image Generation for Improved Segmentation of Intracranial Hemorrhage from CT Images
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78. Dataless Model Selection with the Deep Frame Potential
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79. COVID-CT-Dataset: A CT Scan Dataset about COVID-19
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80. Classification of COVID-19 in chest X-ray images using DeTraC deep convolutional neural network
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81. Non-dimensional Star-Identification
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