1. Joint Multi-Dimension Pruning
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2. Portrait Shadow Manipulation
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3. Generative Tweening: Long-term Inbetweening of 3D Human Motions
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4. MMFashion: An Open-Source Toolbox for Visual Fashion Analysis
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5. Visual Memorability for Robotic Interestingness Prediction via Unsupervised Online Learning
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6. Hierarchical and Efficient Learning for Person Re-Identification
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7. Niose-Sampling Cross Entropy Loss: Improving Disparity Regression Via Cost Volume Aware Regularizer
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8. Classification of Spam Emails through Hierarchical Clustering and Supervised Learning
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9. A Statistical Story of Visual Illusions
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10. Evaluating Performance of an Adult Pornography Classifier for Child Sexual Abuse Detection
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11. Towards Better Graph Representation: Two-Branch Collaborative Graph Neural Networks for Multimodal Marketing Intention Detection
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12. A Biologically Inspired Feature Enhancement Framework for Zero-Shot Learning
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13. A global method to identify trees inside and outside of forests with medium-resolution satellite imagery
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14. Development of a New Image-to-text Conversion System for Pashto, Farsi and Traditional Chinese
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15. A Detailed Look At CNN-based Approaches In Facial Landmark Detection
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16. Preterm infants' pose estimation with spatio-temporal features
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17. Character Matters: Video Story Understanding with Character-Aware Relations
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18. Multi-Task Learning in Histo-pathology for Widely Generalizable Model
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19. Intracranial Hemorrhage Detection Using Neural Network Based Methods With Federated Learning
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20. Atom Search Optimization with Simulated Annealing -- a Hybrid Metaheuristic Approach for Feature Selection
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21. Deep Learning Based Vehicle Tracking System Using License Plate Detection And Recognition
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22. End-to-End Lane Marker Detection via Row-wise Classification
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23. Supervision and Source Domain Impact on Representation Learning: A Histopathology Case Study
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24. Synthetic Image Augmentation for Damage Region Segmentation using Conditional GAN with Structure Edge
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25. A Spontaneous Driver Emotion Facial Expression (DEFE) Dataset for Intelligent Vehicles
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26. A model-based Gait Recognition Method based on Gait Graph Convolutional Networks and Joints Relationship Pyramid Mapping
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27. Learn Class Hierarchy using Convolutional Neural Networks
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28. Decoder Modulation for Indoor Depth Completion
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29. End-to-End Lip Synchronisation
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30. DDD20 End-to-End Event Camera Driving Dataset: Fusing Frames and Events with Deep Learning for Improved Steering Prediction
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31. Omni-supervised Facial Expression Recognition: A Simple Baseline
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32. Spatio-Temporal Graph Transformer Networks for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
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33. VecQ: Minimal Loss DNN Model Compression With Vectorized Weight Quantization
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34. Context-aware and Scale-insensitive Temporal Repetition Counting
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35. Feature Transformation Ensemble Model with Batch Spectral Regularization for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Classification
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36. Large-Scale Object Detection in the Wild from Imbalanced Multi-Labels
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37. Cross-Task Transfer for Multimodal Aerial Scene Recognition
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38. Single-sample writers -- "Document Filter" and their impacts on writer identification
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39. T-VSE: Transformer-Based Visual Semantic Embedding
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40. Detecting Forged Facial Videos using convolutional neural network
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41. Facial Action Unit Detection using 3D Facial Landmarks
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42. Impact of multiple modalities on emotion recognition: investigation into 3d facial landmarks, action units, and physiological data
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43. Subject Identification Across Large Expression Variations Using 3D Facial Landmarks
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44. A Survey on Unknown Presentation Attack Detection for Fingerprint
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45. AC-VRNN: Attentive Conditional-VRNN for Multi-Future Trajectory Prediction
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46. A Better Use of Audio-Visual Cues: Dense Video Captioning with Bi-modal Transformer
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47. FuCiTNet: Improving the generalization of deep learning networks by the fusion of learned class-inherent transformations
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48. Graph Density-Aware Losses for Novel Compositions in Scene Graph Generation
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49. Learning Individual Speaking Styles for Accurate Lip to Speech Synthesis
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50. Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Sparse Modeling of Spectral Blocks
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51. Co-occurrence Based Texture Synthesis
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52. Neural Networks for Fashion Image Classification and Visual Search
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53. FA-GANs: Facial Attractiveness Enhancement with Generative Adversarial Networks on Frontal Faces
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54. Three-Filters-to-Normal: An Accurate and Ultrafast Surface Normal Estimator
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55. High-dimensional Convolutional Networks for Geometric Pattern Recognition
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56. Train in Germany, Test in The USA: Making 3D Object Detectors Generalize
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57. VPR-Bench: An Open-Source Visual Place Recognition Evaluation Framework with Quantifiable Viewpoint and Appearance Change
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58. From Boundaries to Bumps: when closed (extremal) contours are critical
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59. Mutual Information Maximization for Robust Plannable Representations
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60. Analytic Signal Phase in $N-D$ by Linear Symmetry Tensor--fingerprint modeling
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61. Single-Stage Semantic Segmentation from Image Labels
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62. Universal Adversarial Perturbations: A Survey
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63. A Deep Learning based Wearable Healthcare IoT Device for AI-enabled Hearing Assistance Automation
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64. Visual Relationship Detection using Scene Graphs: A Survey
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65. Towards in-store multi-person tracking using head detection and track heatmaps
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66. Deep Lighting Environment Map Estimation from Spherical Panoramas
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67. Non-Linearities Improve OrigiNet based on Active Imaging for Micro Expression Recognition
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68. JNCD-Based Perceptual Compression of RGB 4:4:4 Image Data
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69. Deep feature fusion for self-supervised monocular depth prediction
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70. Attribute2Font: Creating Fonts You Want From Attributes
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71. COCAS: A Large-Scale Clothes Changing Person Dataset for Re-identification
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72. Partial Domain Adaptation Using Graph Convolutional Networks
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73. FuSSI-Net: Fusion of Spatio-temporal Skeletons for Intention Prediction Network
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74. WW-Nets: Dual Neural Networks for Object Detection
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75. Transformation Based Deep Anomaly Detection in Astronomical Images
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76. C3VQG: Category Consistent Cyclic Visual Question Generation
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77. Disentangling in Latent Space by Harnessing a Pretrained Generator
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78. Semantic Photo Manipulation with a Generative Image Prior
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79. Deep Snow: Synthesizing Remote Sensing Imagery with Generative Adversarial Nets
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80. Deep Implicit Volume Compression
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81. Learning Spatial-Spectral Prior for Super-Resolution of Hyperspectral Imagery
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82. Improving Named Entity Recognition in Tor Darknet with Local Distance Neighbor Feature
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83. Building BROOK: A Multi-modal and Facial Video Database for Human-Vehicle Interaction Research
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84. Universalization of any adversarial attack using very few test examples
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85. Learning to Model and Calibrate Optics via a Differentiable Wave Optics Simulator
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86. Bayesian convolutional neural network based MRI brain extraction on nonhuman primates
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87. Deep Convolutional Sparse Coding Networks for Image Fusion
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88. Deep Learning and Bayesian Deep Learning Based Gender Prediction in Multi-Scale Brain Functional Connectivity
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89. Improving Robustness using Joint Attention Network For Detecting Retinal Degeneration From Optical Coherence Tomography Images
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90. Various Total Variation for Snapshot Video Compressive Imaging
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91. Extreme Low-Light Imaging with Multi-granulation Cooperative Networks
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92. Revisiting Agglomerative Clustering
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93. Multi-level Feature Fusion-based CNN for Local Climate Zone Classification from Sentinel-2 Images: Benchmark Results on the So2Sat LCZ42 Dataset
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94. The Power of Triply Complementary Priors for Image Compressive Sensing
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95. Multi-scale Grouped Dense Network for VVC Intra Coding
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96. Joint Progressive Knowledge Distillation and Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
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97. A Learning-from-noise Dilated Wide Activation Network for denoising Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) Perfusion Images
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