1. DPDnet: A Robust People Detector using Deep Learning with an Overhead Depth Camera
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2. Deep Generation of Face Images from Sketches
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3. A Smooth Representation of Belief over SO(3) for Deep Rotation Learning with Uncertainty
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4. GoodPoint: unsupervised learning of keypoint detection and description
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5. One Versus all for deep Neural Network Incertitude (OVNNI) quantification
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6. Multimodal grid features and cell pointers for Scene Text Visual Question Answering
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7. Implementing AI-powered semantic character recognition in motor racing sports
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8. Bi-directional Exponential Angular Triplet Loss for RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identification
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9. 3D Lidar Mapping Relative Accuracy Automatic Evaluation Algorithm
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10. LFTag: A Scalable Visual Fiducial System with Low Spatial Frequency
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11. Multi-scale Cloud Detection in Remote Sensing Images using a Dual Convolutional Neural Network
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12. Temporal Aggregate Representations for Long Term Video Understanding
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13. Thermal Object Detection using Domain Adaptation through Style Consistency
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14. Real-Time Face and Landmark Localization for Eyeblink Detection
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15. Foreground-aware Semantic Representations for Image Harmonization
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16. Transcription-Enriched Joint Embeddings for Spoken Descriptions of Images and Videos
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17. Structured Multimodal Attentions for TextVQA
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18. Global Distance-distributions Separation for Unsupervised Person Re-identification
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19. DeepMark++: CenterNet-based Clothing Detection
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20. Symbol Spotting on Digital Architectural Floor Plans Using a Deep Learning-based Framework
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21. Review on 3D Lidar Localization for Autonomous Driving Cars
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22. Automatic Building and Labeling of HD Maps with Deep Learning
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23. In the Eye of the Beholder: Gaze and Actions in First Person Video
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24. A General-Purpose Dehazing Algorithm based on Local Contrast Enhancement Approaches
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25. Face Authentication from Grayscale Coded Light Field
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26. Exemplar-based Generative Facial Editing
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27. End-to-End Change Detection for High Resolution Drone Images with GAN Architecture
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28. Modified Segmentation Algorithm for Recognition of Older Geez Scripts Written on Vellum
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29. Fast Enhancement for Non-Uniform Illumination Images using Light-weight CNNs
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30. EBBINNOT: A Hardware Efficient Hybrid Event-Frame Tracker for Stationary Neuromorphic Vision Sensors
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31. Attribute-Induced Bias Eliminating for Transductive Zero-Shot Learning
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32. Entropy Decision Fusion for Smartphone Sensor based Human Activity Recognition
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33. Critical Assessment of Transfer Learning for Medical Image Segmentation with Fully Convolutional Neural Networks
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34. Semi-Supervised Fine-Tuning for Deep Learning Models in Remote Sensing Applications
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35. SDCT-AuxNet$^θ$: DCT Augmented Stain Deconvolutional CNN with Auxiliary Classifier for Cancer Diagnosis
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36. Super-BPD: Super Boundary-to-Pixel Direction for Fast Image Segmentation
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37. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) image enhancement using a gradient vector orientation based nonlinear diffusion filter (GVOF) for accurate quantitation of radioactivity concentration
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38. Is Depth Really Necessary for Salient Object Detection?
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39. Web page classification with Google Image Search results
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40. Self-adaptive Re-weighted Adversarial Domain Adaptation
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41. Complex Sequential Understanding through the Awareness of Spatial and Temporal Concepts
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42. Attention-Guided Discriminative Region Localization for Bone Age Assessment
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43. OPAL-Net: A Generative Model for Part-based Object Layout Generation
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44. An Efficient Planar Bundle Adjustment Algorithm
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45. When2com: Multi-Agent Perception via Communication Graph Grouping
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46. Retrieval of Family Members Using Siamese Neural Network
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47. Joint Person Objectness and Repulsion for Person Search
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48. Challenge report: Recognizing Families In the Wild Data Challenge
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49. Deep Fusion Siamese Network for Automatic Kinship Verification
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50. Automated Neuron Shape Analysis from Electron Microscopy
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51. Anatomical Predictions using Subject-Specific Medical Data
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52. Automated Measurements of Key Morphological Features of Human Embryos for IVF
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53. Assessing the validity of saliency maps for abnormality localization in medical imaging
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54. PlenoptiSign: an optical design tool for plenoptic imaging
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55. An Online Platform for Automatic Skull Defect Restoration and Cranial Implant Design
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56. Reducing the X-ray radiation exposure frequency in cardio-angiography via deep-learning based video interpolation
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57. Residual Squeeze-and-Excitation Network for Fast Image Deraining
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58. Automatic classification between COVID-19 pneumonia, non-COVID-19 pneumonia, and the healthy on chest X-ray image: combination of data augmentation methods in a small dataset
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59. Using Generative Models for Pediatric wbMRI
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60. A multimodal approach for multi-label movie genre classification
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61. Limited-angle CT reconstruction via the L1/L2 minimization
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62. Motion2Vec: Semi-Supervised Representation Learning from Surgical Videos
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63. Pseudo-Representation Labeling Semi-Supervised Learning
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64. DC-UNet: Rethinking the U-Net Architecture with Dual Channel Efficient CNN for Medical Images Segmentation
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65. Probabilistic self-learning framework for Low-dose CT Denoising
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66. Reconstructing undersampled photoacoustic microscopy images using deep learning
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67. Hyperspectral Image Denoising via Global Spatial-Spectral Total Variation Regularized Nonconvex Local Low-Rank Tensor Approximation
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68. The global information for land cover classification by dual-branch deep learning
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69. Blended Multi-Modal Deep ConvNet Features for Diabetic Retinopathy Severity Prediction
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70. Advanced Single Image Resolution Upsurging Using a Generative Adversarial Network
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71. MetaInv-Net: Meta Inversion Network for Sparse View CT Image Reconstruction
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72. Overview of Scanner Invariant Representations
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73. Approximating the Ideal Observer for joint signal detection and localization tasks by use of supervised learning methods
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74. Synthesizing lesions using contextual GANs improves breast cancer classification on mammograms
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75. Automatic segmentation of the pulmonary lobes with a 3D u-net and optimized loss function
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76. Synthetic Learning: Learn From Distributed Asynchronized Discriminator GAN Without Sharing Medical Image Data
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77. Automatic Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism Using an Attention-guided Framework: A Large-scale Study
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78. Towards a Human-Centred Cognitive Model of Visuospatial Complexity in Everyday Driving
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79. Applying the Decisiveness and Robustness Metrics to Convolutional Neural Networks
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80. Learning stochastic object models from medical imaging measurements using Progressively-Growing AmbientGANs
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81. Glaucoma Detection From Raw Circumapillary OCT Images Using Fully Convolutional Neural Networks
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82. Image Restoration from Parametric Transformations using Generative Models
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