1. Unsupervised Transfer Learning with Self-Supervised Remedy
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2. ResKD: Residual-Guided Knowledge Distillation
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3. Multimodal Future Localization and Emergence Prediction for Objects in Egocentric View with a Reachability Prior
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4. Unstructured Road Vanishing Point Detection Using the Convolutional Neural Network and Heatmap Regression
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5. Semantic Graph-enhanced Visual Network for Zero-shot Learning
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6. SoftFlow: Probabilistic Framework for Normalizing Flow on Manifolds
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7. Incorporating Image Gradients as Secondary Input Associated with Input Image to Improve the Performance of the CNN Model
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8. Person Re-identification in the 3D Space
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9. FibeR-CNN: Expanding Mask R-CNN to Improve Image-Based Fiber Analysis
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10. Learning 3D-3D Correspondences for One-shot Partial-to-partial Registration
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11. More Information Supervised Probabilistic Deep Face Embedding Learning
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12. Action Recognition with Deep Multiple Aggregation Networks
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13. Deep hierarchical pooling design for cross-granularity action recognition
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14. Continual Representation Learning for Biometric Identification
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15. Novel Adaptive Binary Search Strategy-First Hybrid Pyramid- and Clustering-Based CNN Filter Pruning Method without Parameters Setting
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16. Passive Batch Injection Training Technique: Boosting Network Performance by Injecting Mini-Batches from a different Data Distribution
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17. Generalized Focal Loss: Learning Qualified and Distributed Bounding Boxes for Dense Object Detection
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18. Semantics-Driven Unsupervised Learning for Monocular Depth and Ego-Motion Estimation
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19. Neural Sparse Representation for Image Restoration
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20. Associate-3Ddet: Perceptual-to-Conceptual Association for 3D Point Cloud Object Detection
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21. Fast Synthetic LiDAR Rendering via Spherical UV Unwrapping of Equirectangular Z-Buffer Images
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22. Deep Neural Network Based Real-time Kiwi Fruit Flower Detection in an Orchard Environment
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23. Fully Convolutional Mesh Autoencoder using Efficient Spatially Varying Kernels
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24. Ensemble Model with Batch Spectral Regularization and Data Blending for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning with Unlabeled Data
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25. Counterfactual VQA: A Cause-Effect Look at Language Bias
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26. Are We Hungry for 3D LiDAR Data for Semantic Segmentation?
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27. Text Detection and Recognition in the Wild: A Review
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28. How useful is Active Learning for Image-based Plant Phenotyping?
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29. AdaLAM: Revisiting Handcrafted Outlier Detection
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30. Efficient Poverty Mapping using Deep Reinforcement Learning
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31. Thoracic Disease Identification and Localization using Distance Learning and Region Verification
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32. Finger Texture Biometric Characteristic: a Survey
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33. Learning pose variations within shape population by constrained mixtures of factor analyzers
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34. Realistic text replacement with non-uniform style conditioning
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35. Decentralised Learning from Independent Multi-Domain Labels for Person Re-Identification
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36. Peer Collaborative Learning for Online Knowledge Distillation
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37. Learning Texture Transformer Network for Image Super-Resolution
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38. ADMP: An Adversarial Double Masks Based Pruning Framework For Unsupervised Cross-Domain Compression
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39. DiffGCN: Graph Convolutional Networks via Differential Operators and Algebraic Multigrid Pooling
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40. Robust Learning Through Cross-Task Consistency
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41. Multi-view Contrastive Learning for Online Knowledge Distillation
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42. End-to-end Learning for Inter-Vehicle Distance and Relative Velocity Estimation in ADAS with a Monocular Camera
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43. CubifAE-3D: Monocular Camera Space Cubification on Autonomous Vehicles for Auto-Encoder based 3D Object Detection
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44. Siamese Keypoint Prediction Network for Visual Object Tracking
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45. NITS-VC System for VATEX Video Captioning Challenge 2020
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46. Facial Expression Recognition using Deep Learning
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47. DeepRelativeFusion: Dense Monocular SLAM using Single-Image Relative Depth Prediction
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48. SVGA-Net: Sparse Voxel-Graph Attention Network for 3D Object Detection from Point Clouds
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49. SharinGAN: Combining Synthetic and Real Data for Unsupervised Geometry Estimation
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50. MeshSDF: Differentiable Iso-Surface Extraction
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51. Enhancing Facial Data Diversity with Style-based Face Aging
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52. Self-Supervised Dynamic Networks for Covariate Shift Robustness
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53. Self-supervising Fine-grained Region Similarities for Large-scale Image Localization
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54. A Robust Attentional Framework for License Plate Recognition in the Wild
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55. Ensemble Network for Ranking Images Based on Visual Appeal
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56. The Criminality From Face Illusion
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57. ARID: A New Dataset for Recognizing Action in the Dark
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58. Towards large-scale, automated, accurate detection of CCTV camera objects using computer vision. Applications and implications for privacy, safety, and cybersecurity. (Preprint)
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59. Instance segmentation of buildings using keypoints
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60. Building a Heterogeneous, Large Scale Morphable Face Model
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61. 3D Self-Supervised Methods for Medical Imaging
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62. UCLID-Net: Single View Reconstruction in Object Space
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63. An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Data Augmentation on Knowledge Distillation
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64. Extracting Cellular Location of Human Proteins Using Deep Learning
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65. Deep Mining External Imperfect Data for Chest X-ray Disease Screening
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66. No-Reference Image Quality Assessment via Feature Fusion and Multi-Task Learning
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67. MAGNet: Multi-Region Attention-Assisted Grounding of Natural Language Queries at Phrase Level
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68. Deep Octree-based CNNs with Output-Guided Skip Connections for 3D Shape and Scene Completion
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69. GRNet: Gridding Residual Network for Dense Point Cloud Completion
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70. Auxiliary Signal-Guided Knowledge Encoder-Decoder for Medical Report Generation
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71. Simple Primary Colour Editing for Consumer Product Images
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72. Unsupervised Abnormality Detection Using Heterogeneous Autonomous Systems
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73. WOAD: Weakly Supervised Online Action Detection in Untrimmed Videos
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74. Dilated Convolutions with Lateral Inhibitions for Semantic Image Segmentation
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75. Visual Transformers: Token-based Image Representation and Processing for Computer Vision
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76. AutoHAS: Differentiable Hyper-parameter and Architecture Search
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77. RIT-Eyes: Rendering of near-eye images for eye-tracking applications
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78. Knowledge transfer between bridges for drive-by monitoring using adversarial and multi-task learning
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79. Robust Face Verification via Disentangled Representations
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80. SparseFusion: Dynamic Human Avatar Modeling from Sparse RGBD Images
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81. Inception Augmentation Generative Adversarial Network
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82. Motion Prediction using Trajectory Sets and Self-Driving Domain Knowledge
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83. Biomechanics-informed Neural Networks for Myocardial Motion Tracking in MRI
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84. Neural Architecture Search without Training
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85. End-to-end learning for semiquantitative rating of COVID-19 severity on Chest X-rays
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86. On Universalized Adversarial and Invariant Perturbations
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87. Training Deep Spiking Neural Networks
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88. Cross-Domain Segmentation with Adversarial Loss and Covariate Shift for Biomedical Imaging
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89. Learning the Compositional Visual Coherence for Complementary Recommendations
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90. Photoacoustic Microscopy with Sparse Data Enabled by Convolutional Neural Networks for Fast Imaging
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91. Multi-step Estimation for Gradient-based Meta-learning
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92. EDropout: Energy-Based Dropout and Pruning of Deep Neural Networks
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93. Self-Representation Based Unsupervised Exemplar Selection in a Union of Subspaces
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94. Unsupervised Learning for Subterranean Junction Recognition Based on 2D Point Cloud
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95. A multi-channel framework for joint reconstruction of multi-contrast parallel MRI
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96. A Generic First-Order Algorithmic Framework for Bi-Level Programming Beyond Lower-Level Singleton
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97. A Comparative Analysis of E-Scooter and E-Bike Usage Patterns: Findings from the City of Austin, TX
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98. Neural Networks Out-of-Distribution Detection: Hyperparameter-Free Isotropic Maximization Loss, The Principle of Maximum Entropy, Cold Training, and Branched Inferences
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99. An Efficient $k$-modes Algorithm for Clustering Categorical Datasets
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100. Robust watermarking with double detector-discriminator approach
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101. Multi-Task Temporal Shift Attention Networks for On-Device Contactless Vitals Measurement
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102. Applied Awareness: Test-Driven GUI Development using Computer Vision and Cryptography
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103. Texture Interpolation for Probing Visual Perception
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104. Evaluating the Disentanglement of Deep Generative Models through Manifold Topology
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105. Hierarchical Class-Based Curriculum Loss
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106. Equivariant Maps for Hierarchical Structures
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107. 3D Augmented Reality-Assisted CT-Guided Interventions: System Design and Preclinical Trial on an Abdominal Phantom using HoloLens 2
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