1. Image Classification by Reinforcement Learning with Two-State Q-Learning
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2. A Closer Look at Local Aggregation Operators in Point Cloud Analysis
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3. Deep Single Image Manipulation
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4. RELATE: Physically Plausible Multi-Object Scene Synthesis Using Structured Latent Spaces
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5. Curriculum Manager for Source Selection in Multi-Source Domain Adaptation
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6. Globally Optimal Segmentation of Mutually Interacting Surfaces using Deep Learning
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7. Learning ordered pooling weights in image classification
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8. Reinforcement Learning Based Handwritten Digit Recognition with Two-State Q-Learning
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9. Multiclass Classification with an Ensemble of Binary Classification Deep Networks
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10. Weakly Supervised Segmentation with Multi-scale Adversarial Attention Gates
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11. JUMPS: Joints Upsampling Method for Pose Sequences
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12. Automatic Page Segmentation Without Decompressing the Run-Length Compressed Text Documents
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13. Motion Prediction in Visual Object Tracking
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14. Estimating Blink Probability for Highlight Detection in Figure Skating Videos
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15. Mining and Tailings Dam Detection In Satellite Imagery Using Deep Learning
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16. Attention-Oriented Action Recognition for Real-Time Human-Robot Interaction
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17. Are there any 'object detectors' in the hidden layers of CNNs trained to identify objects or scenes?
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18. Unsupervised Landmark Learning from Unpaired Data
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19. ReXNet: Diminishing Representational Bottleneck on Convolutional Neural Network
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20. RGB-D-based Framework to Acquire, Visualize and Measure the Human Body for Dietetic Treatments
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21. PerceptionGAN: Real-world Image Construction from Provided Text through Perceptual Understanding
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22. A deep primal-dual proximal network for image restoration
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23. The Impact of Explanations on AI Competency Prediction in VQA
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24. ACFD: Asymmetric Cartoon Face Detector
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25. Image Analysis Based on Nonnegative/Binary Matrix Factorization
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26. Noticing Motion Patterns: Temporal CNN with a Novel Convolution Operator for Human Trajectory Prediction
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27. MSA-MIL: A deep residual multiple instance learning model based on multi-scale annotation for classification and visualization of glomerular spikes
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28. Low-light Environment Neural Surveillance
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29. Understanding Road Layout from Videos as a Whole
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30. Query-Free Adversarial Transfer via Undertrained Surrogates
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31. TiledSoilingNet: Tile-level Soiling Detection on Automotive Surround-view Cameras Using Coverage Metric
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32. Learning Surrogates via Deep Embedding
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33. Age-Oriented Face Synthesis with Conditional Discriminator Pool and Adversarial Triplet Loss
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34. Self-supervised Deep Reconstruction of Mixed Strip-shredded Text Documents
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35. Weakly-Supervised Segmentation for Disease Localization in Chest X-Ray Images
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36. Virtual Testbed for Monocular Visual Navigation of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems
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37. Learning Geocentric Object Pose in Oblique Monocular Images
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38. ConFoc: Content-Focus Protection Against Trojan Attacks on Neural Networks
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39. Not All Unlabeled Data are Equal: Learning to Weight Data in Semi-supervised Learning
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40. Image Processing and Quality Control for Abdominal Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the UK Biobank
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41. Globally Optimal Surface Segmentation using Deep Learning with Learnable Smoothness Priors
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42. Spot the conversation: speaker diarisation in the wild
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43. Student-Teacher Curriculum Learning via Reinforcement Learning: Predicting Hospital Inpatient Admission Location
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44. A Brief Review of Deep Multi-task Learning and Auxiliary Task Learning
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45. Evaluation of Contemporary Convolutional Neural Network Architectures for Detecting COVID-19 from Chest Radiographs
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46. Scene Graph Reasoning for Visual Question Answering
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47. 4D Spatio-Temporal Convolutional Networks for Object Position Estimation in OCT Volumes
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48. Spectral-Spatial Recurrent-Convolutional Networks for In-Vivo Hyperspectral Tumor Type Classification
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49. A Novel DNN Training Framework via Data Sampling and Multi-Task Optimization
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50. PGD-UNet: A Position-Guided Deformable Network for Simultaneous Segmentation of Organs and Tumors
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51. MPLP: Learning a Message Passing Learning Protocol
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52. Iterative Bounding Box Annotation for Object Detection
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53. Hardware Acceleration of Sparse and Irregular Tensor Computations of ML Models: A Survey and Insights
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54. An encoder-decoder-based method for COVID-19 lung infection segmentation
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55. Surface Denoising based on Normal Filtering in a Robust Statistics Framework
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56. Uncertainty-Guided Efficient Interactive Refinement of Fetal Brain Segmentation from Stacks of MRI Slices
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57. NP-PROV: Neural Processes with Position-Relevant-Only Variances
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58. Rapid tissue oxygenation mapping from snapshot structured-light images with adversarial deep learning
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59. Deep learning-based holographic polarization microscopy
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60. Adversarial Example Games
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