1. Long-term Human Motion Prediction with Scene Context
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2. Human Trajectory Forecasting in Crowds: A Deep Learning Perspective
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3. Scribble-based Domain Adaptation via Co-segmentation
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4. Can GAN Generated Morphs Threaten Face Recognition Systems Equally as Landmark Based Morphs? -- Vulnerability and Detection
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5. SaADB: A Self-attention Guided ADB Network for Person Re-identification
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6. HKR For Handwritten Kazakh & Russian Database
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7. Single Shot Video Object Detector
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8. Meta Corrupted Pixels Mining for Medical Image Segmentation
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9. Distance-Geometric Graph Convolutional Network (DG-GCN)
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10. Hierarchical nucleation in deep neural networks
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11. AutoAssign: Differentiable Label Assignment for Dense Object Detection
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12. Wasserstein Generative Models for Patch-based Texture Synthesis
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13. Are spoofs from latent fingerprints a real threat for the best state-of-art liveness detectors?
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14. Re-thinking Co-Salient Object Detection
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15. C2G-Net: Exploiting Morphological Properties for Image Classification
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16. Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging
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17. Learning and Reasoning with the Graph Structure Representation in Robotic Surgery
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18. SpinalNet: Deep Neural Network with Gradual Input
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19. Diverse and Styled Image Captioning Using SVD-Based Mixture of Recurrent Experts
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20. GOLD-NAS: Gradual, One-Level, Differentiable
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21. DAM: Deliberation, Abandon and Memory Networks for Generating Detailed and Non-repetitive Responses in Visual Dialogue
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22. Learning to Generate Novel Domains for Domain Generalization
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23. Automatic Ischemic Stroke Lesion Segmentation from Computed Tomography Perfusion Images by Image Synthesis and Attention-Based Deep Neural Networks
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24. LabelEnc: A New Intermediate Supervision Method for Object Detection
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25. Spectral Graph-based Features for Recognition of Handwritten Characters: A Case Study on Handwritten Devanagari Numerals
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26. Single Storage Semi-Global Matching for Real Time Depth Processing
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27. Decoupled Spatial-Temporal Attention Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
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28. RGBT Salient Object Detection: A Large-scale Dataset and Benchmark
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29. Learning Model-Blind Temporal Denoisers without Ground Truths
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30. Calibrated BatchNorm: Improving Robustness Against Noisy Weights in Neural Networks
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31. Extracting the fundamental diagram from aerial footage
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32. AnchorFace: An Anchor-based Facial Landmark Detector Across Large Poses
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33. Non-image Data Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks
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34. Semi-Supervised Crowd Counting via Self-Training on Surrogate Tasks
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35. ReMOTS: Refining Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation
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36. Learning to Count in the Crowd from Limited Labeled Data
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37. Spatial Semantic Embedding Network: Fast 3D Instance Segmentation with Deep Metric Learning
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38. Self domain adapted network
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39. Discretization-Aware Architecture Search
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40. Learning Embeddings for Image Clustering: An Empirical Study of Triplet Loss Approaches
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41. Text Recognition -- Real World Data and Where to Find Them
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42. Wasserstein Distances for Stereo Disparity Estimation
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43. Generative Model-Based Loss to the Rescue: A Method to Overcome Annotation Errors for Depth-Based Hand Pose Estimation
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44. VPN: Learning Video-Pose Embedding for Activities of Daily Living
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45. Learning to Segment Anatomical Structures Accurately from One Exemplar
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46. Labeling of Multilingual Breast MRI Reports
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47. Determination of the most representative descriptor among a set of feature vectors for the same object
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48. Deep Learning for Apple Diseases: Classification and Identification
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49. See, Hear, Explore: Curiosity via Audio-Visual Association
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50. Segmentation of Pulmonary Opacification in Chest CT Scans of COVID-19 Patients
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51. What Gives the Answer Away? Question Answering Bias Analysis on Video QA Datasets
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52. Monitoring Browsing Behavior of Customers in Retail Stores via RFID Imaging
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53. Instance Segmentation for Whole Slide Imaging: End-to-End or Detect-Then-Segment
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54. A Vision-based Social Distance and Critical Density Detection System for COVID-19
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55. Light Field Image Super-Resolution Using Deformable Convolution
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56. 3D Topology Transformation with Generative Adversarial Networks
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57. Imitation Learning Approach for AI Driving Olympics Trained on Real-world and Simulation Data Simultaneously
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58. Unsupervised CT Metal Artifact Learning using Attention-guided beta-CycleGAN
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59. Optical Navigation in Unstructured Dynamic Railroad Environments
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60. Hierarchical and Unsupervised Graph Representation Learning with Loukas's Coarsening
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61. RIFLE: Backpropagation in Depth for Deep Transfer Learning through Re-Initializing the Fully-connected LayEr
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62. Structured (De)composable Representations Trained with Neural Networks
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63. Divide-and-Rule: Self-Supervised Learning for Survival Analysis in Colorectal Cancer
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64. Lossless CNN Channel Pruning via Gradient Resetting and Convolutional Re-parameterization
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65. Automatic lesion detection, segmentation and characterization via 3D multiscale morphological sifting in breast MRI
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66. Regional Image Perturbation Reduces $L_p$ Norms of Adversarial Examples While Maintaining Model-to-model Transferability
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67. Dual Mixup Regularized Learning for Adversarial Domain Adaptation
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68. Multi-image Super Resolution of Remotely Sensed Images using Residual Feature Attention Deep Neural Networks
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69. Scalable, Proposal-free Instance Segmentation Network for 3D Pixel Clustering and Particle Trajectory Reconstruction in Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers
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70. Kernel Stein Generative Modeling
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71. Guided Fine-Tuning for Large-Scale Material Transfer
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72. Benefitting from Bicubically Down-Sampled Images for Learning Real-World Image Super-Resolution
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73. Metric-Guided Prototype Learning
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74. Robust Technique for Representative Volume Element Identification in Noisy Microtomography Images of Porous Materials Based on Pores Morphology and Their Spatial Distribution
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