1. Lunar Crater Identification in Digital Images
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2. Seeing wake words: Audio-visual Keyword Spotting
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3. Comprehensive Semantic Segmentation on High Resolution Aerial Imagery for Natural Disaster Assessment
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4. Evaluation of Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks for data augmentation of chest X-ray images
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5. Transform Quantization for CNN Compression
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6. Semantically Adaptive Image-to-image Translation for Domain Adaptation of Semantic Segmentation
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7. Local-HDP: Interactive Open-Ended 3D Object Categorization
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8. Long-Term Anticipation of Activities with Cycle Consistency
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9. Lifelong Object Detection
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10. Perceptual Deep Neural Networks: Adversarial Robustness through Input Recreation
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11. Face Image Quality Assessment: A Literature Survey
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12. Unsupervised Domain Adaptation For Plant Organ Counting
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13. Video Captioning Using Weak Annotation
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14. Exploiting Latent Codes: Interactive Fashion Product Generation, Similar Image Retrieval, and Cross-Category Recommendation using Variational Autoencoders
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15. Zero-Shot Human-Object Interaction Recognition via Affordance Graphs
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16. IAUnet: Global Context-Aware Feature Learning for Person Re-Identification
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17. Deep Generative Model for Image Inpainting with Local Binary Pattern Learning and Spatial Attention
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18. Privacy Leakage of SIFT Features via Deep Generative Model based Image Reconstruction
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19. ALANET: Adaptive Latent Attention Network forJoint Video Deblurring and Interpolation
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20. Perceiving Humans: from Monocular 3D Localization to Social Distancing
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21. MetaSimulator: Simulating Unknown Target Models for Query-Efficient Black-box Attacks
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22. Unsupervised Feature Learning by Autoencoder and Prototypical Contrastive Learning for Hyperspectral Classification
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23. Structure-Aware Generation Network for Recipe Generation from Images
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24. 3D Facial Geometry Recovery from a Depth View with Attention Guided Generative Adversarial Network
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25. Real-time 3D Facial Tracking via Cascaded Compositional Learning
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26. Deep Learning to Detect Bacterial Colonies for the Production of Vaccines
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27. Going beyond Free Viewpoint: Creating Animatable Volumetric Video of Human Performances
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28. Continual Prototype Evolution: Learning Online from Non-Stationary Data Streams
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29. Neural Crossbreed: Neural Based Image Metamorphosis
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30. Adversarially Robust Neural Architectures
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31. PCPL: Predicate-Correlation Perception Learning for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation
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32. GAIT: Gradient Adjusted Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
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33. ALEX: Active Learning based Enhancement of a Model's Explainability
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34. e-TLD: Event-based Framework for Dynamic Object Tracking
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35. Retaining Image Feature Matching Performance Under Low Light Conditions
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36. Intrinsic Relationship Reasoning for Small Object Detection
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37. Convolutional Nonlinear Dictionary with Cascaded Structure Filter Banks
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38. On the Structures of Representation for the Robustness of Semantic Segmentation to Input Corruption
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39. Open-set Adversarial Defense
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40. CLOCs: Camera-LiDAR Object Candidates Fusion for 3D Object Detection
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41. A perception centred self-driving system without HD Maps
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42. LSMVOS: Long-Short-Term Similarity Matching for Video Object
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43. Monocular 3D Detection with Geometric Constraints Embedding and Semi-supervised Training
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44. Iris Liveness Detection Competition (LivDet-Iris) -- The 2020 Edition
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45. Bidirectional Attention Network for Monocular Depth Estimation
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46. SPAN: Spatial Pyramid Attention Network forImage Manipulation Localization
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47. Unsupervised Single-Image Reflection Separation Using Perceptual Deep Image Priors
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48. Aggregating Long-Term Context for Learning Surgical Workflows
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49. Text and Style Conditioned GAN for Generation of Offline Handwriting Lines
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50. Fed-Sim: Federated Simulation for Medical Imaging
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51. View-invariant action recognition
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52. NPRportrait 1.0: A Three-Level Benchmark for Non-Photorealistic Rendering of Portraits
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53. Excavating "Excavating AI": The Elephant in the Gallery
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54. The Effect of Various Strengths of Noises and Data Augmentations on Classification of Short Single-Lead ECG Signals Using Deep Neural Networks
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55. Decentralized Source Localization Using Wireless Sensor Networks from Noisy Data
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56. DARTS-: Robustly Stepping out of Performance Collapse Without Indicators
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57. Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy Using Unlabeled Data and Knowledge Distillation
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58. Overcoming Negative Transfer: A Survey
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59. DARWIN: A Highly Flexible Platform for Imaging Research in Radiology
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60. Efficient, high-performance pancreatic segmentation using multi-scale feature extraction
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61. Breast mass detection in digital mammography based on anchor-free architecture
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62. Estimating the Brittleness of AI: Safety Integrity Levels and the Need for Testing Out-Of-Distribution Performance
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63. On Open and Strong-Scaling Tools for Atom Probe Crystallography: High-Throughput Methods for Indexing Crystal Structure and Orientation
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64. Applying a random projection algorithm to optimize machine learning model for predicting peritoneal metastasis in gastric cancer patients using CT images
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65. Operational vs Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Denoising
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66. Adversarial Shapley Value Experience Replay for Task-Free Continual Learning
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