1. Improving Person Re-identification with Iterative Impression Aggregation
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2. Exploring Intensity Invariance in Deep Neural Networks for Brain Image Registration
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3. Regularizing Attention Networks for Anomaly Detection in Visual Question Answering
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4. Visual-Semantic Embedding Model Informed by Structured Knowledge
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5. Synthetic Training for Accurate 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation in the Wild
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6. Joint and Progressive Subspace Analysis (JPSA) with Spatial-Spectral Manifold Alignment for Semi-Supervised Hyperspectral Dimensionality Reduction
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7. TRECVID 2019: An Evaluation Campaign to Benchmark Video Activity Detection, Video Captioning and Matching, and Video Search & Retrieval
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8. DR2S : Deep Regression with Region Selection for Camera Quality Evaluation
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9. Depth-Adapted CNN for RGB-D cameras
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11. Towards Fast, Accurate and Stable 3D Dense Face Alignment
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12. PP-OCR: A Practical Ultra Lightweight OCR System
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13. CNNPruner: Pruning Convolutional Neural Networks with Visual Analytics
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14. Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) from SAR Imaginary by Using Machine Learning Techniques
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15. Is each layer non-trivial in CNN?
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16. Applying a random projection algorithm to optimize machine learning model for breast lesion classification
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18. Monocular Depth Estimation Using Multi Scale Neural Network And Feature Fusion
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19. PESAO: Psychophysical Experimental Setup for Active Observers
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20. Supervised Learning with Projected Entangled Pair States
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21. CVPR 2020 Continual Learning in Computer Vision Competition: Approaches, Results, Current Challenges and Future Directions
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22. Deep Neural Network Approach for Annual Luminance Simulations
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23. Cross-Modal Alignment with Mixture Experts Neural Network for Intral-City Retail Recommendation
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24. Multi-species Seagrass Detection and Classification from Underwater Images
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25. Beyond Identity: What Information Is Stored in Biometric Face Templates?
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26. A Deep Neural Network Tool for Automatic Segmentation of Human Body Parts in Natural Scenes
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27. Clustering COVID-19 Lung Scans
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28. Efficient Computation of Higher Order 2D Image Moments using the Discrete Radon Transform
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29. LiPo-LCD: Combining Lines and Points for Appearance-based Loop Closure Detection
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30. Decontextualized learning for interpretable hierarchical representations of visual patterns
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31. Haar Wavelet based Block Autoregressive Flows for Trajectories
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32. DeepActsNet: Spatial and Motion features from Face, Hands, and Body Combined with Convolutional and Graph Networks for Improved Action Recognition
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33. Multi-Modal Reasoning Graph for Scene-Text Based Fine-Grained Image Classification and Retrieval
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34. Generating Adversarial yet Inconspicuous Patches with a Single Image
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35. Conditional Automated Channel Pruning for Deep Neural Networks
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36. MFIF-GAN: A New Generative Adversarial Network for Multi-Focus Image Fusion
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37. The High-Quality Wide Multi-Channel Attack (HQ-WMCA) database
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38. Batch Coherence-Driven Network for Part-aware Person Re-Identification
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39. Feed-Forward On-Edge Fine-tuning Using Static Synthetic Gradient Modules
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40. Discriminative Segmentation Tracking Using Dual Memory Banks
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41. Feature Flow: In-network Feature Flow Estimation for Video Object Detection
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42. 3D-FUTURE: 3D Furniture shape with TextURE
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43. Improving Ensemble Robustness by Collaboratively Promoting and Demoting Adversarial Robustness
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44. A Novel Transferability Attention Neural Network Model for EEG Emotion Recognition
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45. Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation of Organs at Risk on 3D Pelvic CT Images
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46. SSCR: Iterative Language-Based Image Editing via Self-Supervised Counterfactual Reasoning
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47. ES Attack: Model Stealing against Deep Neural Networks without Data Hurdles
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48. PIE: Portrait Image Embedding for Semantic Control
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49. Remote sensing image fusion based on Bayesian GAN
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50. Implicit Feature Networks for Texture Completion from Partial 3D Data
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51. Knowledge-Guided Multi-Label Few-Shot Learning for General Image Recognition
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52. Renovating Parsing R-CNN for Accurate Multiple Human Parsing
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53. Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Person Re-Identification through Source-Guided Pseudo-Labeling
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54. ContourCNN: convolutional neural network for contour data classification
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55. MARS: Mixed Virtual and Real Wearable Sensors for Human Activity Recognition with Multi-Domain Deep Learning Model
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56. DVG-Face: Dual Variational Generation for Heterogeneous Face Recognition
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57. Transform Domain Pyramidal Dilated Convolution Networks For Restoration of Under Display Camera Images
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58. Real-time Lane detection and Motion Planning in Raspberry Pi and Arduino for an Autonomous Vehicle Prototype
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59. Deriving Visual Semantics from Spatial Context: An Adaptation of LSA and Word2Vec to generate Object and Scene Embeddings from Images
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60. $pi_t$- Enhancing the Precision of Eye Tracking using Iris Feature Motion Vectors
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61. Predicting Geographic Information with Neural Cellular Automata
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62. Dual-path CNN with Max Gated block for Text-Based Person Re-identification
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63. Factorized Deep Generative Models for Trajectory Generation with Spatiotemporal-Validity Constraints
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64. High-Resolution Augmentation for Automatic Template-Based Matching of Human Models
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65. Features based Mammogram Image Classification using Weighted Feature Support Vector Machine
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66. Adversarial Consistent Learning on Partial Domain Adaptation of PlantCLEF 2020 Challenge
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67. Subverting Privacy-Preserving GANs: Hiding Secrets in Sanitized Images
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68. Making Images Undiscoverable from Co-Saliency Detection
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69. City-Scale Visual Place Recognition with Deep Local Features Based on Multi-Scale Ordered VLAD Pooling
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70. EfficientDeRain: Learning Pixel-wise Dilation Filtering for High-Efficiency Single-Image Deraining
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71. AAA: Adaptive Aggregation of Arbitrary Online Trackers with Theoretical Performance Guarantee
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72. Combining Shape Features with Multiple Color Spaces in Open-Ended 3D Object Recognition
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73. Adversarial Exposure Attack on Diabetic Retinopathy Imagery
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74. FakeRetouch: Evading DeepFakes Detection via the Guidance of Deliberate Noise
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75. Neural Architecture Search Using Stable Rank of Convolutional Layers
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76. It's Raining Cats or Dogs? Adversarial Rain Attack on DNN Perception
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77. Weak-shot Fine-grained Classification via Similarity Transfer
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78. Multi-Level Graph Convolutional Network with Automatic Graph Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
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79. A Review of Visual Odometry Methods and Its Applications for Autonomous Driving
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80. ENAS4D: Efficient Multi-stage CNN Architecture Search for Dynamic Inference
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81. Recognizing Micro-expression in Video Clip with Adaptive Key-frame Mining
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82. BargainNet: Background-Guided Domain Translation for Image Harmonization
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83. Introspective Learning by Distilling Knowledge from Online Self-explanation
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84. An Efficient Language-Independent Multi-Font OCR for Arabic Script
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85. Holistic Grid Fusion Based Stop Line Estimation
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86. Psoriasis Severity Assessment with a Similarity-Clustering Machine Learning Approach Reduces Intra- and Inter-observation variation
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87. Grasp-type Recognition Leveraging Object Affordance
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88. Overfit Neural Networks as a Compact Shape Representation
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89. Learning Audio-Visual Representations with Active Contrastive Coding
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90. Defending against substitute model black box adversarial attacks with the 01 loss
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91. Multi-Task Learning with Deep Neural Networks: A Survey
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92. Impact of lung segmentation on the diagnosis and explanation of COVID-19 in chest X-ray images
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93. Weight Training Analysis of Sportsmen with Kinect Bioinformatics for Form Improvement
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94. Improving Automated COVID-19 Grading with Convolutional Neural Networks in Computed Tomography Scans: An Ablation Study
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95. When Healthcare Meets Off-the-Shelf WiFi: A Non-Wearable and Low-Costs Approach for In-Home Monitoring
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96. Contrastive Clustering
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97. Modeling Score Distributions and Continuous Covariates: A Bayesian Approach
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98. Reconstruct high-resolution multi-focal plane images from a single 2D wide field image
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99. Learning Soft Labels via Meta Learning
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100. Scale-Localized Abstract Reasoning
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101. Learning a Lie Algebra from Unlabeled Data Pairs
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102. Efficient Certification of Spatial Robustness
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103. Reducing false-positive biopsies with deep neural networks that utilize local and global information in screening mammograms
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104. Humans learn too: Better Human-AI Interaction using Optimized Human Inputs
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105. Bias Field Poses a Threat to DNN-based X-Ray Recognition
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106. Few-shot learning using pre-training and shots, enriched by pre-trained samples
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107. Lossless White Balance For Improved Lossless CFA Image and Video Compression
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108. Kernel Ridge Regression Using Importance Sampling with Application to Seismic Response Prediction
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109. Pose Correction Algorithm for Relative Frames between Keyframes in SLAM
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