

1. Let's Stop Incorrect Comparisons in End-to-end Relation Extraction! [PDF] 摘要
2. AutoRC: Improving BERT Based Relation Classification Models via Architecture Search [PDF] 摘要
3. GRACE: Gradient Harmonized and Cascaded Labeling for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis [PDF] 摘要
4. Context-theoretic Semantics for Natural Language: an Algebraic Framework [PDF] 摘要
5. SUMBT+LaRL: End-to-end Neural Task-oriented Dialog System with Reinforcement Learning [PDF] 摘要
6. CREDIT: Coarse-to-Fine Sequence Generation for Dialogue State Tracking [PDF] 摘要
7. Dual Learning for Dialogue State Tracking [PDF] 摘要
8. Logical foundations for hybrid type-logical grammars [PDF] 摘要
9. Global-to-Local Neural Networks for Document-Level Relation Extraction [PDF] 摘要
10. Structured Hierarchical Dialogue Policy with Graph Neural Networks [PDF] 摘要
11. Distributed Structured Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning for Universal Dialogue Management [PDF] 摘要
12. Deep Reinforcement Learning for On-line Dialogue State Tracking [PDF] 摘要
13. PodSumm -- Podcast Audio Summarization [PDF] 摘要
14. Event Coreference Resolution via a Multi-loss Neural Network without Using Argument Information [PDF] 摘要
15. Towards Causal Explanation Detection with Pyramid Salient-Aware Network [PDF] 摘要
16. Constructing interval variables via faceted Rasch measurement and multitask deep learning: a hate speech application [PDF] 摘要
17. ALICE: Active Learning with Contrastive Natural Language Explanations [PDF] 摘要
18. An Empirical Study on Neural Keyphrase Generation [PDF] 摘要
19. The Persian Dependency Treebank Made Universal [PDF] 摘要
20. SSMBA: Self-Supervised Manifold Based Data Augmentation for Improving Out-of-Domain Robustness [PDF] 摘要
21. "When they say weed causes depression, but it's your fav antidepressant": Knowledge-aware Attention Framework for Relationship Extraction [PDF] 摘要
22. A Crowdsourced Open-Source Kazakh Speech Corpus and Initial Speech Recognition Baseline [PDF] 摘要
23. End-to-End Speech Recognition and Disfluency Removal [PDF] 摘要
24. CodeBLEU: a Method for Automatic Evaluation of Code Synthesis [PDF] 摘要
25. SQuARE: Semantics-based Question Answering and Reasoning Engine [PDF] 摘要
26. A Finitist's Manifesto: Do we need to Reformulate the Foundations of Mathematics? [PDF] 摘要
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1. Improving Person Re-identification with Iterative Impression Aggregation [PDF] 摘要
2. Exploring Intensity Invariance in Deep Neural Networks for Brain Image Registration [PDF] 摘要
3. Regularizing Attention Networks for Anomaly Detection in Visual Question Answering [PDF] 摘要
4. Visual-Semantic Embedding Model Informed by Structured Knowledge [PDF] 摘要
5. Synthetic Training for Accurate 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation in the Wild [PDF] 摘要
6. Joint and Progressive Subspace Analysis (JPSA) with Spatial-Spectral Manifold Alignment for Semi-Supervised Hyperspectral Dimensionality Reduction [PDF] 摘要
7. TRECVID 2019: An Evaluation Campaign to Benchmark Video Activity Detection, Video Captioning and Matching, and Video Search & Retrieval [PDF] 摘要
8. DR2S : Deep Regression with Region Selection for Camera Quality Evaluation [PDF] 摘要
9. Depth-Adapted CNN for RGB-D cameras [PDF] 摘要
10. Line Flow based SLAM [PDF] 摘要
11. Towards Fast, Accurate and Stable 3D Dense Face Alignment [PDF] 摘要
12. PP-OCR: A Practical Ultra Lightweight OCR System [PDF] 摘要
13. CNNPruner: Pruning Convolutional Neural Networks with Visual Analytics [PDF] 摘要
14. Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) from SAR Imaginary by Using Machine Learning Techniques [PDF] 摘要
15. Is each layer non-trivial in CNN? [PDF] 摘要
16. Applying a random projection algorithm to optimize machine learning model for breast lesion classification [PDF] 摘要
17. Prune Responsibly [PDF] 摘要
18. Monocular Depth Estimation Using Multi Scale Neural Network And Feature Fusion [PDF] 摘要
19. PESAO: Psychophysical Experimental Setup for Active Observers [PDF] 摘要
20. Supervised Learning with Projected Entangled Pair States [PDF] 摘要
21. CVPR 2020 Continual Learning in Computer Vision Competition: Approaches, Results, Current Challenges and Future Directions [PDF] 摘要
22. Deep Neural Network Approach for Annual Luminance Simulations [PDF] 摘要
23. Cross-Modal Alignment with Mixture Experts Neural Network for Intral-City Retail Recommendation [PDF] 摘要
24. Multi-species Seagrass Detection and Classification from Underwater Images [PDF] 摘要
25. Beyond Identity: What Information Is Stored in Biometric Face Templates? [PDF] 摘要
26. A Deep Neural Network Tool for Automatic Segmentation of Human Body Parts in Natural Scenes [PDF] 摘要
27. Clustering COVID-19 Lung Scans [PDF] 摘要
28. Efficient Computation of Higher Order 2D Image Moments using the Discrete Radon Transform [PDF] 摘要
29. LiPo-LCD: Combining Lines and Points for Appearance-based Loop Closure Detection [PDF] 摘要
30. Decontextualized learning for interpretable hierarchical representations of visual patterns [PDF] 摘要
31. Haar Wavelet based Block Autoregressive Flows for Trajectories [PDF] 摘要
32. DeepActsNet: Spatial and Motion features from Face, Hands, and Body Combined with Convolutional and Graph Networks for Improved Action Recognition [PDF] 摘要
33. Multi-Modal Reasoning Graph for Scene-Text Based Fine-Grained Image Classification and Retrieval [PDF] 摘要
34. Generating Adversarial yet Inconspicuous Patches with a Single Image [PDF] 摘要
35. Conditional Automated Channel Pruning for Deep Neural Networks [PDF] 摘要
36. MFIF-GAN: A New Generative Adversarial Network for Multi-Focus Image Fusion [PDF] 摘要
37. The High-Quality Wide Multi-Channel Attack (HQ-WMCA) database [PDF] 摘要
38. Batch Coherence-Driven Network for Part-aware Person Re-Identification [PDF] 摘要
39. Feed-Forward On-Edge Fine-tuning Using Static Synthetic Gradient Modules [PDF] 摘要
40. Discriminative Segmentation Tracking Using Dual Memory Banks [PDF] 摘要
41. Feature Flow: In-network Feature Flow Estimation for Video Object Detection [PDF] 摘要
42. 3D-FUTURE: 3D Furniture shape with TextURE [PDF] 摘要
43. Improving Ensemble Robustness by Collaboratively Promoting and Demoting Adversarial Robustness [PDF] 摘要
44. A Novel Transferability Attention Neural Network Model for EEG Emotion Recognition [PDF] 摘要
45. Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation of Organs at Risk on 3D Pelvic CT Images [PDF] 摘要
46. SSCR: Iterative Language-Based Image Editing via Self-Supervised Counterfactual Reasoning [PDF] 摘要
47. ES Attack: Model Stealing against Deep Neural Networks without Data Hurdles [PDF] 摘要
48. PIE: Portrait Image Embedding for Semantic Control [PDF] 摘要
49. Remote sensing image fusion based on Bayesian GAN [PDF] 摘要
50. Implicit Feature Networks for Texture Completion from Partial 3D Data [PDF] 摘要
51. Knowledge-Guided Multi-Label Few-Shot Learning for General Image Recognition [PDF] 摘要
52. Renovating Parsing R-CNN for Accurate Multiple Human Parsing [PDF] 摘要
53. Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Person Re-Identification through Source-Guided Pseudo-Labeling [PDF] 摘要
54. ContourCNN: convolutional neural network for contour data classification [PDF] 摘要
55. MARS: Mixed Virtual and Real Wearable Sensors for Human Activity Recognition with Multi-Domain Deep Learning Model [PDF] 摘要
56. DVG-Face: Dual Variational Generation for Heterogeneous Face Recognition [PDF] 摘要
57. Transform Domain Pyramidal Dilated Convolution Networks For Restoration of Under Display Camera Images [PDF] 摘要
58. Real-time Lane detection and Motion Planning in Raspberry Pi and Arduino for an Autonomous Vehicle Prototype [PDF] 摘要
59. Deriving Visual Semantics from Spatial Context: An Adaptation of LSA and Word2Vec to generate Object and Scene Embeddings from Images [PDF] 摘要
60. $pi_t$- Enhancing the Precision of Eye Tracking using Iris Feature Motion Vectors [PDF] 摘要
61. Predicting Geographic Information with Neural Cellular Automata [PDF] 摘要
62. Dual-path CNN with Max Gated block for Text-Based Person Re-identification [PDF] 摘要
63. Factorized Deep Generative Models for Trajectory Generation with Spatiotemporal-Validity Constraints [PDF] 摘要
64. High-Resolution Augmentation for Automatic Template-Based Matching of Human Models [PDF] 摘要
65. Features based Mammogram Image Classification using Weighted Feature Support Vector Machine [PDF] 摘要
66. Adversarial Consistent Learning on Partial Domain Adaptation of PlantCLEF 2020 Challenge [PDF] 摘要
67. Subverting Privacy-Preserving GANs: Hiding Secrets in Sanitized Images [PDF] 摘要
68. Making Images Undiscoverable from Co-Saliency Detection [PDF] 摘要
69. City-Scale Visual Place Recognition with Deep Local Features Based on Multi-Scale Ordered VLAD Pooling [PDF] 摘要
70. EfficientDeRain: Learning Pixel-wise Dilation Filtering for High-Efficiency Single-Image Deraining [PDF] 摘要
71. AAA: Adaptive Aggregation of Arbitrary Online Trackers with Theoretical Performance Guarantee [PDF] 摘要
72. Combining Shape Features with Multiple Color Spaces in Open-Ended 3D Object Recognition [PDF] 摘要
73. Adversarial Exposure Attack on Diabetic Retinopathy Imagery [PDF] 摘要
74. FakeRetouch: Evading DeepFakes Detection via the Guidance of Deliberate Noise [PDF] 摘要
75. Neural Architecture Search Using Stable Rank of Convolutional Layers [PDF] 摘要
76. It's Raining Cats or Dogs? Adversarial Rain Attack on DNN Perception [PDF] 摘要
77. Weak-shot Fine-grained Classification via Similarity Transfer [PDF] 摘要
78. Multi-Level Graph Convolutional Network with Automatic Graph Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification [PDF] 摘要
79. A Review of Visual Odometry Methods and Its Applications for Autonomous Driving [PDF] 摘要
80. ENAS4D: Efficient Multi-stage CNN Architecture Search for Dynamic Inference [PDF] 摘要
81. Recognizing Micro-expression in Video Clip with Adaptive Key-frame Mining [PDF] 摘要
82. BargainNet: Background-Guided Domain Translation for Image Harmonization [PDF] 摘要
83. Introspective Learning by Distilling Knowledge from Online Self-explanation [PDF] 摘要
84. An Efficient Language-Independent Multi-Font OCR for Arabic Script [PDF] 摘要
85. Holistic Grid Fusion Based Stop Line Estimation [PDF] 摘要
86. Psoriasis Severity Assessment with a Similarity-Clustering Machine Learning Approach Reduces Intra- and Inter-observation variation [PDF] 摘要
87. Grasp-type Recognition Leveraging Object Affordance [PDF] 摘要
88. Overfit Neural Networks as a Compact Shape Representation [PDF] 摘要
89. Learning Audio-Visual Representations with Active Contrastive Coding [PDF] 摘要
90. Defending against substitute model black box adversarial attacks with the 01 loss [PDF] 摘要
91. Multi-Task Learning with Deep Neural Networks: A Survey [PDF] 摘要
92. Impact of lung segmentation on the diagnosis and explanation of COVID-19 in chest X-ray images [PDF] 摘要
93. Weight Training Analysis of Sportsmen with Kinect Bioinformatics for Form Improvement [PDF] 摘要
94. Improving Automated COVID-19 Grading with Convolutional Neural Networks in Computed Tomography Scans: An Ablation Study [PDF] 摘要
95. When Healthcare Meets Off-the-Shelf WiFi: A Non-Wearable and Low-Costs Approach for In-Home Monitoring [PDF] 摘要
96. Contrastive Clustering [PDF] 摘要
97. Modeling Score Distributions and Continuous Covariates: A Bayesian Approach [PDF] 摘要
98. Reconstruct high-resolution multi-focal plane images from a single 2D wide field image [PDF] 摘要
99. Learning Soft Labels via Meta Learning [PDF] 摘要
100. Scale-Localized Abstract Reasoning [PDF] 摘要
101. Learning a Lie Algebra from Unlabeled Data Pairs [PDF] 摘要
102. Efficient Certification of Spatial Robustness [PDF] 摘要
103. Reducing false-positive biopsies with deep neural networks that utilize local and global information in screening mammograms [PDF] 摘要
104. Humans learn too: Better Human-AI Interaction using Optimized Human Inputs [PDF] 摘要
105. Bias Field Poses a Threat to DNN-based X-Ray Recognition [PDF] 摘要
106. Few-shot learning using pre-training and shots, enriched by pre-trained samples [PDF] 摘要
107. Lossless White Balance For Improved Lossless CFA Image and Video Compression [PDF] 摘要
108. Kernel Ridge Regression Using Importance Sampling with Application to Seismic Response Prediction [PDF] 摘要
109. Pose Correction Algorithm for Relative Frames between Keyframes in SLAM [PDF] 摘要
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1. Composed Variational Natural Language Generation for Few-shot Intents [PDF] 摘要
2. Latin BERT: A Contextual Language Model for Classical Philology [PDF] 摘要
3. UCD-CS at W-NUT 2020 Shared Task-3: A Text to Text Approach for COVID-19 Event Extraction on Social Media [PDF] 摘要
4. Adjusting for Confounders with Text: Challenges and an Empirical Evaluation Framework for Causal Inference [PDF] 摘要
5. WESSA at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Code-Mixed Sentiment Analysis using Transformers [PDF] 摘要
6. Content Planning for Neural Story Generation with Aristotelian Rescoring [PDF] 摘要
7. Rethinking Supervised Learning and Reinforcement Learning in Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems [PDF] 摘要
8. SDST: Successive Decoding for Speech-to-text Translation [PDF] 摘要
9. Multitask Pointer Network for Multi-Representational Parsing [PDF] 摘要
10. Empathetic Dialogue Generation via Knowledge Enhancing and Emotion Dependency Modeling [PDF] 摘要
11. TED: Triple Supervision Decouples End-to-end Speech-to-text Translation [PDF] 摘要
12. Profile Consistency Identification for Open-domain Dialogue Agents [PDF] 摘要
13. Accent Estimation of Japanese Words from Their Surfaces and Romanizations for Building Large Vocabulary Accent Dictionaries [PDF] 摘要
14. Alleviating the Inequality of Attention Heads for Neural Machine Translation [PDF] 摘要
15. Generative Imagination Elevates Machine Translation [PDF] 摘要
16. Modality-Transferable Emotion Embeddings for Low-Resource Multimodal Emotion Recognition [PDF] 摘要
17. Weakly Supervised Learning of Nuanced Frames for Analyzing Polarization in News Media [PDF] 摘要
18. Assessing the Severity of Health States based on Social Media Posts [PDF] 摘要
19. Improving Robustness and Generality of NLP Models Using Disentangled Representations [PDF] 摘要
20. Vector Projection Network for Few-shot Slot Tagging in Natural Language Understanding [PDF] 摘要
21. Relation Extraction from Biomedical and Clinical Text: Unified Multitask Learning Framework [PDF] 摘要
22. Persian Ezafe Recognition Using Transformers and Its Role in Part-Of-Speech Tagging [PDF] 摘要
23. Dialogue Distillation: Open-domain Dialogue Augmentation Using Unpaired Data [PDF] 摘要
24. F^2-Softmax: Diversifying Neural Text Generation via Frequency Factorized Softmax [PDF] 摘要
25. Difference-aware Knowledge Selection for Knowledge-grounded Conversation Generation [PDF] 摘要
26. Softmax Tempering for Training Neural Machine Translation Models [PDF] 摘要
27. Understanding Mention Detector-Linker Interaction for Neural Coreference Resolution [PDF] 摘要
28. Not Low-Resource Anymore: Aligner Ensembling, Batch Filtering, and New Datasets for Bengali-English Machine Translation [PDF] 摘要
29. Biomedical Event Extraction on Graph Edge-conditioned Attention Networks with Hierarchical Knowledge Graphs [PDF] 摘要
30. Towards Computational Linguistics in Minangkabau Language: Studies on Sentiment Analysis and Machine Translation [PDF] 摘要
31. Word class flexibility: A deep contextualized approach [PDF] 摘要
32. BioALBERT: A Simple and Effective Pre-trained Language Model for Biomedical Named Entity Recognition [PDF] 摘要
33. Learning to Attack: Towards Textual Adversarial Attacking in Real-world Situations [PDF] 摘要
34. OpenAttack: An Open-source Textual Adversarial Attack Toolkit [PDF] 摘要
35. Aggressive Language Detection with Joint Text Normalization via Adversarial Multi-task Learning [PDF] 摘要
36. Nominal Compound Chain Extraction: A New Task for Semantic-enriched Lexical Chain [PDF] 摘要
37. Extracting Summary Knowledge Graphs from Long Documents [PDF] 摘要
38. CLEVR Parser: A Graph Parser Library for Geometric Learning on Language Grounded Image Scenes [PDF] 摘要
39. Weight Distillation: Transferring the Knowledge in Neural Network Parameters [PDF] 摘要
40. Enhancing Dialogue Generation via Multi-Level Contrastive Learning [PDF] 摘要
41. Prior Art Search and Reranking for Generated Patent Text [PDF] 摘要
42. Long-Short Term Masking Transformer: A Simple but Effective Baseline for Document-level Neural Machine Translation [PDF] 摘要
43. Computer Assisted Translation with Neural Quality Estimation and Automatic Post-Editing [PDF] 摘要
44. Will it Unblend? [PDF] 摘要
45. Tradeoffs in Sentence Selection Techniques for Open-Domain Question Answering [PDF] 摘要
46. Deliberate Self-Attention Network with Uncertainty Estimation for Multi-Aspect Review Rating Prediction [PDF] 摘要
47. A Simple and Effective Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning Framework for Aspect Detection [PDF] 摘要
48. Looking Beyond Sentence-Level Natural Language Inference for Downstream Tasks [PDF] 摘要
49. COMET: A Neural Framework for MT Evaluation [PDF] 摘要
50. Presenting Simultaneous Translation in Limited Space [PDF] 摘要
51. Visual-Semantic Embedding Model Informed by Structured Knowledge [PDF] 摘要
52. Finding Influential Instances for Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction [PDF] 摘要
53. DiffWave: A Versatile Diffusion Model for Audio Synthesis [PDF] 摘要
54. Exploring the Linear Subspace Hypothesis in Gender Bias Mitigation [PDF] 摘要
55. Can questions summarize a corpus? Using question generation for characterizing COVID-19 research [PDF] 摘要
56. Knowledge Transfer via Pre-training for Recommendation: A Review and Prospect [PDF] 摘要
57. Active Learning for Product Type Ontology Enhancement in E-commerce [PDF] 摘要
58. An AI based talent acquisition and benchmarking for job [PDF] 摘要
59. Intimate Partner Violence and Injury Prediction From Radiology Reports [PDF] 摘要
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1. Preparing for the Worst: Making Networks Less Brittle with Adversarial Batch Normalization [PDF] 摘要
2. Light Direction and Color Estimation from Single Image with Deep Regression [PDF] 摘要
3. Multi-Resolution Graph Neural Network for Large-Scale Pointcloud Segmentation [PDF] 摘要
4. Deep Learning for 3D Point Cloud Understanding: A Survey [PDF] 摘要
5. Learning Unseen Emotions from Gestures via Semantically-Conditioned Zero-Shot Perception with Adversarial Autoencoders [PDF] 摘要
6. Image Captioning with Attention for Smart Local Tourism using EfficientNet [PDF] 摘要
7. Faster Gradient-based NAS Pipeline Combining Broad Scalable Architecture with Confident Learning Rate [PDF] 摘要
8. PMVOS: Pixel-Level Matching-Based Video Object Segmentation [PDF] 摘要
9. Synthetic Convolutional Features for Improved Semantic Segmentation [PDF] 摘要
10. IDA: Improved Data Augmentation Applied to Salient Object Detection [PDF] 摘要
11. Densely Guided Knowledge Distillation using Multiple Teacher Assistants [PDF] 摘要
12. $σ^2$R Loss: a Weighted Loss by Multiplicative Factors using Sigmoidal Functions [PDF] 摘要
13. Commands 4 Autonomous Vehicles (C4AV) Workshop Summary [PDF] 摘要
14. DeltaGAN: Towards Diverse Few-shot Image Generation with Sample-Specific Delta [PDF] 摘要
15. Moving object detection for visual odometry in a dynamic environment based on occlusion accumulation [PDF] 摘要
16. Contextual Semantic Interpretability [PDF] 摘要
17. Progressive Semantic-Aware Style Transformation for Blind Face Restoration [PDF] 摘要
18. Learning Emotional-Blinded Face Representations [PDF] 摘要
19. Searching for Low-Bit Weights in Quantized Neural Networks [PDF] 摘要
20. DeepRemaster: Temporal Source-Reference Attention Networks for Comprehensive Video Enhancement [PDF] 摘要
21. Conditional Image Generation with One-Vs-All Classifier [PDF] 摘要
22. Face Sketch Synthesis with Style Transfer using Pyramid Column Feature [PDF] 摘要
23. TopNet: Topology Preserving Metric Learning for Vessel Tree Reconstruction and Labelling [PDF] 摘要
24. Performance Monitoring of Object Detection During Deployment [PDF] 摘要
25. Identification of Abnormal States in Videos of Ants Undergoing Social Phase Change [PDF] 摘要
26. 6-DoF Grasp Planning using Fast 3D Reconstruction and Grasp Quality CNN [PDF] 摘要
27. Reinforcement Learning for Weakly Supervised Temporal Grounding of Natural Language in Untrimmed Videos [PDF] 摘要
28. Consistency Regularization with High-dimensional Non-adversarial Source-guided Perturbation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Segmentation [PDF] 摘要
29. Accelerating Search on Binary Codes in Weighted Hamming Space [PDF] 摘要
30. MUTANT: A Training Paradigm for Out-of-Distribution Generalization in Visual Question Answering [PDF] 摘要
31. Objective, Probabilistic, and Generalized Noise Level Dependent Classifications of sets of more or less 2D Periodic Images into Plane Symmetry Groups [PDF] 摘要
32. Smartphone Camera De-identification while Preserving Biometric Utility [PDF] 摘要
33. Predicting molecular phenotypes from histopathology images: a transcriptome-wide expression-morphology analysis in breast cancer [PDF] 摘要
34. AdderSR: Towards Energy Efficient Image Super-Resolution [PDF] 摘要
35. Multi-modal Experts Network for Autonomous Driving [PDF] 摘要
36. Classification and Region Analysis of COVID-19 Infection using Lung CT Images and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks [PDF] 摘要
37. Search and Rescue with Airborne Optical Sectioning [PDF] 摘要
38. Fused Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Precision Diagnosis of COVID-19 Using Chest X-Ray Images [PDF] 摘要
39. Residual Spatial Attention Network for Retinal Vessel Segmentation [PDF] 摘要
40. An Analysis by Synthesis Method that Allows Accurate Spatial Modeling of Thickness of Cortical Bone from Clinical QCT [PDF] 摘要
41. Pruning Neural Networks at Initialization: Why are We Missing the Mark? [PDF] 摘要
42. SCREENet: A Multi-view Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Classification of High-resolution Synthetic Mammographic Screening Scans [PDF] 摘要
43. The Next Big Thing(s) in Unsupervised Machine Learning: Five Lessons from Infant Learning [PDF] 摘要
44. Keep off the Grass: Permissible Driving Routes from Radar with Weak Audio Supervision [PDF] 摘要
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1. Generating similes <effortlessly> like a Pro: A Style Transfer Approach for Simile Generation [PDF] 摘要
2. Principal Components of the Meaning [PDF] 摘要
3. FarsTail: A Persian Natural Language Inference Dataset [PDF] 摘要
4. Document-level Neural Machine Translation with Document Embeddings [PDF] 摘要
5. The birth of Romanian BERT [PDF] 摘要
6. RECON: Relation Extraction using Knowledge Graph Context in a Graph Neural Network [PDF] 摘要
7. Dr. Summarize: Global Summarization of Medical Dialogue by Exploiting Local Structures [PDF] 摘要
8. Hierarchical GPT with Congruent Transformers for Multi-Sentence Language Models [PDF] 摘要
9. fastHan: A BERT-based Joint Many-Task Toolkit for Chinese NLP [PDF] 摘要
10. Unsupervised Parallel Corpus Mining on Web Data [PDF] 摘要
11. NEU at WNUT-2020 Task 2: Data Augmentation To Tell BERT That Death Is Not Necessarily Informative [PDF] 摘要
12. Small but Mighty: New Benchmarks for Split and Rephrase [PDF] 摘要
13. Generation-Augmented Retrieval for Open-domain Question Answering [PDF] 摘要
14. Structured Attention for Unsupervised Dialogue Structure Induction [PDF] 摘要
15. PhenoTagger: A Hybrid Method for Phenotype Concept Recognition using Human Phenotype Ontology [PDF] 摘要
16. A Study of Genetic Algorithms for Hyperparameter Optimization of Neural Networks in Machine Translation [PDF] 摘要
17. Image Captioning with Attention for Smart Local Tourism using EfficientNet [PDF] 摘要
18. SciBERT-based Semantification of Bioassays in the Open Research Knowledge Graph [PDF] 摘要
19. Towards Full-line Code Completion with Neural Language Models [PDF] 摘要
20. MUTANT: A Training Paradigm for Out-of-Distribution Generalization in Visual Question Answering [PDF] 摘要
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1. MEAL V2: Boosting Vanilla ResNet-50 to 80%+ Top-1 Accuracy on ImageNet without Tricks [PDF] 摘要
2. Radar-Camera Sensor Fusion for Joint Object Detection and Distance Estimation in Autonomous Vehicles [PDF] 摘要
3. Dynamic Regions Graph Neural Networks for Spatio-Temporal Reasoning [PDF] 摘要
4. A Multimodal Memes Classification: A Survey and Open Research Issues [PDF] 摘要
5. Microtubule Tracking in Electron Microscopy Volumes [PDF] 摘要
6. Face Mask Detection using Transfer Learning of InceptionV3 [PDF] 摘要
7. S2SD: Simultaneous Similarity-based Self-Distillation for Deep Metric Learning [PDF] 摘要
8. Noisy Concurrent Training for Efficient Learning under Label Noise [PDF] 摘要
9. Novel View Synthesis from Single Images via Point Cloud Transformation [PDF] 摘要
10. Low-Rank Matrix Recovery from Noisy via an MDL Framework-based Atomic Norm [PDF] 摘要
11. Learning to Identify Physical Parameters from Video Using Differentiable Physics [PDF] 摘要
12. Back to Event Basics: Self-Supervised Learning of Image Reconstruction for Event Cameras via Photometric Constancy [PDF] 摘要
13. A Linked Aggregate Code for Processing Faces (Revised Version) [PDF] 摘要
14. Video based real-time positional tracker [PDF] 摘要
15. Counterfactual Generation and Fairness Evaluation Using Adversarially Learned Inference [PDF] 摘要
16. Adversarial Image Composition with Auxiliary Illumination [PDF] 摘要
17. Dynamic Edge Weights in Graph Neural Networks for 3D Object Detection [PDF] 摘要
18. Parallax Attention for Unsupervised Stereo Correspondence Learning [PDF] 摘要
19. Learning a Deep Part-based Representation by Preserving Data Distribution [PDF] 摘要
20. Label Smoothing and Adversarial Robustness [PDF] 摘要
21. Deep Learning Approaches to Classification of Production Technology for 19th Century Books [PDF] 摘要
22. Vax-a-Net: Training-time Defence Against Adversarial Patch Attacks [PDF] 摘要
23. Deploying machine learning to assist digital humanitarians: making image annotation in OpenStreetMap more efficient [PDF] 摘要
24. DLBCL-Morph: Morphological features computed using deep learning for an annotated digital DLBCL image set [PDF] 摘要
25. Collaborative Training between Region Proposal Localization and Classi?cation for Domain Adaptive Object Detection [PDF] 摘要
26. Online Alternate Generator against Adversarial Attacks [PDF] 摘要
27. Crossing You in Style: Cross-modal Style Transfer from Music to Visual Arts [PDF] 摘要
28. Image Retrieval for Structure-from-Motion via Graph Convolutional Network [PDF] 摘要
29. High-precision target positioning system for unmanned vehicles based on binocular vision [PDF] 摘要
30. Word Segmentation from Unconstrained Handwritten Bangla Document Images using Distance Transform [PDF] 摘要
31. DanceIt: Music-inspired Dancing Video Synthesis [PDF] 摘要
32. LDNet: End-to-End Lane Detection Approach usinga Dynamic Vision Sensor [PDF] 摘要
33. An Algorithm to Attack Neural Network Encoder-based Out-Of-Distribution Sample Detector [PDF] 摘要
34. Deep Momentum Uncertainty Hashing [PDF] 摘要
35. Arbitrary Video Style Transfer via Multi-Channel Correlation [PDF] 摘要
36. MoPro: Webly Supervised Learning with Momentum Prototypes [PDF] 摘要
37. AAG: Self-Supervised Representation Learning by Auxiliary Augmentation with GNT-Xent Loss [PDF] 摘要
38. Skeletonization and Reconstruction based on Graph Morphological Transformations [PDF] 摘要
39. Using Sensory Time-cue to enable Unsupervised Multimodal Meta-learning [PDF] 摘要
40. Tropical time series, iterated-sums signatures and quasisymmetric functions [PDF] 摘要
41. Large Norms of CNN Layers Do Not Hurt Adversarial Robustness [PDF] 摘要
42. Population Mapping in Informal Settlements with High-Resolution Satellite Imagery and Equitable Ground-Truth [PDF] 摘要
43. Modeling human visual search: A combined Bayesian searcher and saliency map approach for eye movement guidance in natural scenes [PDF] 摘要
44. Review: Deep Learning in Electron Microscopy [PDF] 摘要
45. Decoupling Representation Learning from Reinforcement Learning [PDF] 摘要
46. Deforming the Loss Surface to Affect the Behaviour of the Optimizer [PDF] 摘要
47. Single Frame Deblurring with Laplacian Filters [PDF] 摘要
48. Holistic Filter Pruning for Efficient Deep Neural Networks [PDF] 摘要
49. POMP: Pomcp-based Online Motion Planning for active visual search in indoor environments [PDF] 摘要
50. Multidimensional Scaling, Sammon Mapping, and Isomap: Tutorial and Survey [PDF] 摘要
51. Few-Shot Unsupervised Continual Learning through Meta-Examples [PDF] 摘要
52. MultAV: Multiplicative Adversarial Videos [PDF] 摘要
53. ShapeAssembly: Learning to Generate Programs for 3D Shape Structure Synthesis [PDF] 摘要
54. Model-based approach for analyzing prevalence of nuclear cataracts in elderly residents [PDF] 摘要
55. Deep Collective Learning: Learning Optimal Inputs and Weights Jointly in Deep Neural Networks [PDF] 摘要
56. Noise-Aware Merging of High Dynamic Range Image Stacks without Camera Calibration [PDF] 摘要
57. Analysis of Generalizability of Deep Neural Networks Based on the Complexity of Decision Boundary [PDF] 摘要
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1. Self-Supervised Meta-Learning for Few-Shot Natural Language Classification Tasks [PDF] 摘要
2. A Computational Approach to Understanding Empathy Expressed in Text-Based Mental Health Support [PDF] 摘要
3. Modeling Task Effects on Meaning Representation in the Brain via Zero-Shot MEG Prediction [PDF] 摘要
4. Evaluating Interactive Summarization: an Expansion-Based Framework [PDF] 摘要
5. More Embeddings, Better Sequence Labelers? [PDF] 摘要
6. Compositional and Lexical Semantics in RoBERTa, BERT and DistilBERT: A Case Study on CoQA [PDF] 摘要
7. What if we had no Wikipedia? Domain-independent Term Extraction from a Large News Corpus [PDF] 摘要
8. Fast and Accurate Sequence Labeling with Approximate Inference Network [PDF] 摘要
9. Generating Label Cohesive and Well-Formed Adversarial Claims [PDF] 摘要
10. DSC IIT-ISM at SemEval-2020 Task 6: Boosting BERT with Dependencies for Definition Extraction [PDF] 摘要
11. ISCAS at SemEval-2020 Task 5: Pre-trained Transformers for Counterfactual Statement Modeling [PDF] 摘要
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13. FewJoint: A Few-shot Learning Benchmark for Joint Language Understanding [PDF] 摘要
14. Multi^2OIE: Multilingual Open Information Extraction based on Multi-Head Attention with BERT [PDF] 摘要
15. A Probabilistic End-To-End Task-Oriented Dialog Model with Latent Belief States towards Semi-Supervised Learning [PDF] 摘要
16. A Deep Learning Approach to Geographical Candidate Selection through Toponym Matching [PDF] 摘要
17. Code-switching pre-training for neural machine translation [PDF] 摘要
18. On the Transferability of Minimal Prediction Preserving Inputs in Question Answering [PDF] 摘要
19. Efficient Transformer-based Large Scale Language Representations using Hardware-friendly Block Structured Pruning [PDF] 摘要
20. Self-supervised pre-training and contrastive representation learning for multiple-choice video QA [PDF] 摘要
21. Towards Fully 8-bit Integer Inference for the Transformer Model [PDF] 摘要
22. Multi-modal Summarization for Video-containing Documents [PDF] 摘要
23. State-Machine-Based Dialogue Agents with Few-Shot Contextual Semantic Parsers [PDF] 摘要
24. Tasty Burgers, Soggy Fries: Probing Aspect Robustness in Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis [PDF] 摘要
25. How to marry a star: probabilistic constraints for meaning in context [PDF] 摘要
26. A Multimodal Memes Classification: A Survey and Open Research Issues [PDF] 摘要
27. Impact and dynamics of hate and counter speech online [PDF] 摘要
28. GraphCodeBERT: Pre-training Code Representations with Data Flow [PDF] 摘要
29. Understanding Effects of Editing Tweets for News Sharing by Media Accounts through a Causal Inference Framework [PDF] 摘要
30. Type-augmented Relation Prediction in Knowledge Graphs [PDF] 摘要
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6. TreeGAN: Incorporating Class Hierarchy into Image Generation [PDF] 摘要
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56. Generative models with kernel distance in data space [PDF] 摘要
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