1. Afro-MNIST: Synthetic generation of MNIST-style datasets for low-resource languages
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2. A complete character recognition and transliteration technique for Devanagari script
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3. ConvSequential-SLAM: A Sequence-based, Training-less Visual Place Recognition Technique for Changing Environments
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4. Arabic Handwritten Character Recognition based on Convolution Neural Networks and Support Vector Machine
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5. Learning to Detect Objects with a 1 Megapixel Event Camera
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6. A Study on Lip Localization Techniques used for Lip reading from a Video
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7. CAT STREET: Chronicle Archive of Tokyo Street-fashion
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8. RS-MetaNet: Deep meta metric learning for few-shot remote sensing scene classification
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9. Learning Category- and Instance-Aware Pixel Embedding for Fast Panoptic Segmentation
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10. Weakly Supervised Deep Functional Map for Shape Matching
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11. Addressing Class Imbalance in Scene Graph Parsing by Learning to Contrast and Score
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12. EvolGAN: Evolutionary Generative Adversarial Networks
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13. Cuid: A new study of perceived image quality and its subjective assessment
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14. The Elements of End-to-end Deep Face Recognition: A Survey of Recent Advances
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15. Multi-scale Receptive Fields Graph Attention Network for Point Cloud Classification
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16. Learning to Adapt Multi-View Stereo by Self-Supervision
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17. Driver Drowsiness Classification Based on Eye Blink and Head Movement Features Using the k-NN Algorithm
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18. Texture Memory-Augmented Deep Patch-Based Image Inpainting
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19. Video Face Recognition System: RetinaFace-mnet-faster and Secondary Search
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20. Trainable Structure Tensors for Autonomous Baggage Threat Detection Under Extreme Occlusion
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21. Segmentation and Analysis of a Sketched Truss Frame Using Morphological Image Processing Techniques
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22. Interpretable Detail-Fidelity Attention Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
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23. RRPN++: Guidance Towards More Accurate Scene Text Detection
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24. Learning to Stop: A Simple yet Effective Approach to Urban Vision-Language Navigation
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25. NITI: Training Integer Neural Networks Using Integer-only Arithmetic
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26. PERF-Net: Pose Empowered RGB-Flow Net
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27. Distribution Matching for Crowd Counting
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28. Semi-Supervised Image Deraining using Gaussian Processes
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29. Rotated Binary Neural Network
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30. Event-based Action Recognition Using Timestamp Image Encoding Network
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31. Kernel Based Progressive Distillation for Adder Neural Networks
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32. Concentrated Multi-Grained Multi-Attention Network for Video Based Person Re-Identification
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33. Long-Tailed Classification by Keeping the Good and Removing the Bad Momentum Causal Effect
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34. AIM 2020 Challenge on Video Temporal Super-Resolution
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35. Recognition and Synthesis of Object Transport Motion
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36. Human-Object Interaction Detection:A Quick Survey and Examination of Methods
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37. A Survey on Deep Learning Methods for Semantic Image Segmentation in Real-Time
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38. Two-stream Encoder-Decoder Network for Localizing Image Forgeries
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39. Virtual Experience to Real World Application: Sidewalk Obstacle Avoidance Using Reinforcement Learning for Visually Impaired
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40. Adaptive confidence thresholding for semi-supervised monocular depth estimation
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41. Domain Generalization for Medical Imaging Classification with Linear-Dependency Regularization
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42. AIM 2020: Scene Relighting and Illumination Estimation Challenge
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43. Semi-Supervised Learning for In-Game Expert-Level Music-to-Dance Translation
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44. Handwriting Prediction Considering Inter-Class Bifurcation Structures
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45. MicroAnalyzer: A Python Tool for Automated Bacterial Analysis with Fluorescence Microscopy
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46. I Like to Move It: 6D Pose Estimation as an Action Decision Process
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47. Enhancing a Neurocognitive Shared Visuomotor Model for Object Identification, Localization, and Grasping With Learning From Auxiliary Tasks
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48. Multispectral Fusion for Object Detection with Cyclic Fuse-and-Refine Blocks
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49. Interactive White Balancing for Camera-Rendered Images
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50. Grasp Proposal Networks: An End-to-End Solution for Visual Learning of Robotic Grasps
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51. Few-shot Object Detection with Self-adaptive Attention Network for Remote Sensing Images
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52. A Few-shot Learning Approach for Historical Ciphered Manuscript Recognition
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53. DT-Net: A novel network based on multi-directional integrated convolution and threshold convolution
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54. Affinity Space Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation Across Domains
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55. Causal Intervention for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
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56. A light-weight method to foster the (Grad)CAM interpretability and explainability of classification networks
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58. Dense-View GEIs Set: View Space Covering for Gait Recognition based on Dense-View GAN
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59. Dictionary Learning with Low-rank Coding Coefficients for Tensor Completion
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60. SIA-GCN: A Spatial Information Aware Graph Neural Network with 2D Convolutions for Hand Pose Estimation
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61. Online Learnable Keyframe Extraction in Videos and its Application with Semantic Word Vector in Action Recognition
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62. Towards General Purpose and Geometry Preserving Single-View Depth Estimation
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63. Graph Adversarial Networks: Protecting Information against Adversarial Attacks
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64. EIS -- a family of activation functions combining Exponential, ISRU, and Softplus
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65. The Smart Parking Management System
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66. Group Whitening: Balancing Learning Efficiency and Representational Capacity
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67. AI Progress in Skin Lesion Analysis
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68. High-throughput molecular imaging via deep learning enabled Raman spectroscopy
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69. Characterization of Covid-19 Dataset using Complex Networks and Image Processing
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70. Scalable Transfer Learning with Expert Models
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71. Deep EvoGraphNet Architecture For Time-Dependent Brain Graph Data Synthesis From a Single Timepoint
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72. Automated Pancreas Segmentation Using Multi-institutional Collaborative Deep Learning
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73. Amodal 3D Reconstruction for Robotic Manipulation via Stability and Connectivity
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74. Medical Image Segmentation Using Deep Learning: A Survey
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75. Cloud Removal for Remote Sensing Imagery via Spatial Attention Generative Adversarial Network
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76. Visual Steering for One-Shot Deep Neural Network Synthesis
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77. Interventional Few-Shot Learning
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78. Sparse-data based 3D surface reconstruction with vector matching
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79. VATLD: A Visual Analytics System to Assess, Understand and Improve Traffic Light Detection
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80. Classification and understanding of cloud structures via satellite images with EfficientUNet
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81. Learning to Improve Image Compression without Changing the Standard Decoder
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82. Interaction-Based Trajectory Prediction Over a Hybrid Traffic Graph
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83. ESTAN: Enhanced Small Tumor-Aware Network for Breast Ultrasound Image Segmentation
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84. Learning Self-Expression Metrics for Scalable and Inductive Subspace Clustering
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85. Normalization Techniques in Training DNNs: Methodology, Analysis and Application
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86. Agile Reactive Navigation for A Non-Holonomic Mobile Robot Using A Pixel Processor Array
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87. Hierarchical Deep Multi-modal Network for Medical Visual Question Answering
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88. Iterative Reconstruction for Low-Dose CT using Deep Gradient Priors of Generative Model
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89. COVID-19 Infection Map Generation and Detection from Chest X-Ray Images
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90. Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation of Explainable Deep Learning Methods for Ophthalmic Diagnosis
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91. Deep Learning-based Four-region Lung Segmentation in Chest Radiography for COVID-19 Diagnosis
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92. Potential Features of ICU Admission in X-ray Images of COVID-19 Patients
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93. Physics-Guided Recurrent Graph Networks for Predicting Flow and Temperature in River Networks
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94. Deep Selective Combinatorial Embedding and Consistency Regularization for Light Field Super-resolution
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95. Unsupervised Model Adaptation for Continual Semantic Segmentation
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96. Generating Realistic COVID19 X-rays with a Mean Teacher + Transfer Learning GAN
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97. Enhanced 3D Myocardial Strain Estimation from Multi-View 2D CMR Imaging
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98. Blind Image Super-Resolution with Spatial Context Hallucination
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99. Democratizing Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: A Study of Model Development Across Two Institutions Incorporating Transfer Learning
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100. Deep Artifact-Free Residual Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
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101. SceneGen: Generative Contextual Scene Augmentation using Scene Graph Priors
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