1. Keep CALM and Explore: Language Models for Action Generation in Text-based Games
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2. COD3S: Diverse Generation with Discrete Semantic Signatures
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3. LOGAN: Local Group Bias Detection by Clustering
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4. A Novel Challenge Set for Hebrew Morphological Disambiguation and Diacritics Restoration
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5. Robustness and Reliability of Gender Bias Assessment in WordEmbeddings: The Role of Base Pairs
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6. Semantic Evaluation for Text-to-SQL with Distilled Test Suites
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7. PRover: Proof Generation for Interpretable Reasoning over Rules
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8. QADiscourse -- Discourse Relations as QA Pairs: Representation, Crowdsourcing and Baselines
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9. Intrinsic Probing through Dimension Selection
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10. Swiss Parliaments Corpus, an Automatically Aligned Swiss German Speech to Standard German Text Corpus
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11. Learning to Ignore: Long Document Coreference with Bounded Memory Neural Networks
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12. Textual Supervision for Visually Grounded Spoken Language Understanding
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13. Tackling the Low-resource Challenge for Canonical Segmentation
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14. COSMIC: COmmonSense knowledge for eMotion Identification in Conversations
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15. An Exploration of Arbitrary-Order Sequence Labeling via Energy-Based Inference Networks
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16. A Multi-Task Incremental Learning Framework with Category Name Embedding for Aspect-Category Sentiment Analysis
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17. Stepwise Extractive Summarization and Planning with Structured Transformers
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18. Towards Coalgebras in Stylometry
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19. Neural Mask Generator: Learning to Generate Adaptive Word Maskings for Language Model Adaptation
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20. Aspect Sentiment Classification with Aspect-Specific Opinion Spans
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21. Analyzing Individual Neurons in Pre-trained Language Models
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22. SlotRefine: A Fast Non-Autoregressive Model for Joint Intent Detection and Slot Filling
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23. BERT Knows Punta Cana is not just beautiful, it's gorgeous: Ranking Scalar Adjectives with Contextualised Representations
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24. Poison Attacks against Text Datasets with Conditional Adversarially Regularized Autoencoder
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25. Incorporating Behavioral Hypotheses for Query Generation
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26. Automatic Metaphor Interpretation Using Word Embeddings
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27. Detecting Attackable Sentences in Arguments
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28. Multi-Instance Multi-Label Learning Networks for Aspect-Category Sentiment Analysis
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29. Extracting Implicitly Asserted Propositions in Argumentation
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30. If beam search is the answer, what was the question?
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31. Context Modeling with Evidence Filter for Multiple Choice Question Answering
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32. On the Sub-Layer Functionalities of Transformer Decoder
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33. On the Sparsity of Neural Machine Translation Models
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34. Neural Speech Synthesis for Estonian
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35. On the Interplay Between Fine-tuning and Sentence-level Probing for Linguistic Knowledge in Pre-trained Transformers
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36. Position-Aware Tagging for Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction
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37. DaNetQA: a yes/no Question Answering Dataset for the Russian Language
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38. Converting the Point of View of Messages Spoken to Virtual Assistants
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39. Embedding Words in Non-Vector Space with Unsupervised Graph Learning
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40. Semantically Driven Sentence Fusion: Modeling and Evaluation
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41. Scene Graph Modification Based on Natural Language Commands
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42. CoRefi: A Crowd Sourcing Suite for Coreference Annotation
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43. Dissecting Span Identification Tasks with Performance Prediction
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44. Knowing What You Know: Calibrating Dialogue Belief State Distributions via Ensembles
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45. Universal Natural Language Processing with Limited Annotations: Try Few-shot Textual Entailment as a Start
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46. The Multilingual Amazon Reviews Corpus
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47. Does the Objective Matter? Comparing Training Objectives for Pronoun Resolution
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48. StyleDGPT: Stylized Response Generation with Pre-trained Language Models
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49. SupMMD: A Sentence Importance Model for Extractive Summarization using Maximum Mean Discrepancy
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50. Cross-Lingual Text Classification with Minimal Resources by Transferring a Sparse Teacher
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51. LEGAL-BERT: The Muppets straight out of Law School
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52. PolicyQA: A Reading Comprehension Dataset for Privacy Policies
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53. Data Rejuvenation: Exploiting Inactive Training Examples for Neural Machine Translation
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54. Please Mind the Root: Decoding Arborescences for Dependency Parsing
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55. Do Explicit Alignments Robustly Improve Multilingual Encoders?
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56. An Empirical Study of Tokenization Strategies for Various Korean NLP Tasks
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57. Multi-task Learning for Multilingual Neural Machine Translation
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58. Investigating African-American Vernacular English in Transformer-Based Text Generation
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59. Efficient Meta Lifelong-Learning with Limited Memory
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60. GRUEN for Evaluating Linguistic Quality of Generated Text
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61. Joint Turn and Dialogue level User Satisfaction Estimation on Multi-Domain Conversations
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62. Help! Need Advice on Identifying Advice
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63. Dynamic Semantic Matching and Aggregation Network for Few-shot Intent Detection
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64. Pretrained Language Model Embryology: The Birth of ALBERT
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65. Iterative Domain-Repaired Back-Translation
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66. Are Words Commensurate with Actions? Quantifying Commitment to a Cause from Online Public Messaging
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67. On the Branching Bias of Syntax Extracted from Pre-trained Language Models
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68. Multi-Fact Correction in Abstractive Text Summarization
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69. Modeling Preconditions in Text with a Crowd-sourced Dataset
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70. UNQOVERing Stereotyping Biases via Underspecified Questions
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71. On the Role of Supervision in Unsupervised Constituency Parsing
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72. Efficient Inference For Neural Machine Translation
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73. Efficient One-Pass End-to-End Entity Linking for Questions
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74. Adversarial Grammatical Error Correction
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75. Simple and Effective Few-Shot Named Entity Recognition with Structured Nearest Neighbor Learning
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76. Guiding Attention for Self-Supervised Learning with Transformers
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77. Plan Optimization to Bilingual Dictionary Induction for Low-Resource Language Families
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78. A Generalized Constraint Approach to Bilingual Dictionary Induction for Low-Resource Language Families
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79. Mixup-Transfomer: Dynamic Data Augmentation for NLP Tasks
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80. Interactive Fiction Game Playing as Multi-Paragraph Reading Comprehension with Reinforcement Learning
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81. Fine-Grained Grounding for Multimodal Speech Recognition
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82. Improving Neural Topic Models using Knowledge Distillation
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83. Investigating representations of verb bias in neural language models
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84. Understanding the Mechanics of SPIGOT: Surrogate Gradients for Latent Structure Learning
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85. Participatory Research for Low-resourced Machine Translation: A Case Study in African Languages
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86. Inference Strategies for Machine Translation with Conditional Masking
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87. We Don't Speak the Same Language: Interpreting Polarization through Machine Translation
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88. CAT-Gen: Improving Robustness in NLP Models via Controlled Adversarial Text Generation
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89. InfoBERT: Improving Robustness of Language Models from An Information Theoretic Perspective
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90. SeqMix: Augmenting Active Sequence Labeling via Sequence Mixup
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91. Sentiment Analysis for Reinforcement Learning
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92. KGPT: Knowledge-Grounded Pre-Training for Data-to-Text Generation
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93. Conversational Document Prediction to Assist Customer Care Agents
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94. PAIR: Planning and Iterative Refinement in Pre-trained Transformers for Long Text Generation
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95. Semi-Supervised Speech-Language Joint Pre-Training for Spoken Language Understanding
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96. Effects of Naturalistic Variation in Goal-Oriented Dialog
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97. An Ensemble Approach to Automatic Structuring of Radiology Reports
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98. MedFilter: Extracting Task-relevant Utterances from Medical Dialogue through Integration of Discourse Structure and Ontological Knowledge
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99. Acrostic Poem Generation
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100. Learning to Generalize for Sequential Decision Making
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101. Joint Semantics and Data-Driven Path Representation for Knowledge Graph Inference
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102. Finding the Evidence: Localization-aware Answer Prediction for Text Visual Question Answering
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103. Unsupervised Hierarchical Concept Learning
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104. A Unified Deep Learning Framework for Short-Duration Speaker Verification in Adverse Environments
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105. Learning Visual-Semantic Embeddings for Reporting Abnormal Findings on Chest X-rays
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106. Identifying Spurious Correlations for Robust Text Classification
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107. The Sequence-to-Sequence Baseline for the Voice Conversion Challenge 2020: Cascading ASR and TTS
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108. ERFit: Entropic Regression Fit Matlab Package, for Data-Driven System Identification of Underlying Dynamic Equations
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