1. A Survey of Embedding Space Alignment Methods for Language and Knowledge Graphs
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2. A Corpus for Argumentative Writing Support in German
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3. Exploiting Neural Query Translation into Cross Lingual Information Retrieval
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4. Constraint Translation Candidates: A Bridge between Neural Query Translation and Cross-lingual Information Retrieval
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5. Dutch Humor Detection by Generating Negative Examples
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6. Automatically Identifying Words That Can Serve as Labels for Few-Shot Text Classification
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7. UPB at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Multilingual Offensive Language Detection on Social Media by Fine-tuning a Variety of BERT-based Models
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8. Curious Case of Language Generation Evaluation Metrics: A Cautionary Tale
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9. Interpreting convolutional networks trained on textual data
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10. Hierarchical Metadata-Aware Document Categorization under Weak Supervision
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11. Meta-Learning for Neural Relation Classification with Distant Supervision
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12. Syllabification of the Divine Comedy
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13. TPLinker: Single-stage Joint Extraction of Entities and Relations Through Token Pair Linking
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14. Robust and Consistent Estimation of Word Embedding for Bangla Language by fine-tuning Word2Vec Model
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15. Graph Transformer Networks with Syntactic and Semantic Structures for Event Argument Extraction
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16. Improving Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis with Gated Graph Convolutional Networks and Syntax-based Regulation
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17. FastFormers: Highly Efficient Transformer Models for Natural Language Understanding
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18. Introducing Syntactic Structures into Target Opinion Word Extraction with Deep Learning
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19. LXPER Index 2.0: Improving Text Readability Assessment for L2 English Learners in South Korea
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20. The LMU Munich System for the WMT 2020 Unsupervised Machine Translation Shared Task
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21. Fair Embedding Engine: A Library for Analyzing and Mitigating Gender Bias in Word Embeddings
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22. Two-stage Textual Knowledge Distillation to Speech Encoder for Spoken Language Understanding
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23. Autoencoding Improves Pre-trained Word Embeddings
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24. Transgender Community Sentiment Analysis from Social Media Data: A Natural Language Processing Approach
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25. Contextualized Word Embeddings Encode Aspects of Human-Like Word Sense Knowledge
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26. Commonsense knowledge adversarial dataset that challenges ELECTRA
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27. Orthros: Non-autoregressive End-to-end Speech Translation with Dual-decoder
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28. Fine-tuning ERNIE for chest abnormal imaging signs extraction
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29. Towards Medical Knowmetrics: Representing and Computing Medical Knowledge using Semantic Predications as the Knowledge Unit and the Uncertainty as the Knowledge Context
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30. CRAB: Class Representation Attentive BERT for Hate Speech Identification in Social Media
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31. Discriminative Nearest Neighbor Few-Shot Intent Detection by Transferring Natural Language Inference
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32. Pre-trained Summarization Distillation
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33. Unsupervised Learning of Disentangled Speech Content and Style Representation
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34. Neural Compound-Word (Sandhi) Generation and Splitting in Sanskrit Language
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35. A Benchmark Corpus and Neural Approach for Sanskrit Derivative Nouns Analysis
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36. Disease Normalization with Graph Embeddings
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37. Causal Effects of Linguistic Properties
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38. Word Embeddings for Chemical Patent Natural Language Processing
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39. Unsupervised Paraphrase Generation via Dynamic Blocking
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40. NeuroLogic Decoding: (Un)supervised Neural Text Generation with Predicate Logic Constraints
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41. FedE: Embedding Knowledge Graphs in Federated Setting
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42. Revisiting Neural Language Modelling with Syllables
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43. Learning Contextualized Knowledge Structures for Commonsense Reasoning
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44. Learning to Deceive Knowledge Graph Augmented Models via Targeted Perturbation
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45. Large Scale Legal Text Classification Using Transformer Models
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46. Multi-Task Learning with Shared Encoder for Non-Autoregressive Machine Translation
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47. Efficiently Mitigating Classification Bias via Transfer Learning
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48. When Being Unseen from mBERT is just the Beginning: Handling New Languages With Multilingual Language Models
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49. ReadOnce Transformers: Reusable Representations of Text for Transformers
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50. CoCo: Controllable Counterfactuals for Evaluating Dialogue State Trackers
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51. FLIN: A Flexible Natural Language Interface for Web Navigation
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52. Improving Zero and Few-Shot Abstractive Summarization with Intermediate Fine-tuning and Data Augmentation
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53. Go Figure! A Meta Evaluation of Factuality in Summarization
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54. Weakly-supervised VisualBERT: Pre-training without Parallel Images and Captions
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55. Cross-Modal Transfer Learning for Multilingual Speech-to-Text Translation
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56. Keyphrase Extraction with Dynamic Graph Convolutional Networks and Diversified Inference
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57. Context-aware Decoder for Neural Machine Translation using a Target-side Document-Level Language Model
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58. Text Editing by Command
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59. Cross-neutralising: Probing for joint encoding of linguistic information in multilingual models
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60. Rethinking embedding coupling in pre-trained language models
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61. "Nice Try, Kiddo": Ad Hominems in Dialogue Systems
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62. Inducing Taxonomic Knowledge from Pretrained Transformers
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63. A Frustratingly Easy Approach for Joint Entity and Relation Extraction
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64. Paired Representation Learning for Event and Entity Coreference
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65. COUGH: A Challenge Dataset and Models for COVID-19 FAQ Retrieval
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66. CaM-Gen:Causally-aware Metric-guided Text Generation
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67. X-Class: Text Classification with Extremely Weak Supervision
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68. Exploration of NLU: disassemble the information represented by Natural Language, based on the understanding of the internal structure of information, modeling the storage and processing system of information
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69. Efficient End-to-end Learning of Cross-event Dependencies for Document-level Event Extraction
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70. Measuring the `I don't know' Problem through the Lens of Gricean Quantity
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71. Clustering Contextualized Representations of Text for Unsupervised Syntax Induction
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72. Open-Domain Dialogue Generation Based on Pre-trained Language Models
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73. Fair Hate Speech Detection through Evaluation of Social Group Counterfactuals
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74. Improving Multilingual Models with Language-Clustered Vocabularies
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75. Improved Synthetic Training for Reading Comprehension
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76. Structure-Grounded Pretraining for Text-to-SQL
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77. On Learning Text Style Transfer with Direct Rewards
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78. Conversational Semantic Parsing for Dialog State Tracking
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79. Modularity Improves Out-of-Domain Instruction Following
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80. Measuring Association Between Labels and Free-Text Rationales
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81. NUANCED: Natural Utterance Annotation for Nuanced Conversation with Estimated Distributions
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82. Adding Chit-Chats to Enhance Task-Oriented Dialogues
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83. Effective Distant Supervision for Temporal Relation Extraction
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84. Temporal Reasoning on Implicit Events from Distant Supervision
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85. Text Style Transfer: A Review and Experiment Evaluation
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86. An Evaluation Protocol for Generative Conversational Systems
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87. Char2Subword: Extending the Subword Embedding Space from Pre-trained Models Using Robust Character Compositionality
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88. ANLIzing the Adversarial Natural Language Inference Dataset
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89. Compositional Generalization and Natural Language Variation: Can a Semantic Parsing Approach Handle Both?
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90. Constrained Abstractive Summarization: Preserving Factual Consistency with Constrained Generation
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91. Word2vec Conjecture and A Limitative Result
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92. A Caption Is Worth A Thousand Images: Investigating Image Captions for Multimodal Named Entity Recognition
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93. Improving Classification through Weak Supervision in Context-specific Conversational Agent Development for Teacher Education
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94. Learning to Recognize Dialect Features
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95. Graph-Based Universal Dependency Parsing in the Age of the Transformer: What Works, and What Doesn't
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96. AQuaMuSe: Automatically Generating Datasets for Query-Based Multi-Document Summarization
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97. Large Scale Knowledge Graph Based Synthetic Corpus Generation for Knowledge-Enhanced Language Model Pre-training
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98. Dynamic Contextualized Word Embeddings
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99. Robust Document Representations using Latent Topics and Metadata
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100. A Differentiable Relaxation of Graph Segmentation and Alignment for AMR Parsing
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101. Overcoming Conflicting Data for Model Updates
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102. On Minimum Word Error Rate Training of the Hybrid Autoregressive Transducer
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103. Generating Adequate Distractors for Multiple-Choice Questions
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104. Rapid Domain Adaptation for Machine Translation with Monolingual Data
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105. Synthetic Data Augmentation for Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Question Answering
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106. Posterior Differential Regularization with f-divergence for Improving Model Robustness
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107. Domain Specific Complex Sentence (DCSC) Semantic Similarity Dataset
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108. Did You Ask a Good Question? A Cross-Domain Question Intention Classification Benchmark for Text-to-SQL
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109. Anchor-based Bilingual Word Embeddings for Low-Resource Languages
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110. Topic Modeling with Contextualized Word Representation Clusters
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111. Unsupervised Multi-hop Question Answering by Question Generation
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112. Ranking Creative Language Characteristics in Small Data Scenarios
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113. Enabling Efficient Cyber Threat Hunting With Cyber Threat Intelligence
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114. Speaker Anonymization with Distribution-Preserving X-Vector Generation for the VoicePrivacy Challenge 2020
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115. Improved Mask-CTC for Non-Autoregressive End-to-End ASR
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116. ExplanationLP: Abductive Reasoning for Explainable Science Question Answering
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117. Neural Code Completion with Anonymized Variable Names
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118. Long Document Ranking with Query-Directed Sparse Transformer
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119. The RobotSlang Benchmark: Dialog-guided Robot Localization and Navigation
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