
【NLP】 2019-2020 BERT 相关论文整理


1. K-BERT: Enabling Language Representation with Knowledge Graph, AAAI 2020 [PDF] 摘要
2. Inducing Relational Knowledge from BERT, AAAI 2020 [PDF] 摘要
3. Is BERT Really Robust? A Strong Baseline for Natural Language Attack on Text Classification and Entailment, AAAI 2020 [PDF] 摘要
4. SensEmBERT: Context-Enhanced Sense Embeddings for Multilingual Word Sense Disambiguation, AAAI 2020 [PDF] 摘要
5. Q-BERT: Hessian Based Ultra Low Precision Quantization of BERT, AAAI 2020 [PDF] 摘要
6. Towards Making the Most of BERT in Neural Machine Translation, AAAI 2020 [PDF] 摘要
7. Semantics-Aware BERT for Language Understanding, AAAI 2020 [PDF] 摘要
8. Draining the Water Hole: Mitigating Social Engineering Attacks with CyberTWEAK, AAAI 2020 [PDF] 摘要
9. Leveraging BERT with Mixup for Sentence Classification, AAAI 2020 [PDF] 摘要
10. Towards Minimal Supervision BERT-Based Grammar Error Correction, AAAI 2020 [PDF] 摘要
11. Distill BERT to Traditional Models in Chinese Machine Reading Comprehension, AAAI 2020 [PDF] 摘要
12. Unsupervised FAQ Retrieval with Question Generation and BERT, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
13. Spelling Error Correction with Soft-Masked BERT, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
14. ExpBERT: Representation Engineering with Natural Language Explanations, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
15. GAN-BERT: Generative Adversarial Learning for Robust Text Classification with a Bunch of Labeled Examples, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
16. MobileBERT: a Compact Task-Agnostic BERT for Resource-Limited Devices, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
17. DeeBERT: Dynamic Early Exiting for Accelerating BERT Inference, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
18. schuBERT: Optimizing Elements of BERT, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
19. SentiBERT: A Transferable Transformer-Based Architecture for Compositional Sentiment Semantics, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
20. BERTRAM: Improved Word Embeddings Have Big Impact on Contextualized Model Performance, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
21. CluBERT: A Cluster-Based Approach for Learning Sense Distributions in Multiple Languages, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
22. Adversarial and Domain-Aware BERT for Cross-Domain Sentiment Analysis, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
23. Perturbed Masking: Parameter-free Probing for Analyzing and Interpreting BERT, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
24. SenseBERT: Driving Some Sense into BERT, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
25. How does BERT’s attention change when you fine-tune? An analysis methodology and a case study in negation scope, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
26. What Does BERT with Vision Look At?, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
27. ZPR2: Joint Zero Pronoun Recovery and Resolution using Multi-Task Learning and BERT, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
28. Finding Universal Grammatical Relations in Multilingual BERT, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
29. FastBERT: a Self-distilling BERT with Adaptive Inference Time, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
30. tBERT: Topic Models and BERT Joining Forces for Semantic Similarity Detection, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
31. CamemBERT: a Tasty French Language Model, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
32. Understanding Advertisements with BERT, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
33. Distilling Knowledge Learned in BERT for Text Generation, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
34. TaBERT: Pretraining for Joint Understanding of Textual and Tabular Data, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
35. exBERT: A Visual Analysis Tool to Explore Learned Representations in Transformer Models, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
36. Should You Fine-Tune BERT for Automated Essay Scoring?, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
37. A BERT-based One-Pass Multi-Task Model for Clinical Temporal Relation Extraction, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
38. An Empirical Study of Multi-Task Learning on BERT for Biomedical Text Mining, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
39. Item-based Collaborative Filtering with BERT, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
40. Developing a How-to Tip Machine Comprehension Dataset and its Evaluation in Machine Comprehension by BERT, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
41. Sarcasm Detection in Tweets with BERT and GloVe Embeddings, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
42. Sarcasm Identification and Detection in Conversion Context using BERT, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
43. Context-Aware Sarcasm Detection Using BERT, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
44. A Novel Hierarchical BERT Architecture for Sarcasm Detection, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
45. ALBERT-BiLSTM for Sequential Metaphor Detection, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
46. RobertNLP at the IWPT 2020 Shared Task: Surprisingly Simple Enhanced UD Parsing for English, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
47. CopyBERT: A Unified Approach to Question Generation with Self-Attention, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
48. Information Retrieval and Extraction on COVID-19 Clinical Articles Using Graph Community Detection and Bio-BERT Embeddings, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
49. Exploring the Limits of Simple Learners in Knowledge Distillation for Document Classification with DocBERT, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
50. Are All Languages Created Equal in Multilingual BERT?, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
51. Compressing BERT: Studying the Effects of Weight Pruning on Transfer Learning, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
52. What’s in a Name? Are BERT Named Entity Representations just as Good for any other Name?, ACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
53. BERT-ATTACK: Adversarial Attack Against BERT Using BERT, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
54. CheXbert: Combining Automatic Labelers and Expert Annotations for Accurate Radiology Report Labeling Using BERT, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
55. VD-BERT: A Unified Vision and Dialog Transformer with BERT, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
56. Active Learning for BERT: An Empirical Study, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
57. BERT-EMD: Many-to-Many Layer Mapping for BERT Compression with Earth Mover’s Distance, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
58. BERT-enhanced Relational Sentence Ordering Network, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
59. TOD-BERT: Pre-trained Natural Language Understanding for Task-Oriented Dialogue, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
60. Identifying Elements Essential for BERT’s Multilinguality, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
61. A Supervised Word Alignment Method Based on Cross-Language Span Prediction Using Multilingual BERT, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
62. BERT-of-Theseus: Compressing BERT by Progressive Module Replacing, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
63. Character-level Representations Still Improve Semantic Parsing in the Age of BERT, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
64. Compositional and Lexical Semantics in RoBERTa, BERT and DistilBERT: A Case Study on CoQA, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
65. BERT Knows Punta Cana Is Not Just Beautiful, It’s Gorgeous: Ranking Scalar Adjectives with Contextualised Representations, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
66. When BERT Plays the Lottery, All Tickets Are Winning, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
67. DagoBERT: Generating Derivational Morphology with a Pretrained Language Model, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
68. Which *BERT? A Survey Organizing Contextualized Encoders, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
69. TernaryBERT: Distillation-aware Ultra-low Bit BERT, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
70. Entity Enhanced BERT Pre-training for Chinese NER, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
71. Infusing Disease Knowledge into BERT for Health Question Answering, Medical Inference and Disease Name Recognition, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
72. HABERTOR: An Efficient and Effective Deep Hatespeech Detector, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
73. On the Sentence Embeddings from BERT for Semantic Textual Similarity, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
74. Learning Physical Common Sense as Knowledge Graph Completion via BERT Data Augmentation and Constrained Tucker Factorization, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
75. BAE: BERT-based Adversarial Examples for Text Classification, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
76. PatchBERT: Just-in-Time, Out-of-Vocabulary Patching, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
77. Pretrained Language Model Embryology: The Birth of ALBERT, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
78. To BERT or Not to BERT: Comparing Task-specific and Task-agnostic Semi-Supervised Approaches for Sequence Tagging, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
79. Ad-hoc Document Retrieval Using Weak-Supervision with BERT and GPT2, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
80. Towards Interpreting BERT for Reading Comprehension Based QA, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
81. Adapting BERT for Word Sense Disambiguation with Gloss Selection Objective and Example Sentences, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
82. ConceptBert: Concept-Aware Representation for Visual Question Answering, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
83. E-BERT: Efficient-Yet-Effective Entity Embeddings for BERT, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
84. Cross-lingual Alignment Methods for Multilingual BERT: A Comparative Study, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
85. PhoBERT: Pre-trained language models for Vietnamese, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
86. Multiˆ2OIE: Multilingual Open Information Extraction based on Multi-Head Attention with BERT, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
87. Parsing with Multilingual BERT, a Small Treebank, and a Small Corpus, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
88. exBERT: Extending Pre-trained Models with Domain-specific Vocabulary Under Constrained Training Resources, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
89. CodeBERT: A Pre-Trained Model for Programming and Natural Languages, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
90. Cost-effective Selection of Pretraining Data: A Case Study of Pretraining BERT on Social Media, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
91. TopicBERT for Energy Efficient Document Classification, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
92. Optimizing BERT for Unlabeled Text-Based Items Similarity, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
93. DomBERT: Domain-oriented Language Model for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
94. Extending Multilingual BERT to Low-Resource Languages, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
95. Universal Dependencies according to BERT: both more specific and more general, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
96. LEGAL-BERT: “Preparing the Muppets for Court’”, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
97. RobBERT: a Dutch RoBERTa-based Language Model, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
98. BERT-kNN: Adding a kNN Search Component to Pretrained Language Models for Better QA, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
99. TinyBERT: Distilling BERT for Natural Language Understanding, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
100. The birth of Romanian BERT, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
101. BERT for Monolingual and Cross-Lingual Reverse Dictionary, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
102. What’s so special about BERT’s layers? A closer look at the NLP pipeline in monolingual and multilingual models, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
103. A BERT-based Distractor Generation Scheme with Multi-tasking and Negative Answer Training Strategies, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
104. LIMIT-BERT : Linguistics Informed Multi-Task BERT, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
105. Exploring BERT’s sensitivity to lexical cues using tests from semantic priming, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
106. MMFT-BERT: Multimodal Fusion Transformer with BERT Encodings for Visual Question Answering, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
107. BERT-QE: Contextualized Query Expansion for Document Re-ranking, EMNLP 2020 [PDF] 摘要
108. Large Batch Optimization for Deep Learning: Training BERT in 76 minutes, ICLR 2020 [PDF] 摘要
109. VL-BERT: Pre-training of Generic Visual-Linguistic Representations, ICLR 2020 [PDF] 摘要
110. Thieves on Sesame Street! Model Extraction of BERT-based APIs, ICLR 2020 [PDF] 摘要
111. BERTScore: Evaluating Text Generation with BERT, ICLR 2020 [PDF] 摘要
112. Cross-Lingual Ability of Multilingual BERT: An Empirical Study, ICLR 2020 [PDF] 摘要
113. Incorporating BERT into Neural Machine Translation, ICLR 2020 [PDF] 摘要
114. StructBERT: Incorporating Language Structures into Pre-training for Deep Language Understanding, ICLR 2020 [PDF] 摘要
115. ALBERT: A Lite BERT for Self-supervised Learning of Language Representations, ICLR 2020 [PDF] 摘要
116. EViLBERT: Learning Task-Agnostic Multimodal Sense Embeddings, IJCAI 2020 [PDF] 摘要
117. AdaBERT: Task-Adaptive BERT Compression with Differentiable Neural Architecture Search, IJCAI 2020 [PDF] 摘要
118. BERT-INT: A BERT-based Interaction Model For Knowledge Graph Alignment, IJCAI 2020 [PDF] 摘要
119. BERT-PLI: Modeling Paragraph-Level Interactions for Legal Case Retrieval, IJCAI 2020 [PDF] 摘要
120. FinBERT: A Pre-trained Financial Language Representation Model for Financial Text Mining, IJCAI 2020 [PDF] 摘要
121. What BERT Is Not: Lessons from a New Suite of Psycholinguistic Diagnostics for Language Models, TACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
122. SpanBERT: Improving Pre-training by Representing and Predicting Spans, TACL 2020 [PDF] 摘要
123. BERT-based Lexical Substitution, ACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
124. What Does BERT Learn about the Structure of Language?, ACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
125. BERT Rediscovers the Classical NLP Pipeline, ACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
126. How Multilingual is Multilingual BERT?, ACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
127. HIBERT: Document Level Pre-training of Hierarchical Bidirectional Transformers for Document Summarization, ACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
128. KFU NLP Team at SMM4H 2019 Tasks: Want to Extract Adverse Drugs Reactions from Tweets? BERT to The Rescue, ACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
129. Neural Network to Identify Personal Health Experience Mention in Tweets Using BioBERT Embeddings, ACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
130. BERT Masked Language Modeling for Co-reference Resolution, ACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
131. Transfer Learning from Pre-trained BERT for Pronoun Resolution, ACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
132. MSnet: A BERT-based Network for Gendered Pronoun Resolution, ACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
133. Fill the GAP: Exploiting BERT for Pronoun Resolution, ACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
134. Resolving Gendered Ambiguous Pronouns with BERT, ACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
135. Anonymized BERT: An Augmentation Approach to the Gendered Pronoun Resolution Challenge, ACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
136. Gendered Pronoun Resolution using BERT and an Extractive Question Answering Formulation, ACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
137. A Simple but Effective Method to Incorporate Multi-turn Context with BERT for Conversational Machine Comprehension, ACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
138. Cross-Lingual Lemmatization and Morphology Tagging with Two-Stage Multilingual BERT Fine-Tuning, ACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
139. TMU Transformer System Using BERT for Re-ranking at BEA 2019 Grammatical Error Correction on Restricted Track, ACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
140. Multi-headed Architecture Based on BERT for Grammatical Errors Correction, ACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
141. No Army, No Navy: BERT Semi-Supervised Learning of Arabic Dialects, ACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
142. Open Sesame: Getting inside BERT’s Linguistic Knowledge, ACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
143. What Does BERT Look at? An Analysis of BERT’s Attention, ACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
144. Transfer Learning in Biomedical Natural Language Processing: An Evaluation of BERT and ELMo on Ten Benchmarking Datasets, ACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
145. IIT-KGP at MEDIQA 2019: Recognizing Question Entailment using Sci-BERT stacked with a Gradient Boosting Classifier, ACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
146. Saama Research at MEDIQA 2019: Pre-trained BioBERT with Attention Visualisation for Medical Natural Language Inference, ACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
147. NCUEE at MEDIQA 2019: Medical Text Inference Using Ensemble BERT-BiLSTM-Attention Model, ACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
148. QE BERT: Bilingual BERT Using Multi-task Learning for Neural Quality Estimation, ACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
149. Unbabel’s Submission to the WMT2019 APE Shared Task: BERT-Based Encoder-Decoder for Automatic Post-Editing, ACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
150. How Contextual are Contextualized Word Representations? Comparing the Geometry of BERT, ELMo, and GPT-2 Embeddings, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
151. Beto, Bentz, Becas: The Surprising Cross-Lingual Effectiveness of BERT, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
152. Investigating BERT’s Knowledge of Language: Five Analysis Methods with NPIs, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
153. GlossBERT: BERT for Word Sense Disambiguation with Gloss Knowledge, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
154. Fine-tune BERT with Sparse Self-Attention Mechanism, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
155. SciBERT: A Pretrained Language Model for Scientific Text, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
156. Small and Practical BERT Models for Sequence Labeling, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
157. Sentence-BERT: Sentence Embeddings using Siamese BERT-Networks, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
158. Visualizing and Understanding the Effectiveness of BERT, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
159. Patient Knowledge Distillation for BERT Model Compression, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
160. Revealing the Dark Secrets of BERT, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
161. Transfer Fine-Tuning: A BERT Case Study, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
162. Cross-Lingual BERT Transformation for Zero-Shot Dependency Parsing, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
163. BERT for Coreference Resolution: Baselines and Analysis, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
164. Multi-passage BERT: A Globally Normalized BERT Model for Open-domain Question Answering, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
165. Giving BERT a Calculator: Finding Operations and Arguments with Reading Comprehension, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
166. SUM-QE: a BERT-based Summary Quality Estimation Model, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
167. Pre-Training BERT on Domain Resources for Short Answer Grading, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
168. Evaluating BERT for natural language inference: A case study on the CommitmentBank, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
169. Applying BERT to Document Retrieval with Birch, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
170. CAUnLP at NLP4IF 2019 Shared Task: Context-Dependent BERT for Sentence-Level Propaganda Detection, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
171. Fine-Grained Propaganda Detection with Fine-Tuned BERT, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
172. Divisive Language and Propaganda Detection using Multi-head Attention Transformers with Deep Learning BERT-based Language Models for Binary Classification, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
173. Cost-Sensitive BERT for Generalisable Sentence Classification on Imbalanced Data, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
174. Understanding BERT performance in propaganda analysis, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
175. Sentence-Level Propaganda Detection in News Articles with Transfer Learning and BERT-BiLSTM-Capsule Model, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
176. Exploiting BERT for End-to-End Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
177. Enhancing BERT for Lexical Normalization, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
178. Recycling a Pre-trained BERT Encoder for Neural Machine Translation, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
179. On the use of BERT for Neural Machine Translation, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
180. Biomedical Named Entity Recognition with Multilingual BERT, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
181. Trigger Word Detection and Thematic Role Identification via BERT and Multitask Learning, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
182. Transfer Learning in Biomedical Named Entity Recognition: An Evaluation of BERT in the PharmaCoNER task, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
183. Coreference Resolution in Full Text Articles with BERT and Syntax-based Mention Filtering, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
184. A Recurrent BERT-based Model for Question Generation, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
185. Question Answering Using Hierarchical Attention on Top of BERT Features, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
186. BLCU-NLP at COIN-Shared Task1: Stagewise Fine-tuning BERT for Commonsense Inference in Everyday Narrations, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
187. BERT is Not an Interlingua and the Bias of Tokenization, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
188. Domain Adaptation with BERT-based Domain Classification and Data Selection, EMNLP 2019 [PDF] 摘要
189. Efficient Training of BERT by Progressively Stacking, ICML 2019 [PDF] 摘要
190. BERT and PALs: Projected Attention Layers for Efficient Adaptation in Multi-Task Learning, ICML 2019 [PDF] 摘要
191. Story Ending Prediction by Transferable BERT, IJCAI 2019 [PDF] 摘要
192. Adapting BERT for Target-Oriented Multimodal Sentiment Classification, IJCAI 2019 [PDF] 摘要
193. Utilizing BERT for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis via Constructing Auxiliary Sentence, NAACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
194. BERT Post-Training for Review Reading Comprehension and Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis, NAACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
195. BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding, NAACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
196. End-to-End Open-Domain Question Answering with BERTserini, NAACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
197. Improving Cuneiform Language Identification with BERT, NAACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
198. A BERT-based Universal Model for Both Within- and Cross-sentence Clinical Temporal Relation Extraction, NAACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
199. Publicly Available Clinical BERT Embeddings, NAACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
200. BERT has a Mouth, and It Must Speak: BERT as a Markov Random Field Language Model, NAACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
201. Suicide Risk Assessment with Multi-level Dual-Context Language and BERT, NAACL 2019 [PDF] 摘要
202. ViLBERT: Pretraining Task-Agnostic Visiolinguistic Representations for Vision-and-Language Tasks, NeurIPS 2019 [PDF] 摘要
203. Visualizing and Measuring the Geometry of BERT, NeurIPS 2019 [PDF] 摘要


1. K-BERT: Enabling Language Representation with Knowledge Graph [PDF] 返回目录
  AAAI 2020. AAAI Technical Track: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
  Weijie Liu, Peng Zhou, Zhe Zhao, Zhiruo Wang, Qi Ju, Haotang Deng, Ping Wang
Pre-trained language representation models, such as BERT, capture a general language representation from large-scale corpora, but lack domain-specific knowledge. When reading a domain text, experts make inferences with relevant knowledge. For machines to achieve this capability, we propose a knowledge-enabled language representation model (K-BERT) with knowledge graphs (KGs), in which triples are injected into the sentences as domain knowledge. However, too much knowledge incorporation may divert the sentence from its correct meaning, which is called knowledge noise (KN) issue. To overcome KN, K-BERT introduces soft-position and visible matrix to limit the impact of knowledge. K-BERT can easily inject domain knowledge into the models by being equipped with a KG without pre-training by itself because it is capable of loading model parameters from the pre-trained BERT. Our investigation reveals promising results in twelve NLP tasks. Especially in domain-specific tasks (including finance, law, and medicine), K-BERT significantly outperforms BERT, which demonstrates that K-BERT is an excellent choice for solving the knowledge-driven problems that require experts.

2. Inducing Relational Knowledge from BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  AAAI 2020. AAAI Technical Track: Natural Language Processing
  Zied Bouraoui, José Camacho-Collados, Steven Schockaert
One of the most remarkable properties of word embeddings is the fact that they capture certain types of semantic and syntactic relationships. Recently, pre-trained language models such as BERT have achieved groundbreaking results across a wide range of Natural Language Processing tasks. However, it is unclear to what extent such models capture relational knowledge beyond what is already captured by standard word embeddings. To explore this question, we propose a methodology for distilling relational knowledge from a pre-trained language model. Starting from a few seed instances of a given relation, we first use a large text corpus to find sentences that are likely to express this relation. We then use a subset of these extracted sentences as templates. Finally, we fine-tune a language model to predict whether a given word pair is likely to be an instance of some relation, when given an instantiated template for that relation as input.

3. Is BERT Really Robust? A Strong Baseline for Natural Language Attack on Text Classification and Entailment [PDF] 返回目录
  AAAI 2020. AAAI Technical Track: Natural Language Processing
  Di Jin, Zhijing Jin, Joey Tianyi Zhou, Peter Szolovits
Machine learning algorithms are often vulnerable to adversarial examples that have imperceptible alterations from the original counterparts but can fool the state-of-the-art models. It is helpful to evaluate or even improve the robustness of these models by exposing the maliciously crafted adversarial examples. In this paper, we present TextFooler, a simple but strong baseline to generate adversarial text. By applying it to two fundamental natural language tasks, text classification and textual entailment, we successfully attacked three target models, including the powerful pre-trained BERT, and the widely used convolutional and recurrent neural networks. We demonstrate three advantages of this framework: (1) effective—it outperforms previous attacks by success rate and perturbation rate, (2) utility-preserving—it preserves semantic content, grammaticality, and correct types classified by humans, and (3) efficient—it generates adversarial text with computational complexity linear to the text length.1

4. SensEmBERT: Context-Enhanced Sense Embeddings for Multilingual Word Sense Disambiguation [PDF] 返回目录
  AAAI 2020. AAAI Technical Track: Natural Language Processing
  Bianca Scarlini, Tommaso Pasini, Roberto Navigli
Contextual representations of words derived by neural language models have proven to effectively encode the subtle distinctions that might occur between different meanings of the same word. However, these representations are not tied to a semantic network, hence they leave the word meanings implicit and thereby neglect the information that can be derived from the knowledge base itself. In this paper, we propose SensEmBERT, a knowledge-based approach that brings together the expressive power of language modelling and the vast amount of knowledge contained in a semantic network to produce high-quality latent semantic representations of word meanings in multiple languages. Our vectors lie in a space comparable with that of contextualized word embeddings, thus allowing a word occurrence to be easily linked to its meaning by applying a simple nearest neighbour approach.

5. Q-BERT: Hessian Based Ultra Low Precision Quantization of BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  AAAI 2020. AAAI Technical Track: Natural Language Processing
  Sheng Shen, Zhen Dong, Jiayu Ye, Linjian Ma, Zhewei Yao, Amir Gholami, Michael W. Mahoney, Kurt Keutzer
Transformer based architectures have become de-facto models used for a range of Natural Language Processing tasks. In particular, the BERT based models achieved significant accuracy gain for GLUE tasks, CoNLL-03 and SQuAD. However, BERT based models have a prohibitive memory footprint and latency. As a result, deploying BERT based models in resource constrained environments has become a challenging task. In this work, we perform an extensive analysis of fine-tuned BERT models using second order Hessian information, and we use our results to propose a novel method for quantizing BERT models to ultra low precision. In particular, we propose a new group-wise quantization scheme, and we use Hessian-based mix-precision method to compress the model further. We extensively test our proposed method on BERT downstream tasks of SST-2, MNLI, CoNLL-03, and SQuAD. We can achieve comparable performance to baseline with at most 2.3% performance degradation, even with ultra-low precision quantization down to 2 bits, corresponding up to 13× compression of the model parameters, and up to 4× compression of the embedding table as well as activations. Among all tasks, we observed the highest performance loss for BERT fine-tuned on SQuAD. By probing into the Hessian based analysis as well as visualization, we show that this is related to the fact that current training/fine-tuning strategy of BERT does not converge for SQuAD.

6. Towards Making the Most of BERT in Neural Machine Translation [PDF] 返回目录
  AAAI 2020. AAAI Technical Track: Natural Language Processing
  Jiacheng Yang, Mingxuan Wang, Hao Zhou, Chengqi Zhao, Weinan Zhang, Yong Yu, Lei Li
GPT-2 and BERT demonstrate the effectiveness of using pre-trained language models (LMs) on various natural language processing tasks. However, LM fine-tuning often suffers from catastrophic forgetting when applied to resource-rich tasks. In this work, we introduce a concerted training framework (CTnmt) that is the key to integrate the pre-trained LMs to neural machine translation (NMT). Our proposed CTnmt} consists of three techniques: a) asymptotic distillation to ensure that the NMT model can retain the previous pre-trained knowledge; b) a dynamic switching gate to avoid catastrophic forgetting of pre-trained knowledge; and c) a strategy to adjust the learning paces according to a scheduled policy. Our experiments in machine translation show CTnmt gains of up to 3 BLEU score on the WMT14 English-German language pair which even surpasses the previous state-of-the-art pre-training aided NMT by 1.4 BLEU score. While for the large WMT14 English-French task with 40 millions of sentence-pairs, our base model still significantly improves upon the state-of-the-art Transformer big model by more than 1 BLEU score.

7. Semantics-Aware BERT for Language Understanding [PDF] 返回目录
  AAAI 2020. AAAI Technical Track: Natural Language Processing
  Zhuosheng Zhang, Yuwei Wu, Hai Zhao, Zuchao Li, Shuailiang Zhang, Xi Zhou, Xiang Zhou
The latest work on language representations carefully integrates contextualized features into language model training, which enables a series of success especially in various machine reading comprehension and natural language inference tasks. However, the existing language representation models including ELMo, GPT and BERT only exploit plain context-sensitive features such as character or word embeddings. They rarely consider incorporating structured semantic information which can provide rich semantics for language representation. To promote natural language understanding, we propose to incorporate explicit contextual semantics from pre-trained semantic role labeling, and introduce an improved language representation model, Semantics-aware BERT (SemBERT), which is capable of explicitly absorbing contextual semantics over a BERT backbone. SemBERT keeps the convenient usability of its BERT precursor in a light fine-tuning way without substantial task-specific modifications. Compared with BERT, semantics-aware BERT is as simple in concept but more powerful. It obtains new state-of-the-art or substantially improves results on ten reading comprehension and language inference tasks.

8. Draining the Water Hole: Mitigating Social Engineering Attacks with CyberTWEAK [PDF] 返回目录
  AAAI 2020. IAAI Technical Track: Emerging Papers
  Zheyuan Ryan Shi, Aaron Schlenker, Brian Hay, Daniel Bittleston, Siyu Gao, Emily Peterson, John Trezza, Fei Fang
Cyber adversaries have increasingly leveraged social engineering attacks to breach large organizations and threaten the well-being of today's online users. One clever technique, the “watering hole” attack, compromises a legitimate website to execute drive-by download attacks by redirecting users to another malicious domain. We introduce a game-theoretic model that captures the salient aspects for an organization protecting itself from a watering hole attack by altering the environment information in web traffic so as to deceive the attackers. Our main contributions are (1) a novel Social Engineering Deception (SED) game model that features a continuous action set for the attacker, (2) an in-depth analysis of the SED model to identify computationally feasible real-world cases, and (3) the CyberTWEAK algorithm which solves for the optimal protection policy. To illustrate the potential use of our framework, we built a browser extension based on our algorithms which is now publicly available online. The CyberTWEAK extension will be vital to the continued development and deployment of countermeasures for social engineering.

9. Leveraging BERT with Mixup for Sentence Classification [PDF] 返回目录
  AAAI 2020. Student Abstract Track
  Amit Jindal, Dwaraknath Gnaneshwar, Ramit Sawhney, Rajiv Ratn Shah
Good generalization capability is an important quality of well-trained and robust neural networks. However, networks usually struggle when faced with samples outside the training distribution. Mixup is a technique that improves generalization, reduces memorization, and increases adversarial robustness. We apply a variant of Mixup called Manifold Mixup to the sentence classification problem, and present the results along with an ablation study. Our methodology outperforms CNN, LSTM, and vanilla BERT models in generalization.

10. Towards Minimal Supervision BERT-Based Grammar Error Correction [PDF] 返回目录
  AAAI 2020. Student Abstract Track
  Yiyuan Li, Antonios Anastasopoulos, Alan W. Black
Current grammatical error correction (GEC) models typically consider the task as sequence generation, which requires large amounts of annotated data and limit the applications in data-limited settings. We try to incorporate contextual information from pre-trained language model to leverage annotation and benefit multilingual scenarios. Results show strong potential of Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) in grammatical error correction task.

11. Distill BERT to Traditional Models in Chinese Machine Reading Comprehension [PDF] 返回目录
  AAAI 2020. Student Abstract Track
  Xingkai Ren, Ronghua Shi, Fangfang Li
Recently, unsupervised representation learning has been extremely successful in the field of natural language processing. More and more pre-trained language models are proposed and achieved the most advanced results especially in machine reading comprehension. However, these proposed pre-trained language models are huge with hundreds of millions of parameters that have to be trained. It is quite time consuming to use them in actual industry. Thus we propose a method that employ a distillation traditional reading comprehension model to simplify the pre-trained language model so that the distillation model has faster reasoning speed and higher inference accuracy in the field of machine reading comprehension. We evaluate our proposed method on the Chinese machine reading comprehension dataset CMRC2018 and greatly improve the accuracy of the original model. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose a method that employ the distillation pre-trained language model in Chinese machine reading comprehension.

12. Unsupervised FAQ Retrieval with Question Generation and BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020.
  Yosi Mass, Boaz Carmeli, Haggai Roitman, David Konopnicki
We focus on the task of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) retrieval. A given user query can be matched against the questions and/or the answers in the FAQ. We present a fully unsupervised method that exploits the FAQ pairs to train two BERT models. The two models match user queries to FAQ answers and questions, respectively. We alleviate the missing labeled data of the latter by automatically generating high-quality question paraphrases. We show that our model is on par and even outperforms supervised models on existing datasets.

13. Spelling Error Correction with Soft-Masked BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020.
  Shaohua Zhang, Haoran Huang, Jicong Liu, Hang Li
Spelling error correction is an important yet challenging task because a satisfactory solution of it essentially needs human-level language understanding ability. Without loss of generality we consider Chinese spelling error correction (CSC) in this paper. A state-of-the-art method for the task selects a character from a list of candidates for correction (including non-correction) at each position of the sentence on the basis of BERT, the language representation model. The accuracy of the method can be sub-optimal, however, because BERT does not have sufficient capability to detect whether there is an error at each position, apparently due to the way of pre-training it using mask language modeling. In this work, we propose a novel neural architecture to address the aforementioned issue, which consists of a network for error detection and a network for error correction based on BERT, with the former being connected to the latter with what we call soft-masking technique. Our method of using ‘Soft-Masked BERT’ is general, and it may be employed in other language detection-correction problems. Experimental results on two datasets, including one large dataset which we create and plan to release, demonstrate that the performance of our proposed method is significantly better than the baselines including the one solely based on BERT.

14. ExpBERT: Representation Engineering with Natural Language Explanations [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020.
  Shikhar Murty, Pang Wei Koh, Percy Liang
Suppose we want to specify the inductive bias that married couples typically go on honeymoons for the task of extracting pairs of spouses from text. In this paper, we allow model developers to specify these types of inductive biases as natural language explanations. We use BERT fine-tuned on MultiNLI to “interpret” these explanations with respect to the input sentence, producing explanation-guided representations of the input. Across three relation extraction tasks, our method, ExpBERT, matches a BERT baseline but with 3–20x less labeled data and improves on the baseline by 3–10 F1 points with the same amount of labeled data.

15. GAN-BERT: Generative Adversarial Learning for Robust Text Classification with a Bunch of Labeled Examples [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020.
  Danilo Croce, Giuseppe Castellucci, Roberto Basili
Recent Transformer-based architectures, e.g., BERT, provide impressive results in many Natural Language Processing tasks. However, most of the adopted benchmarks are made of (sometimes hundreds of) thousands of examples. In many real scenarios, obtaining high- quality annotated data is expensive and time consuming; in contrast, unlabeled examples characterizing the target task can be, in general, easily collected. One promising method to enable semi-supervised learning has been proposed in image processing, based on Semi- Supervised Generative Adversarial Networks. In this paper, we propose GAN-BERT that ex- tends the fine-tuning of BERT-like architectures with unlabeled data in a generative adversarial setting. Experimental results show that the requirement for annotated examples can be drastically reduced (up to only 50-100 annotated examples), still obtaining good performances in several sentence classification tasks.

16. MobileBERT: a Compact Task-Agnostic BERT for Resource-Limited Devices [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020.
  Zhiqing Sun, Hongkun Yu, Xiaodan Song, Renjie Liu, Yiming Yang, Denny Zhou
Natural Language Processing (NLP) has recently achieved great success by using huge pre-trained models with hundreds of millions of parameters. However, these models suffer from heavy model sizes and high latency such that they cannot be deployed to resource-limited mobile devices. In this paper, we propose MobileBERT for compressing and accelerating the popular BERT model. Like the original BERT, MobileBERT is task-agnostic, that is, it can be generically applied to various downstream NLP tasks via simple fine-tuning. Basically, MobileBERT is a thin version of BERT_LARGE, while equipped with bottleneck structures and a carefully designed balance between self-attentions and feed-forward networks. To train MobileBERT, we first train a specially designed teacher model, an inverted-bottleneck incorporated BERT_LARGE model. Then, we conduct knowledge transfer from this teacher to MobileBERT. Empirical studies show that MobileBERT is 4.3x smaller and 5.5x faster than BERT_BASE while achieving competitive results on well-known benchmarks. On the natural language inference tasks of GLUE, MobileBERT achieves a GLUE score of 77.7 (0.6 lower than BERT_BASE), and 62 ms latency on a Pixel 4 phone. On the SQuAD v1.1/v2.0 question answering task, MobileBERT achieves a dev F1 score of 90.0/79.2 (1.5/2.1 higher than BERT_BASE).

17. DeeBERT: Dynamic Early Exiting for Accelerating BERT Inference [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020.
  Ji Xin, Raphael Tang, Jaejun Lee, Yaoliang Yu, Jimmy Lin
Large-scale pre-trained language models such as BERT have brought significant improvements to NLP applications. However, they are also notorious for being slow in inference, which makes them difficult to deploy in real-time applications. We propose a simple but effective method, DeeBERT, to accelerate BERT inference. Our approach allows samples to exit earlier without passing through the entire model. Experiments show that DeeBERT is able to save up to ~40% inference time with minimal degradation in model quality. Further analyses show different behaviors in the BERT transformer layers and also reveal their redundancy. Our work provides new ideas to efficiently apply deep transformer-based models to downstream tasks. Code is available at https://github.com/castorini/DeeBERT.

18. schuBERT: Optimizing Elements of BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020.
  Ashish Khetan, Zohar Karnin
Transformers have gradually become a key component for many state-of-the-art natural language representation models. A recent Transformer based model- BERTachieved state-of-the-art results on various natural language processing tasks, including GLUE, SQuAD v1.1, and SQuAD v2.0. This model however is computationally prohibitive and has a huge number of parameters. In this work we revisit the architecture choices of BERT in efforts to obtain a lighter model. We focus on reducing the number of parameters yet our methods can be applied towards other objectives such FLOPs or latency. We show that much efficient light BERT models can be obtained by reducing algorithmically chosen correct architecture design dimensions rather than reducing the number of Transformer encoder layers. In particular, our schuBERT gives 6.6% higher average accuracy on GLUE and SQuAD datasets as compared to BERT with three encoder layers while having the same number of parameters.

19. SentiBERT: A Transferable Transformer-Based Architecture for Compositional Sentiment Semantics [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020.
  Da Yin, Tao Meng, Kai-Wei Chang
We propose SentiBERT, a variant of BERT that effectively captures compositional sentiment semantics. The model incorporates contextualized representation with binary constituency parse tree to capture semantic composition. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that SentiBERT achieves competitive performance on phrase-level sentiment classification. We further demonstrate that the sentiment composition learned from the phrase-level annotations on SST can be transferred to other sentiment analysis tasks as well as related tasks, such as emotion classification tasks. Moreover, we conduct ablation studies and design visualization methods to understand SentiBERT. We show that SentiBERT is better than baseline approaches in capturing negation and the contrastive relation and model the compositional sentiment semantics.

20. BERTRAM: Improved Word Embeddings Have Big Impact on Contextualized Model Performance [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020.
  Timo Schick, Hinrich Schütze
Pretraining deep language models has led to large performance gains in NLP. Despite this success, Schick and Schütze (2020) recently showed that these models struggle to understand rare words. For static word embeddings, this problem has been addressed by separately learning representations for rare words. In this work, we transfer this idea to pretrained language models: We introduce BERTRAM, a powerful architecture based on BERT that is capable of inferring high-quality embeddings for rare words that are suitable as input representations for deep language models. This is achieved by enabling the surface form and contexts of a word to interact with each other in a deep architecture. Integrating BERTRAM into BERT leads to large performance increases due to improved representations of rare and medium frequency words on both a rare word probing task and three downstream tasks.

21. CluBERT: A Cluster-Based Approach for Learning Sense Distributions in Multiple Languages [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020.
  Tommaso Pasini, Federico Scozzafava, Bianca Scarlini
Knowing the Most Frequent Sense (MFS) of a word has been proved to help Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) models significantly. However, the scarcity of sense-annotated data makes it difficult to induce a reliable and high-coverage distribution of the meanings in a language vocabulary. To address this issue, in this paper we present CluBERT, an automatic and multilingual approach for inducing the distributions of word senses from a corpus of raw sentences. Our experiments show that CluBERT learns distributions over English senses that are of higher quality than those extracted by alternative approaches. When used to induce the MFS of a lemma, CluBERT attains state-of-the-art results on the English Word Sense Disambiguation tasks and helps to improve the disambiguation performance of two off-the-shelf WSD models. Moreover, our distributions also prove to be effective in other languages, beating all their alternatives for computing the MFS on the multilingual WSD tasks. We release our sense distributions in five different languages at https://github.com/SapienzaNLP/clubert.

22. Adversarial and Domain-Aware BERT for Cross-Domain Sentiment Analysis [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020.
  Chunning Du, Haifeng Sun, Jingyu Wang, Qi Qi, Jianxin Liao
Cross-domain sentiment classification aims to address the lack of massive amounts of labeled data. It demands to predict sentiment polarity on a target domain utilizing a classifier learned from a source domain. In this paper, we investigate how to efficiently apply the pre-training language model BERT on the unsupervised domain adaptation. Due to the pre-training task and corpus, BERT is task-agnostic, which lacks domain awareness and can not distinguish the characteristic of source and target domain when transferring knowledge. To tackle these problems, we design a post-training procedure, which contains the target domain masked language model task and a novel domain-distinguish pre-training task. The post-training procedure will encourage BERT to be domain-aware and distill the domain-specific features in a self-supervised way. Based on this, we could then conduct the adversarial training to derive the enhanced domain-invariant features. Extensive experiments on Amazon dataset show that our model outperforms state-of-the-art methods by a large margin. The ablation study demonstrates that the remarkable improvement is not only from BERT but also from our method.

23. Perturbed Masking: Parameter-free Probing for Analyzing and Interpreting BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020.
  Zhiyong Wu, Yun Chen, Ben Kao, Qun Liu
By introducing a small set of additional parameters, a probe learns to solve specific linguistic tasks (e.g., dependency parsing) in a supervised manner using feature representations (e.g., contextualized embeddings). The effectiveness of such probing tasks is taken as evidence that the pre-trained model encodes linguistic knowledge. However, this approach of evaluating a language model is undermined by the uncertainty of the amount of knowledge that is learned by the probe itself. Complementary to those works, we propose a parameter-free probing technique for analyzing pre-trained language models (e.g., BERT). Our method does not require direct supervision from the probing tasks, nor do we introduce additional parameters to the probing process. Our experiments on BERT show that syntactic trees recovered from BERT using our method are significantly better than linguistically-uninformed baselines. We further feed the empirically induced dependency structures into a downstream sentiment classification task and find its improvement compatible with or even superior to a human-designed dependency schema.

24. SenseBERT: Driving Some Sense into BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020.
  Yoav Levine, Barak Lenz, Or Dagan, Ori Ram, Dan Padnos, Or Sharir, Shai Shalev-Shwartz, Amnon Shashua, Yoav Shoham
The ability to learn from large unlabeled corpora has allowed neural language models to advance the frontier in natural language understanding. However, existing self-supervision techniques operate at the word form level, which serves as a surrogate for the underlying semantic content. This paper proposes a method to employ weak-supervision directly at the word sense level. Our model, named SenseBERT, is pre-trained to predict not only the masked words but also their WordNet supersenses. Accordingly, we attain a lexical-semantic level language model, without the use of human annotation. SenseBERT achieves significantly improved lexical understanding, as we demonstrate by experimenting on SemEval Word Sense Disambiguation, and by attaining a state of the art result on the ‘Word in Context’ task.

25. How does BERT’s attention change when you fine-tune? An analysis methodology and a case study in negation scope [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020.
  Yiyun Zhao, Steven Bethard
Large pretrained language models like BERT, after fine-tuning to a downstream task, have achieved high performance on a variety of NLP problems. Yet explaining their decisions is difficult despite recent work probing their internal representations. We propose a procedure and analysis methods that take a hypothesis of how a transformer-based model might encode a linguistic phenomenon, and test the validity of that hypothesis based on a comparison between knowledge-related downstream tasks with downstream control tasks, and measurement of cross-dataset consistency. We apply this methodology to test BERT and RoBERTa on a hypothesis that some attention heads will consistently attend from a word in negation scope to the negation cue. We find that after fine-tuning BERT and RoBERTa on a negation scope task, the average attention head improves its sensitivity to negation and its attention consistency across negation datasets compared to the pre-trained models. However, only the base models (not the large models) improve compared to a control task, indicating there is evidence for a shallow encoding of negation only in the base models.

26. What Does BERT with Vision Look At? [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020.
  Liunian Harold Li, Mark Yatskar, Da Yin, Cho-Jui Hsieh, Kai-Wei Chang
Pre-trained visually grounded language models such as ViLBERT, LXMERT, and UNITER have achieved significant performance improvement on vision-and-language tasks but what they learn during pre-training remains unclear. In this work, we demonstrate that certain attention heads of a visually grounded language model actively ground elements of language to image regions. Specifically, some heads can map entities to image regions, performing the task known as entity grounding. Some heads can even detect the syntactic relations between non-entity words and image regions, tracking, for example, associations between verbs and regions corresponding to their arguments. We denote this ability as syntactic grounding. We verify grounding both quantitatively and qualitatively, using Flickr30K Entities as a testbed.

27. ZPR2: Joint Zero Pronoun Recovery and Resolution using Multi-Task Learning and BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020.
  Linfeng Song, Kun Xu, Yue Zhang, Jianshu Chen, Dong Yu
Zero pronoun recovery and resolution aim at recovering the dropped pronoun and pointing out its anaphoric mentions, respectively. We propose to better explore their interaction by solving both tasks together, while the previous work treats them separately. For zero pronoun resolution, we study this task in a more realistic setting, where no parsing trees or only automatic trees are available, while most previous work assumes gold trees. Experiments on two benchmarks show that joint modeling significantly outperforms our baseline that already beats the previous state of the arts.

28. Finding Universal Grammatical Relations in Multilingual BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020.
  Ethan A. Chi, John Hewitt, Christopher D. Manning
Recent work has found evidence that Multilingual BERT (mBERT), a transformer-based multilingual masked language model, is capable of zero-shot cross-lingual transfer, suggesting that some aspects of its representations are shared cross-lingually. To better understand this overlap, we extend recent work on finding syntactic trees in neural networks’ internal representations to the multilingual setting. We show that subspaces of mBERT representations recover syntactic tree distances in languages other than English, and that these subspaces are approximately shared across languages. Motivated by these results, we present an unsupervised analysis method that provides evidence mBERT learns representations of syntactic dependency labels, in the form of clusters which largely agree with the Universal Dependencies taxonomy. This evidence suggests that even without explicit supervision, multilingual masked language models learn certain linguistic universals.

29. FastBERT: a Self-distilling BERT with Adaptive Inference Time [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020.
  Weijie Liu, Peng Zhou, Zhiruo Wang, Zhe Zhao, Haotang Deng, Qi Ju
Pre-trained language models like BERT have proven to be highly performant. However, they are often computationally expensive in many practical scenarios, for such heavy models can hardly be readily implemented with limited resources. To improve their efficiency with an assured model performance, we propose a novel speed-tunable FastBERT with adaptive inference time. The speed at inference can be flexibly adjusted under varying demands, while redundant calculation of samples is avoided. Moreover, this model adopts a unique self-distillation mechanism at fine-tuning, further enabling a greater computational efficacy with minimal loss in performance. Our model achieves promising results in twelve English and Chinese datasets. It is able to speed up by a wide range from 1 to 12 times than BERT if given different speedup thresholds to make a speed-performance tradeoff.

30. tBERT: Topic Models and BERT Joining Forces for Semantic Similarity Detection [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020.
  Nicole Peinelt, Dong Nguyen, Maria Liakata
Semantic similarity detection is a fundamental task in natural language understanding. Adding topic information has been useful for previous feature-engineered semantic similarity models as well as neural models for other tasks. There is currently no standard way of combining topics with pretrained contextual representations such as BERT. We propose a novel topic-informed BERT-based architecture for pairwise semantic similarity detection and show that our model improves performance over strong neural baselines across a variety of English language datasets. We find that the addition of topics to BERT helps particularly with resolving domain-specific cases.

31. CamemBERT: a Tasty French Language Model [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020.
  Louis Martin, Benjamin Muller, Pedro Javier Ortiz Suárez, Yoann Dupont, Laurent Romary, Éric de la Clergerie, Djamé Seddah, Benoît Sagot
Pretrained language models are now ubiquitous in Natural Language Processing. Despite their success, most available models have either been trained on English data or on the concatenation of data in multiple languages. This makes practical use of such models –in all languages except English– very limited. In this paper, we investigate the feasibility of training monolingual Transformer-based language models for other languages, taking French as an example and evaluating our language models on part-of-speech tagging, dependency parsing, named entity recognition and natural language inference tasks. We show that the use of web crawled data is preferable to the use of Wikipedia data. More surprisingly, we show that a relatively small web crawled dataset (4GB) leads to results that are as good as those obtained using larger datasets (130+GB). Our best performing model CamemBERT reaches or improves the state of the art in all four downstream tasks.

32. Understanding Advertisements with BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020.
  Kanika Kalra, Bhargav Kurma, Silpa Vadakkeeveetil Sreelatha, Manasi Patwardhan, Shirish Karande
We consider a task based on CVPR 2018 challenge dataset on advertisement (Ad) understanding. The task involves detecting the viewer’s interpretation of an Ad image captured as text. Recent results have shown that the embedded scene-text in the image holds a vital cue for this task. Motivated by this, we fine-tune the base BERT model for a sentence-pair classification task. Despite utilizing the scene-text as the only source of visual information, we could achieve a hit-or-miss accuracy of 84.95% on the challenge test data. To enable BERT to process other visual information, we append image captions to the scene-text. This achieves an accuracy of 89.69%, which is an improvement of 4.7%. This is the best reported result for this task.

33. Distilling Knowledge Learned in BERT for Text Generation [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020.
  Yen-Chun Chen, Zhe Gan, Yu Cheng, Jingzhou Liu, Jingjing Liu
Large-scale pre-trained language model such as BERT has achieved great success in language understanding tasks. However, it remains an open question how to utilize BERT for language generation. In this paper, we present a novel approach, Conditional Masked Language Modeling (C-MLM), to enable the finetuning of BERT on target generation tasks. The finetuned BERT (teacher) is exploited as extra supervision to improve conventional Seq2Seq models (student) for better text generation performance. By leveraging BERT’s idiosyncratic bidirectional nature, distilling knowledge learned in BERT can encourage auto-regressive Seq2Seq models to plan ahead, imposing global sequence-level supervision for coherent text generation. Experiments show that the proposed approach significantly outperforms strong Transformer baselines on multiple language generation tasks such as machine translation and text summarization. Our proposed model also achieves new state of the art on IWSLT German-English and English-Vietnamese MT datasets.

34. TaBERT: Pretraining for Joint Understanding of Textual and Tabular Data [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020.
  Pengcheng Yin, Graham Neubig, Wen-tau Yih, Sebastian Riedel
Recent years have witnessed the burgeoning of pretrained language models (LMs) for text-based natural language (NL) understanding tasks. Such models are typically trained on free-form NL text, hence may not be suitable for tasks like semantic parsing over structured data, which require reasoning over both free-form NL questions and structured tabular data (e.g., database tables). In this paper we present TaBERT, a pretrained LM that jointly learns representations for NL sentences and (semi-)structured tables. TaBERT is trained on a large corpus of 26 million tables and their English contexts. In experiments, neural semantic parsers using TaBERT as feature representation layers achieve new best results on the challenging weakly-supervised semantic parsing benchmark WikiTableQuestions, while performing competitively on the text-to-SQL dataset Spider.

35. exBERT: A Visual Analysis Tool to Explore Learned Representations in Transformer Models [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020. System Demonstrations
  Benjamin Hoover, Hendrik Strobelt, Sebastian Gehrmann
Large Transformer-based language models can route and reshape complex information via their multi-headed attention mechanism. Although the attention never receives explicit supervision, it can exhibit recognizable patterns following linguistic or positional information. Analyzing the learned representations and attentions is paramount to furthering our understanding of the inner workings of these models. However, analyses have to catch up with the rapid release of new models and the growing diversity of investigation techniques. To support analysis for a wide variety of models, we introduce exBERT, a tool to help humans conduct flexible, interactive investigations and formulate hypotheses for the model-internal reasoning process. exBERT provides insights into the meaning of the contextual representations and attention by matching a human-specified input to similar contexts in large annotated datasets. By aggregating the annotations of the matched contexts, exBERT can quickly replicate findings from literature and extend them to previously not analyzed models.

36. Should You Fine-Tune BERT for Automated Essay Scoring? [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020. the Fifteenth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications
  Elijah Mayfield, Alan W Black
Most natural language processing research now recommends large Transformer-based models with fine-tuning for supervised classification tasks; older strategies like bag-of-words features and linear models have fallen out of favor. Here we investigate whether, in automated essay scoring (AES) research, deep neural models are an appropriate technological choice. We find that fine-tuning BERT produces similar performance to classical models at significant additional cost. We argue that while state-of-the-art strategies do match existing best results, they come with opportunity costs in computational resources. We conclude with a review of promising areas for research on student essays where the unique characteristics of Transformers may provide benefits over classical methods to justify the costs.

37. A BERT-based One-Pass Multi-Task Model for Clinical Temporal Relation Extraction [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020. the 19th SIGBioMed Workshop on Biomedical Language Processing
  Chen Lin, Timothy Miller, Dmitriy Dligach, Farig Sadeque, Steven Bethard, Guergana Savova
Recently BERT has achieved a state-of-the-art performance in temporal relation extraction from clinical Electronic Medical Records text. However, the current approach is inefficient as it requires multiple passes through each input sequence. We extend a recently-proposed one-pass model for relation classification to a one-pass model for relation extraction. We augment this framework by introducing global embeddings to help with long-distance relation inference, and by multi-task learning to increase model performance and generalizability. Our proposed model produces results on par with the state-of-the-art in temporal relation extraction on the THYME corpus and is much “greener” in computational cost.

38. An Empirical Study of Multi-Task Learning on BERT for Biomedical Text Mining [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020. the 19th SIGBioMed Workshop on Biomedical Language Processing
  Yifan Peng, Qingyu Chen, Zhiyong Lu
Multi-task learning (MTL) has achieved remarkable success in natural language processing applications. In this work, we study a multi-task learning model with multiple decoders on varieties of biomedical and clinical natural language processing tasks such as text similarity, relation extraction, named entity recognition, and text inference. Our empirical results demonstrate that the MTL fine-tuned models outperform state-of-the-art transformer models (e.g., BERT and its variants) by 2.0% and 1.3% in biomedical and clinical domain adaptation, respectively. Pairwise MTL further demonstrates more details about which tasks can improve or decrease others. This is particularly helpful in the context that researchers are in the hassle of choosing a suitable model for new problems. The code and models are publicly available at https://github.com/ncbi-nlp/bluebert.

39. Item-based Collaborative Filtering with BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020. the 3rd Workshop on e-Commerce and NLP
  Tian Wang, Yuyangzi Fu
In e-commerce, recommender systems have become an indispensable part of helping users explore the available inventory. In this work, we present a novel approach for item-based collaborative filtering, by leveraging BERT to understand items, and score relevancy between different items. Our proposed method could address problems that plague traditional recommender systems such as cold start, and “more of the same” recommended content. We conducted experiments on a large-scale real-world dataset with full cold-start scenario, and the proposed approach significantly outperforms the popular Bi-LSTM model.

40. Developing a How-to Tip Machine Comprehension Dataset and its Evaluation in Machine Comprehension by BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020. the Third Workshop on Fact Extraction and VERification (FEVER)
  Tengyang Chen, Hongyu Li, Miho Kasamatsu, Takehito Utsuro, Yasuhide Kawada
In the field of factoid question answering (QA), it is known that the state-of-the-art technology has achieved an accuracy comparable to that of humans in a certain benchmark challenge. On the other hand, in the area of non-factoid QA, there is still a limited number of datasets for training QA models, i.e., machine comprehension models. Considering such a situation within the field of the non-factoid QA, this paper aims to develop a dataset for training Japanese how-to tip QA models. This paper applies one of the state-of-the-art machine comprehension models to the Japanese how-to tip QA dataset. The trained how-to tip QA model is also compared with a factoid QA model trained with a Japanese factoid QA dataset. Evaluation results revealed that the how-to tip machine comprehension performance was almost comparative with that of the factoid machine comprehension even with the training data size reduced to around 4% of the factoid machine comprehension. Thus, the how-to tip machine comprehension task requires much less training data compared with the factoid machine comprehension task.

41. Sarcasm Detection in Tweets with BERT and GloVe Embeddings [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020. the Second Workshop on Figurative Language Processing
  Akshay Khatri, Pranav P
Sarcasm is a form of communication in which the person states opposite of what he actually means. In this paper, we propose using machine learning techniques with BERT and GloVe embeddings to detect sarcasm in tweets. The dataset is preprocessed before extracting the embeddings. The proposed model also uses all of the context provided in the dataset to which the user is reacting along with his actual response.

42. Sarcasm Identification and Detection in Conversion Context using BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020. the Second Workshop on Figurative Language Processing
  Kalaivani A., Thenmozhi D.
Sarcasm analysis in user conversion text is automatic detection of any irony, insult, hurting, painful, caustic, humour, vulgarity that degrades an individual. It is helpful in the field of sentimental analysis and cyberbullying. As an immense growth of social media, sarcasm analysis helps to avoid insult, hurts and humour to affect someone. In this paper, we present traditional machine learning approaches, deep learning approach (LSTM -RNN) and BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) for identifying sarcasm. We have used the approaches to build the model, to identify and categorize how much conversion context or response is needed for sarcasm detection and evaluated on the two social media forums that is twitter conversation dataset and reddit conversion dataset. We compare the performance based on the approaches and obtained the best F1 scores as 0.722, 0.679 for the twitter forums and reddit forums respectively.

43. Context-Aware Sarcasm Detection Using BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020. the Second Workshop on Figurative Language Processing
  Arup Baruah, Kaushik Das, Ferdous Barbhuiya, Kuntal Dey
In this paper, we present the results obtained by BERT, BiLSTM and SVM classifiers on the shared task on Sarcasm Detection held as part of The Second Workshop on Figurative Language Processing. The shared task required the use of conversational context to detect sarcasm. We experimented by varying the amount of context used along with the response (response is the text to be classified). The amount of context used includes (i) zero context, (ii) last one, two or three utterances, and (iii) all utterances. It was found that including the last utterance in the dialogue along with the response improved the performance of the classifier for the Twitter data set. On the other hand, the best performance for the Reddit data set was obtained when using only the response without any contextual information. The BERT classifier obtained F-score of 0.743 and 0.658 for the Twitter and Reddit data set respectively.

44. A Novel Hierarchical BERT Architecture for Sarcasm Detection [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020. the Second Workshop on Figurative Language Processing
  Himani Srivastava, Vaibhav Varshney, Surabhi Kumari, Saurabh Srivastava
Online discussion platforms are often flooded with opinions from users across the world on a variety of topics. Many such posts, comments, or utterances are often sarcastic in nature, i.e., the actual intent is hidden in the sentence and is different from its literal meaning, making the detection of such utterances challenging without additional context. In this paper, we propose a novel deep learning-based approach to detect whether an utterance is sarcastic or non-sarcastic by utilizing the given contexts ina hierarchical manner. We have used datasets from two online discussion platforms - Twitter and Reddit1for our experiments. Experimental and error analysis shows that the hierarchical models can make full use of history to obtain a better representation of contexts and thus, in turn, can outperform their sequential counterparts.

45. ALBERT-BiLSTM for Sequential Metaphor Detection [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020. the Second Workshop on Figurative Language Processing
  Shuqun Li, Jingjie Zeng, Jinhui Zhang, Tao Peng, Liang Yang, Hongfei Lin
In our daily life, metaphor is a common way of expression. To understand the meaning of a metaphor, we should recognize the metaphor words which play important roles. In the metaphor detection task, we design a sequence labeling model based on ALBERT-LSTM-softmax. By applying this model, we carry out a lot of experiments and compare the experimental results with different processing methods, such as with different input sentences and tokens, or the methods with CRF and softmax. Then, some tricks are adopted to improve the experimental results. Finally, our model achieves a 0.707 F1-score for the all POS subtask and a 0.728 F1-score for the verb subtask on the TOEFL dataset.

46. RobertNLP at the IWPT 2020 Shared Task: Surprisingly Simple Enhanced UD Parsing for English [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020. the 16th International Conference on Parsing Technologies and the IWPT 2020 Shared Task on Parsing into Enhanced Universal Dependencies
  Stefan Grünewald, Annemarie Friedrich
This paper presents our system at the IWPT 2020 Shared Task on Parsing into Enhanced Universal Dependencies. Using a biaffine classifier architecture (Dozat and Manning, 2017) which operates directly on finetuned RoBERTa embeddings, our parser generates enhanced UD graphs by predicting the best dependency label (or absence of a dependency) for each pair of tokens in the sentence. We address label sparsity issues by replacing lexical items in relations with placeholders at prediction time, later retrieving them from the parse in a rule-based fashion. In addition, we ensure structural graph constraints using a simple set of heuristics. On the English blind test data, our system achieves a very high parsing accuracy, ranking 1st out of 10 with an ELAS F1 score of 88.94%.

47. CopyBERT: A Unified Approach to Question Generation with Self-Attention [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020. the 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Conversational AI
  Stalin Varanasi, Saadullah Amin, Guenter Neumann
Contextualized word embeddings provide better initialization for neural networks that deal with various natural language understanding (NLU) tasks including Question Answering (QA) and more recently, Question Generation(QG). Apart from providing meaningful word representations, pre-trained transformer models (Vaswani et al., 2017), such as BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) also provide self-attentions which encode syntactic information that can be probed for dependency parsing (Hewitt and Manning, 2019) and POStagging (Coenen et al., 2019). In this paper, we show that the information from selfattentions of BERT are useful for language modeling of questions conditioned on paragraph and answer phrases. To control the attention span, we use semi-diagonal mask and utilize a shared model for encoding and decoding, unlike sequence-to-sequence. We further employ copy-mechanism over self-attentions to acheive state-of-the-art results for Question Generation on SQuAD v1.1 (Rajpurkar et al., 2016).

48. Information Retrieval and Extraction on COVID-19 Clinical Articles Using Graph Community Detection and Bio-BERT Embeddings [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020. the 1st Workshop on NLP for COVID-19 at ACL 2020
  Debasmita Das, Yatin Katyal, Janu Verma, Shashank Dubey, AakashDeep Singh, Kushagra Agarwal, Sourojit Bhaduri, RajeshKumar Ranjan
In this paper, we present an information retrieval system on a corpus of scientific articles related to COVID-19. We build a similarity network on the articles where similarity is determined via shared citations and biological domain-specific sentence embeddings. Ego-splitting community detection on the article network is employed to cluster the articles and then the queries are matched with the clusters. Extractive summarization using BERT and PageRank methods is used to provide responses to the query. We also provide a Question-Answer bot on a small set of intents to demonstrate the efficacy of our model for an information extraction module.

49. Exploring the Limits of Simple Learners in Knowledge Distillation for Document Classification with DocBERT [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020. the 5th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP
  Ashutosh Adhikari, Achyudh Ram, Raphael Tang, William L. Hamilton, Jimmy Lin
Fine-tuned variants of BERT are able to achieve state-of-the-art accuracy on many natural language processing tasks, although at significant computational costs. In this paper, we verify BERT’s effectiveness for document classification and investigate the extent to which BERT-level effectiveness can be obtained by different baselines, combined with knowledge distillation—a popular model compression method. The results show that BERT-level effectiveness can be achieved by a single-layer LSTM with at least 40× fewer FLOPS and only ∼3\% parameters. More importantly, this study analyzes the limits of knowledge distillation as we distill BERT’s knowledge all the way down to linear models—a relevant baseline for the task. We report substantial improvement in effectiveness for even the simplest models, as they capture the knowledge learnt by BERT.

50. Are All Languages Created Equal in Multilingual BERT? [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020. the 5th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP
  Shijie Wu, Mark Dredze
Multilingual BERT (mBERT) trained on 104 languages has shown surprisingly good cross-lingual performance on several NLP tasks, even without explicit cross-lingual signals. However, these evaluations have focused on cross-lingual transfer with high-resource languages, covering only a third of the languages covered by mBERT. We explore how mBERT performs on a much wider set of languages, focusing on the quality of representation for low-resource languages, measured by within-language performance. We consider three tasks: Named Entity Recognition (99 languages), Part-of-speech Tagging and Dependency Parsing (54 languages each). mBERT does better than or comparable to baselines on high resource languages but does much worse for low resource languages. Furthermore, monolingual BERT models for these languages do even worse. Paired with similar languages, the performance gap between monolingual BERT and mBERT can be narrowed. We find that better models for low resource languages require more efficient pretraining techniques or more data.

51. Compressing BERT: Studying the Effects of Weight Pruning on Transfer Learning [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020. the 5th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP
  Mitchell Gordon, Kevin Duh, Nicholas Andrews
Pre-trained universal feature extractors, such as BERT for natural language processing and VGG for computer vision, have become effective methods for improving deep learning models without requiring more labeled data. While effective, feature extractors like BERT may be prohibitively large for some deployment scenarios. We explore weight pruning for BERT and ask: how does compression during pre-training affect transfer learning? We find that pruning affects transfer learning in three broad regimes. Low levels of pruning (30-40%) do not affect pre-training loss or transfer to downstream tasks at all. Medium levels of pruning increase the pre-training loss and prevent useful pre-training information from being transferred to downstream tasks. High levels of pruning additionally prevent models from fitting downstream datasets, leading to further degradation. Finally, we observe that fine-tuning BERT on a specific task does not improve its prunability. We conclude that BERT can be pruned once during pre-training rather than separately for each task without affecting performance.

52. What’s in a Name? Are BERT Named Entity Representations just as Good for any other Name? [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2020. the 5th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP
  Sriram Balasubramanian, Naman Jain, Gaurav Jindal, Abhijeet Awasthi, Sunita Sarawagi
We evaluate named entity representations of BERT-based NLP models by investigating their robustness to replacements from the same typed class in the input. We highlight that on several tasks while such perturbations are natural, state of the art trained models are surprisingly brittle. The brittleness continues even with the recent entity-aware BERT models. We also try to discern the cause of this non-robustness, considering factors such as tokenization and frequency of occurrence. Then we provide a simple method that ensembles predictions from multiple replacements while jointly modeling the uncertainty of type annotations and label predictions. Experiments on three NLP tasks shows that our method enhances robustness and increases accuracy on both natural and adversarial datasets.

53. BERT-ATTACK: Adversarial Attack Against BERT Using BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Long Paper
  Linyang Li, Ruotian Ma, Qipeng Guo, Xiangyang Xue, Xipeng Qiu
Adversarial attacks for discrete data (such as texts) have been proved significantly more challenging than continuous data (such as images) since it is difficult to generate adversarial samples with gradient-based methods. Current successful attack methods for texts usually adopt heuristic replacement strategies on the character or word level, which remainschallenging to find the optimal solution in the massive space of possible combinations of replacements while preserving semantic consistency and language fluency.In this paper, we propose \textbfBERT-Attack, a high-quality and effective method to generate adversarial samples using pre-trained masked language models exemplified by BERT.We turn BERT against its fine-tuned models and other deep neural models in downstream tasks so that we can successfully mislead the target models to predict incorrectly.Our method outperforms state-of-the-art attack strategies in both success rate and perturb percentage, while the generated adversarial samples are fluent and semantically preserved. Also, the cost of calculation is low, thus possible for large-scale generations.The code is available at \urlhttps://github.com/LinyangLee/BERT-Attack.

54. CheXbert: Combining Automatic Labelers and Expert Annotations for Accurate Radiology Report Labeling Using BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Long Paper
  Akshay Smit, Saahil Jain, Pranav Rajpurkar, Anuj Pareek, Andrew Ng, Matthew Lungren
The extraction of labels from radiology text reports enables large-scale training of medical imaging models. Existing approaches to report labeling typically rely either on sophisticated feature engineering based on medical domain knowledge or manual annotations by experts. In this work, we introduce a BERT-based approach to medical image report labeling that exploits both the scale of available rule-based systems and the quality of expert annotations. We demonstrate superior performance of a biomedically pretrained BERT model first trained on annotations of a rule-based labeler and then finetuned on a small set of expert annotations augmented with automated backtranslation. We find that our final model, CheXbert, is able to outperform the previous best rules-based labeler with statistical significance, setting a new SOTA for report labeling on one of the largest datasets of chest x-rays.

55. VD-BERT: A Unified Vision and Dialog Transformer with BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Long Paper
  Yue Wang, Shafiq Joty, Michael Lyu, Irwin King, Caiming Xiong, Steven C.H. Hoi
Visual dialog is a challenging vision-language task, where a dialog agent needs to answer a series of questions through reasoning on the image content and dialog history. Prior work has mostly focused on various attention mechanisms to model such intricate interactions. By contrast, in this work, we propose VD-BERT, a simple yet effective framework of unified vision-dialog Transformer that leverages the pretrained BERT language models for Visual Dialog tasks. The model is unified in that (1) it captures all the interactions between the image and the multi-turn dialog using a single-stream Transformer encoder, and (2) it supports both answer ranking and answer generation seamlessly through the same architecture. More crucially, we adapt BERT for the effective fusion of vision and dialog contents via visually grounded training. Without the need of pretraining on external vision-language data, our model yields new state of the art, achieving the top position in both single-model and ensemble settings (74.54 and 75.35 NDCG scores) on the visual dialog leaderboard. Our code and pretrained models are released at https://github.com/salesforce/VD-BERT.

56. Active Learning for BERT: An Empirical Study [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Long Paper
  Liat Ein-Dor, Alon Halfon, Ariel Gera, Eyal Shnarch, Lena Dankin, Leshem Choshen, Marina Danilevsky, Ranit Aharonov, Yoav Katz, Noam Slonim
Real world scenarios present a challenge for text classification, since labels are usually expensive and the data is often characterized by class imbalance.Active Learning (AL) is a ubiquitous paradigm to cope with data scarcity.Recently, pre-trained NLP models, and BERT in particular, are receiving massive attention due to their outstanding performance in various NLP tasks. However, the use of AL with deep pre-trained models has so far received little consideration. Here, we present a large-scale empirical study on active learning techniques for BERT-based classification, addressing a diverse set of AL strategies and datasets. We focus on practical scenarios of binary text classification, where the annotation budget is very small, and the data is often skewed.Our results demonstrate that AL can boost BERT performance, especially in the most realistic scenario in which the initial set of labeled examples is created using keyword-based queries, resulting in a biased sample of the minority class. We release our research framework, aiming to facilitate future research along the lines explored here.

57. BERT-EMD: Many-to-Many Layer Mapping for BERT Compression with Earth Mover’s Distance [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Long Paper
  jianquan li, Xiaokang Liu, Honghong Zhao, Ruifeng Xu, Min Yang, yaohong jin
Pre-trained language models (e.g., BERT) have achieved significant success in various natural language processing (NLP) tasks. However, high storage and computational costs obstruct pre-trained language models to be effectively deployed on resource-constrained devices. In this paper, we propose a novel BERT distillation method based on many-to-many layer mapping, which allows each intermediate student layer to learn from any intermediate teacher layers. In this way, our model can learn from different teacher layers adaptively for different NLP tasks. In addition, we leverage Earth Mover's Distance (EMD) to compute the minimum cumulative cost that must be paid to transform knowledge from teacher network to student network. EMD enables effective matching for the many-to-many layer mapping. Furthermore, we propose a cost attention mechanism to learn the layer weights used in EMD automatically, which is supposed to further improve the model's performance and accelerate convergence time. Extensive experiments on GLUE benchmark demonstrate that our model achieves competitive performance compared to strong competitors in terms of both accuracy and model compression

58. BERT-enhanced Relational Sentence Ordering Network [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Long Paper
  Baiyun Cui, Yingming Li, Zhongfei Zhang
In this paper, we introduce a novel BERT-enhanced Relational Sentence Ordering Network (referred to as BRSON) by leveraging BERT for capturing better dependency relationship among sentences to enhance the coherence modeling for the entire paragraph. In particular, we develop a new Relational Pointer Decoder (referred as RPD) by incorporating the relative ordering information into the pointer network with a Deep Relational Module (referred as DRM), which utilizes BERT to exploit the deep semantic connection and relative ordering between sentences.This enables us to strengthen both local and global dependencies among sentences. Extensive evaluations are conducted on six public datasets. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and promise of our BRSON, showing a significant improvement over the state-of-the-art by a wide margin.

59. TOD-BERT: Pre-trained Natural Language Understanding for Task-Oriented Dialogue [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Long Paper
  Chien-Sheng Wu, Steven C.H. Hoi, Richard Socher, Caiming Xiong
The underlying difference of linguistic patterns between general text and task-oriented dialogue makes existing pre-trained language models less useful in practice. In this work, we unify nine human-human and multi-turn task-oriented dialogue datasets for language modeling. To better model dialogue behavior during pre-training, we incorporate user and system tokens into the masked language modeling. We propose a contrastive objective function to simulate the response selection task. Our pre-trained task-oriented dialogue BERT (TOD-BERT) outperforms strong baselines like BERT on four downstream task-oriented dialogue applications, including intention recognition, dialogue state tracking, dialogue act prediction, and response selection. We also show that TOD-BERT has a stronger few-shot ability that can mitigate the data scarcity problem for task-oriented dialogue.

60. Identifying Elements Essential for BERT’s Multilinguality [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Long Paper
  Philipp Dufter, Hinrich Schütze
It has been shown that multilingual BERT (mBERT) yields high quality multilingual representations and enables effective zero-shot transfer. This is surprising given that mBERT does not use any crosslingual signal during training. While recent literature has studied this phenomenon, the reasons for the multilinguality are still somewhat obscure. We aim to identify architectural properties of BERT and linguistic properties of languages that are necessary for BERT to become multilingual. To allow for fast experimentation we propose an efficient setup with small BERT models trained on a mix of synthetic and natural data. Overall, we identify four architectural and two linguistic elements that influence multilinguality. Based on our insights, we experiment with a multilingual pretraining setup that modifies the masking strategy using VecMap, i.e., unsupervised embedding alignment. Experiments on XNLI with three languages indicate that our findings transfer from our small setup to larger scale settings.

61. A Supervised Word Alignment Method Based on Cross-Language Span Prediction Using Multilingual BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Long Paper
  Masaaki Nagata, Katsuki Chousa, Masaaki Nishino
We present a novel supervised word alignment method based on cross-language span prediction. We first formalize a word alignment problem as a collection of independent predictions from a token in the source sentence to a span in the target sentence. Since this step is equivalent to a SQuAD v2.0 style question answering task, we solve it using the multilingual BERT, which is fine-tuned on manually created gold word alignment data. It is nontrivial to obtain accurate alignment from a set of independently predicted spans. We greatly improved the word alignment accuracy by adding to the question the source token's context and symmetrizing two directional predictions. In experiments using five word alignment datasets from among Chinese, Japanese, German, Romanian, French, and English, we show that our proposed method significantly outperformed previous supervised and unsupervised word alignment methods without any bitexts for pretraining. For example, we achieved 86.7 F1 score for the Chinese-English data, which is 13.3 points higher than the previous state-of-the-art supervised method.

62. BERT-of-Theseus: Compressing BERT by Progressive Module Replacing [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Long Paper
  Canwen Xu, Wangchunshu Zhou, Tao Ge, Furu Wei, Ming Zhou
In this paper, we propose a novel model compression approach to effectively compress BERT by progressive module replacing. Our approach first divides the original BERT into several modules and builds their compact substitutes. Then, we randomly replace the original modules with their substitutes to train the compact modules to mimic the behavior of the original modules. We progressively increase the probability of replacement through the training. In this way, our approach brings a deeper level of interaction between the original and compact models. Compared to the previous knowledge distillation approaches for BERT compression, our approach does not introduce any additional loss function. Our approach outperforms existing knowledge distillation approaches on GLUE benchmark, showing a new perspective of model compression.

63. Character-level Representations Still Improve Semantic Parsing in the Age of BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Long Paper
  Rik van Noord, Antonio Toral, Johan Bos
We combine character-level and contextual language model representations to improve performance on Discourse Representation Structure parsing. Character representations can easily be added in a sequence-to-sequence model in either one encoder or as a fully separate encoder, with improvements that are robust to different language models, languages and data sets. For English, these improvements are larger than adding individual sources of linguistic information or adding non-contextual embeddings. A new method of analysis based on semantic tags demonstrates that the character-level representations improve performance across a subset of selected semantic phenomena.

64. Compositional and Lexical Semantics in RoBERTa, BERT and DistilBERT: A Case Study on CoQA [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Long Paper
  Ieva Staliūnaitė, Ignacio Iacobacci
Many NLP tasks have benefited from transferring knowledge from contextualized word embeddings, however the picture of what type of knowledge is transferred is incomplete. This paper studies the types of linguistic phenomena accounted for by language models in the context of a Conversational Question Answering (CoQA) task. We identify the problematic areas for the finetuned RoBERTa, BERT and DistilBERT models through systematic error analysis - basic arithmetic (counting phrases), compositional semantics (negation and Semantic Role Labeling), and lexical semantics (surprisal and antonymy). When enhanced with the relevant linguistic knowledge through multitask learning, the models improve in performance. Ensembles of the enhanced models yield a boost between 2.2 and 2.7 points in F1 score overall, and up to 42.1 points in F1 on the hardest question classes. The results show differences in ability to represent compositional and lexical information between RoBERTa, BERT and DistilBERT.

65. BERT Knows Punta Cana Is Not Just Beautiful, It’s Gorgeous: Ranking Scalar Adjectives with Contextualised Representations [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Long Paper
  Aina Garí Soler, Marianna Apidianaki
Adjectives like pretty, beautiful and gorgeous describe positive properties of the nouns they modify but with different intensity. These differences are important for natural language understanding and reasoning. We propose a novel BERT-based approach to intensity detection for scalar adjectives. We model intensity by vectors directly derived from contextualised representations and show they can successfully rank scalar adjectives. We evaluate our models both intrinsically, on gold standard datasets, and on an Indirect Question Answering task. Our results demonstrate that BERT encodes rich knowledge about the semantics of scalar adjectives, and is able to provide better quality intensity rankings than static embeddings and previous models with access to dedicated resources.

66. When BERT Plays the Lottery, All Tickets Are Winning [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Long Paper
  Sai Prasanna, Anna Rogers, Anna Rumshisky
Large Transformer-based models were shown to be reducible to a smaller number of self-attention heads and layers. We consider this phenomenon from the perspective of the lottery ticket hypothesis, using both structured and magnitude pruning. For fine-tuned BERT, we show that (a) it is possible to find subnetworks achieving performance that is comparable with that of the full model, and (b) similarly-sized subnetworks sampled from the rest of the model perform worse. Strikingly, with structured pruning even the worst possible subnetworks remain highly trainable, indicating that most pre-trained BERT weights are potentially useful. We also study the ``good" subnetworks to see if their success can be attributed to superior linguistic knowledge, but find them unstable, and not explained by meaningful self-attention patterns.

67. DagoBERT: Generating Derivational Morphology with a Pretrained Language Model [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Long Paper
  Valentin Hofmann, Janet Pierrehumbert, Hinrich Schütze
Can pretrained language models (PLMs) generatederivationally complex words? Wepresent the first study investigating this question,taking BERT as the example PLM. We examineBERT’s derivational capabilities in differentsettings, ranging from using the unmodifiedpretrained model to full finetuning. Ourbest model, DagoBERT (Derivationally andgeneratively optimized BERT), clearly outperformsthe previous state of the art in derivationgeneration (DG). Furthermore, our experimentsshow that the input segmentation cruciallyimpacts BERT’s derivational knowledge,suggesting that the performance of PLMscould be further improved if a morphologicallyinformed vocabulary of units were used.

68. Which *BERT? A Survey Organizing Contextualized Encoders [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Long Paper
  Patrick Xia, Shijie Wu, Benjamin Van Durme
Pretrained contextualized text encoders are now a staple of the NLP community. We present a survey on language representation learning with the aim of consolidating a series of shared lessons learned across a variety of recent efforts. While significant advancements continue at a rapid pace, we find that enough has now been discovered, in different directions, that we can begin to organize advances according to common themes. Through this organization, we highlight important considerations when interpreting recent contributions and choosing which model to use.

69. TernaryBERT: Distillation-aware Ultra-low Bit BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Long Paper
  Wei Zhang, Lu Hou, Yichun Yin, Lifeng Shang, Xiao Chen, Xin Jiang, Qun Liu
Transformer-based pre-training models like BERT have achieved remarkable performance in many natural language processing tasks. However, these models are both computation and memory expensive, hindering their deployment to resource-constrained devices. In this work, we propose TernaryBERT, which ternarizes the weights in a fine-tuned BERT model. Specifically, we use both approximation-based and loss-aware ternarization methods and empirically investigate the ternarization granularity of different parts of BERT. Moreover, to reduce the accuracy degradation caused by lower capacity of low bits, we leverage the knowledge distillation technique in the training process. Experiments on the GLUE benchmark and SQuAD show that our proposed TernaryBERT outperforms the other BERT quantization methods, and even achieves comparable performance as the full-precision model while being 14.9x smaller.

70. Entity Enhanced BERT Pre-training for Chinese NER [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Long Paper
  Chen Jia, Yuefeng Shi, Qinrong Yang, Yue Zhang
Character-level BERT pre-trained in Chinese suffers a limitation of lacking lexicon information, which shows effectiveness for Chinese NER. To integrate the lexicon into pre-trained LMs for Chinese NER, we investigate a semi-supervised entity enhanced BERT pre-training method. In particular, we first extract an entity lexicon from the relevant raw text using a new-word discovery method. We then integrate the entity information into BERT using Char-Entity-Transformer, which augments the self-attention using a combination of character and entity representations. In addition, an entity classification task helps inject the entity information into model parameters in pre-training. The pre-trained models are used for NER fine-tuning. Experiments on a news dataset and two datasets annotated by ourselves for NER in long-text show that our method is highly effective and achieves the best results.

71. Infusing Disease Knowledge into BERT for Health Question Answering, Medical Inference and Disease Name Recognition [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Long Paper
  Yun He, Ziwei Zhu, Yin Zhang, Qin Chen, James Caverlee
Knowledge of a disease includes information of various aspects of the disease, such as signs and symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. This disease knowledge is critical for many health-related and biomedical tasks, including consumer health question answering, medical language inference and disease name recognition. While pre-trained language models like BERT have shown success in capturing syntactic, semantic, and world knowledge from text, we find they can be further complemented by specific information like knowledge of symptoms, diagnoses, treatments, and other disease aspects. Hence, we integrate BERT with disease knowledge for improving these important tasks. Specifically, we propose a new disease knowledge infusion training procedure and evaluate it on a suite of BERT models including BERT, BioBERT, SciBERT, ClinicalBERT, BlueBERT, and ALBERT. Experiments over the three tasks show that these models can be enhanced in nearly all cases, demonstrating the viability of disease knowledge infusion. For example, accuracy of BioBERT on consumer health question answering is improved from 68.29% to 72.09%, while new SOTA results are observed in two datasets. We make our data and code freely available.

72. HABERTOR: An Efficient and Effective Deep Hatespeech Detector [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Long Paper
  Thanh Tran, Yifan Hu, Changwei Hu, Kevin Yen, Fei Tan, Kyumin Lee, Se Rim Park
We present our HABERTOR model for detecting hatespeech in large scale user-generated content. Inspired by the recent success of the BERT model, we propose several modifications to BERT to enhance the performance on the downstream hatespeech classification task. HABERTOR inherits BERT's architecture, but is different in four aspects: (i) it generates its own vocabularies and is pre-trained from the scratch using the largest scale hatespeech dataset; (ii) it consists of Quaternion-based factorized components, resulting in a much smaller number of parameters, faster training and inferencing, as well as less memory usage; (iii) it uses our proposed multi-source ensemble heads with a pooling layer for separate input sources, to further enhance its effectiveness; and (iv) it uses a regularized adversarial training with our proposed fine-grained and adaptive noise magnitude to enhance its robustness. Through experiments on the large-scale real-world hatespeech dataset with 1.4M annotated comments, we show that HABERTOR works better than 15 state-of-the-art hatespeech detection methods, including fine-tuning Language Models. In particular, comparing with BERT, our HABERTOR is 4~5 times faster in the training/inferencing phase, uses less than 1/3 of the memory, and has better performance, even though we pre-train it by using less than 1% of the number of words. Our generalizability analysis shows that HABERTOR transfers well to other unseen hatespeech datasets and is a more efficient and effective alternative to BERT for the hatespeech classification.

73. On the Sentence Embeddings from BERT for Semantic Textual Similarity [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Long Paper
  Bohan Li, Hao Zhou, Junxian He, Mingxuan Wang, Yiming Yang, Lei Li
Pre-trained contextual representations like BERT have achieved great success in natural language processing. However, the sentence embeddings from the pre-trained language models without fine-tuning have been found to poorly capture semantic meaning of sentences. In this paper, we argue that the semantic information in the BERT embeddings is not fully exploited. We first reveal the theoretical connection between the masked language model pre-training objective and the semantic similarity task theoretically, and then analyze the BERT sentence embeddings empirically. We find that BERT always induces a non-smooth anisotropic semantic space of sentences, which harms its performance of semantic similarity. To address this issue, we propose to transform the anisotropic sentence embedding distribution to a smooth and isotropic Gaussian distribution through normalizing flows that are learned with an unsupervised objective. Experimental results show that our proposed BERT-flow method obtains significant performance gains over the state-of-the-art sentence embeddings on a variety of semantic textual similarity tasks.The code is available at \urlhttps://github.com/bohanli/BERT-flow.

74. Learning Physical Common Sense as Knowledge Graph Completion via BERT Data Augmentation and Constrained Tucker Factorization [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Short Paper
  Zhenjie Zhao, Evangelos Papalexakis, Xiaojuan Ma
Physical common sense plays an essential role in the cognition abilities of robots for human-robot interaction. Machine learning methods have shown promising results on physical commonsense learning in natural language processing but still suffer from model generalization. In this paper, we formulate physical commonsense learning as a knowledge graph completion problem to better use the latent relationships among training samples. Compared with completing general knowledge graphs, completing a physical commonsense knowledge graph has three unique characteristics: training data are scarce, not all facts can be mined from existing texts, and the number of relationships is small. To deal with these problems, we first use a pre-training language model BERT to augment training data, and then employ constrained tucker factorization to model complex relationships by constraining types and adding negative relationships. We compare our method with existing state-of-the-art knowledge graph embedding methods and show its superior performance.

75. BAE: BERT-based Adversarial Examples for Text Classification [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Short Paper
  Siddhant Garg, Goutham Ramakrishnan
Modern text classification models are susceptible to adversarial examples, perturbed versions of the original text indiscernible by humans which get misclassified by the model. Recent works in NLP use rule-based synonym replacement strategies to generate adversarial examples. These strategies can lead to out-of-context and unnaturally complex token replacements, which are easily identifiable by humans. We present BAE, a black box attack for generating adversarial examples using contextual perturbations from a BERT masked language model. BAE replaces and inserts tokens in the original text by masking a portion of the text and leveraging the BERT-MLM to generate alternatives for the masked tokens. Through automatic and human evaluations, we show that BAE performs a stronger attack, in addition to generating adversarial examples with improved grammaticality and semantic coherence as compared to prior work.

76. PatchBERT: Just-in-Time, Out-of-Vocabulary Patching [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Short Paper
  Sangwhan Moon, Naoaki Okazaki
Large scale pre-trained language models have shown groundbreaking performance improvements for transfer learning in the domain of natural language processing. In our paper, we study a pre-trained multilingual BERT model and analyze the OOV rate on downstream tasks, how it introduces information loss, and as a side-effect, obstructs the potential of the underlying model. We then propose multiple approaches for mitigation and demonstrate that it improves performance with the same parameter count when combined with fine-tuning.

77. Pretrained Language Model Embryology: The Birth of ALBERT [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Short Paper
  Cheng-Han Chiang, Sung-Feng Huang, Hung-yi Lee
While behaviors of pretrained language models (LMs) have been thoroughly examined, what happened during pretraining is rarely studied.We thus investigate the developmental process from a set of randomly initialized parameters to a totipotent language model, which we refer to as the \textitembryology of a pretrained language model.Our results show that ALBERT learns to reconstruct and predict tokens of different parts of speech (POS) in different learning speeds during pretraining.We also find that linguistic knowledge and world knowledge do not generally improve as pretraining proceeds, nor do downstream tasks' performance.These findings suggest that knowledge of a pretrained model varies during pretraining, and having more pretrain steps does not necessarily provide a model with more comprehensive knowledge. We provide source codes and pretrained models to reproduce our results at \urlhttps://github.com/d223302/albert-embryology.

78. To BERT or Not to BERT: Comparing Task-specific and Task-agnostic Semi-Supervised Approaches for Sequence Tagging [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Short Paper
  Kasturi Bhattacharjee, Miguel Ballesteros, Rishita Anubhai, Smaranda Muresan, Jie Ma, Faisal Ladhak, Yaser Al-Onaizan
Leveraging large amounts of unlabeled data using Transformer-like architectures, like BERT, has gained popularity in recent times owing to their effectiveness in learning general representations that can then be further fine-tuned for downstream tasks to much success. However, training these models can be costly both from an economic and environmental standpoint. In this work, we investigate how to effectively use unlabeled data: by exploring the task-specific semi-supervised approach, Cross-View Training (CVT) and comparing it with task-agnostic BERT in multiple settings that include domain and task relevant English data. CVT uses a much lighter model architecture and we show that it achieves similar performance to BERT on a set of sequence tagging tasks, with lesser financial and environmental impact.

79. Ad-hoc Document Retrieval Using Weak-Supervision with BERT and GPT2 [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Short Paper
  Yosi Mass, Haggai Roitman
We describe a weakly-supervised method for training deep learning models for the task of ad-hoc document retrieval. Our method is based on generative and discriminative models that are trained using weak-supervision just from the documents in the corpus. We present an end-to-end retrieval system that starts with traditional information retrieval methods, followed by two deep learning re-rankers. We evaluate our method on three different datasets: a COVID-19 related scientific literature dataset and two news datasets. We show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods; this without the need for the expensive process of manually labeling data.

80. Towards Interpreting BERT for Reading Comprehension Based QA [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Short Paper
  Sahana Ramnath, Preksha Nema, Deep Sahni, Mitesh M. Khapra
BERT and its variants have achieved state-of-the-art performance in various NLP tasks. Since then, various works have been proposed to analyze the linguistic information being captured in BERT. However, the current works do not provide an insight into how BERT is able to achieve near human-level performance on the task of Reading Comprehension based Question Answering. In this work, we attempt to interpret BERT for RCQA. Since BERT layers do not have predefined roles, we define a layer's role or functionality using Integrated Gradients. Based on the defined roles, we perform a preliminary analysis across all layers. We observed that the initial layers focus on query-passage interaction, whereas later layers focus more on contextual understanding and enhancing the answer prediction. Specifically for quantifier questions (how much/how many), we notice that BERT focuses on confusing words (i.e., on other numerical quantities in the passage) in the later layers, but still manages to predict the answer correctly. The fine-tuning and analysis scripts will be publicly available at https://github.com/iitmnlp/BERT-Analysis-RCQA.

81. Adapting BERT for Word Sense Disambiguation with Gloss Selection Objective and Example Sentences [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Findings Short Paper
  Boon Peng Yap, Andrew Koh, Eng Siong Chng
Domain adaptation or transfer learning using pre-trained language models such as BERT has proven to be an effective approach for many natural language processing tasks. In this work, we propose to formulate word sense disambiguation as a relevance ranking task, and fine-tune BERT on sequence-pair ranking task to select the most probable sense definition given a context sentence and a list of candidate sense definitions. We also introduce a data augmentation technique for WSD using existing example sentences from WordNet. Using the proposed training objective and data augmentation technique, our models are able to achieve state-of-the-art results on the English all-words benchmark datasets.

82. ConceptBert: Concept-Aware Representation for Visual Question Answering [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Findings Short Paper
  François Gardères, Maryam Ziaeefard, Baptiste Abeloos, Freddy Lecue
Visual Question Answering (VQA) is a challenging task that has received increasing attention from both the computer vision and the natural language processing communities. A VQA model combines visual and textual features in order to answer questions grounded in an image. Current works in VQA focus on questions which are answerable by direct analysis of the question and image alone. We present a concept-aware algorithm, ConceptBert, for questions which require common sense, or basic factual knowledge from external structured content. Given an image and a question in natural language, ConceptBert requires visual elements of the image and a Knowledge Graph (KG) to infer the correct answer. We introduce a multi-modal representation which learns a joint Concept-Vision-Language embedding inspired by the popular BERT architecture. We exploit ConceptNet KG for encoding the common sense knowledge and evaluate our methodology on the Outside Knowledge-VQA (OK-VQA) and VQA datasets.

83. E-BERT: Efficient-Yet-Effective Entity Embeddings for BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Findings Short Paper
  Nina Poerner, Ulli Waltinger, Hinrich Schütze
We present a novel way of injecting factual knowledge about entities into the pretrained BERT model (Devlin et al., 2019): We align Wikipedia2Vec entity vectors (Yamada et al., 2016) with BERT’s native wordpiece vector space and use the aligned entity vectors as if they were wordpiece vectors. The resulting entity-enhanced version of BERT (called E-BERT) is similar in spirit to ERNIE (Zhang et al., 2019) and KnowBert (Peters et al., 2019), but it requires no expensive further pre-training of the BERT encoder. We evaluate E-BERT on unsupervised question answering (QA), supervised relation classification (RC) and entity linking (EL). On all three tasks, E-BERT outperforms BERT and other baselines. We also show quantitatively that the original BERT model is overly reliant on the surface form of entity names (e.g., guessing that someone with an Italian-sounding name speaks Italian), and that E-BERT mitigates this problem.

84. Cross-lingual Alignment Methods for Multilingual BERT: A Comparative Study [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Findings Short Paper
  Saurabh Kulshreshtha, Jose Luis Redondo Garcia, Ching-Yun Chang
Multilingual BERT (mBERT) has shown reasonable capability for zero-shot cross-lingual transfer when fine-tuned on downstream tasks. Since mBERT is not pre-trained with explicit cross-lingual supervision, transfer performance can further be improved by aligning mBERT with cross-lingual signal. Prior work propose several approaches to align contextualised embeddings. In this paper we analyse how different forms of cross-lingual supervision and various alignment methods influence the transfer capability of mBERT in zero-shot setting. Specifically, we compare parallel corpora vs dictionary-based supervision and rotational vs fine-tuning based alignment methods. We evaluate the performance of different alignment methodologies across eight languages on two tasks: Name Entity Recognition and Semantic Slot Filling. In addition, we propose a novel normalisation method which consistently improves the performance of rotation-based alignment including a notable 3% F1 improvement for distant and typologically dissimilar languages. Importantly we identify the biases of the alignment methods to the type of task and proximity to the transfer language. We also find that supervision from parallel corpus is generally superior to dictionary alignments.

85. PhoBERT: Pre-trained language models for Vietnamese [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Findings Short Paper
  Dat Quoc Nguyen, Anh Tuan Nguyen
We present PhoBERT with two versions, PhoBERT-base and PhoBERT-large, the first public large-scale monolingual language models pre-trained for Vietnamese. Experimental results show that PhoBERT consistently outperforms the recent best pre-trained multilingual model XLM-R (Conneau et al., 2020) and improves the state-of-the-art in multiple Vietnamese-specific NLP tasks including Part-of-speech tagging, Dependency parsing, Named-entity recognition and Natural language inference. We release PhoBERT to facilitate future research and downstream applications for Vietnamese NLP. Our PhoBERT models are available at https://github.com/VinAIResearch/PhoBERT

86. Multiˆ2OIE: Multilingual Open Information Extraction based on Multi-Head Attention with BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Findings Short Paper
  Youngbin Ro, Yukyung Lee, Pilsung Kang
In this paper, we propose Multi2OIE, which performs open information extraction (open IE) by combining BERT with multi-head attention. Our model is a sequence-labeling system with an efficient and effective argument extraction method. We use a query, key, and value setting inspired by the Multimodal Transformer to replace the previously used bidirectional long short-term memory architecture with multi-head attention. Multi2OIE outperforms existing sequence-labeling systems with high computational efficiency on two benchmark evaluation datasets, Re-OIE2016 and CaRB. Additionally, we apply the proposed method to multilingual open IE using multilingual BERT. Experimental results on new benchmark datasets introduced for two languages (Spanish and Portuguese) demonstrate that our model outperforms other multilingual systems without training data for the target languages.

87. Parsing with Multilingual BERT, a Small Treebank, and a Small Corpus [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Findings Short Paper
  Ethan C. Chau, Lucy H. Lin, Noah A. Smith
Pretrained multilingual contextual representations have shown great success, but due to the limits of their pretraining data, their benefits do not apply equally to all language varieties. This presents a challenge for language varieties unfamiliar to these models, whose labeled and unlabeled data is too limited to train a monolingual model effectively. We propose the use of additional language-specific pretraining and vocabulary augmentation to adapt multilingual models to low-resource settings. Using dependency parsing of four diverse low-resource language varieties as a case study, we show that these methods significantly improve performance over baselines, especially in the lowest-resource cases, and demonstrate the importance of the relationship between such models’ pretraining data and target language varieties.

88. exBERT: Extending Pre-trained Models with Domain-specific Vocabulary Under Constrained Training Resources [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Findings Short Paper
  Wen Tai, H. T. Kung, Xin Dong, Marcus Comiter, Chang-Fu Kuo
We introduce exBERT, a training method to extend BERT pre-trained models from a general domain to a new pre-trained model for a specific domain with a new additive vocabulary under constrained training resources (i.e., constrained computation and data). exBERT uses a small extension module to learn to adapt an augmenting embedding for the new domain in the context of the original BERT’s embedding of a general vocabulary. The exBERT training method is novel in learning the new vocabulary and the extension module while keeping the weights of the original BERT model fixed, resulting in a substantial reduction in required training resources. We pre-train exBERT with biomedical articles from ClinicalKey and PubMed Central, and study its performance on biomedical downstream benchmark tasks using the MTL-Bioinformatics-2016 datasets. We demonstrate that exBERT consistently outperforms prior approaches when using limited corpus and pre-training computation resources.

89. CodeBERT: A Pre-Trained Model for Programming and Natural Languages [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Findings Short Paper
  Zhangyin Feng, Daya Guo, Duyu Tang, Nan Duan, Xiaocheng Feng, Ming Gong, Linjun Shou, Bing Qin, Ting Liu, Daxin Jiang, Ming Zhou
We present CodeBERT, a bimodal pre-trained model for programming language (PL) and natural language (NL). CodeBERT learns general-purpose representations that support downstream NL-PL applications such as natural language code search, code documentation generation, etc. We develop CodeBERT with Transformer-based neural architecture, and train it with a hybrid objective function that incorporates the pre-training task of replaced token detection, which is to detect plausible alternatives sampled from generators. This enables us to utilize both “bimodal” data of NL-PL pairs and “unimodal data, where the former provides input tokens for model training while the latter helps to learn better generators. We evaluate CodeBERT on two NL-PL applications by fine-tuning model parameters. Results show that CodeBERT achieves state-of-the-art performance on both natural language code search and code documentation generation. Furthermore, to investigate what type of knowledge is learned in CodeBERT, we construct a dataset for NL-PL probing, and evaluate in a zero-shot setting where parameters of pre-trained models are fixed. Results show that CodeBERT performs better than previous pre-trained models on NLPL probing.

90. Cost-effective Selection of Pretraining Data: A Case Study of Pretraining BERT on Social Media [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Findings Short Paper
  Xiang Dai, Sarvnaz Karimi, Ben Hachey, Cecile Paris
Recent studies on domain-specific BERT models show that effectiveness on downstream tasks can be improved when models are pretrained on in-domain data. Often, the pretraining data used in these models are selected based on their subject matter, e.g., biology or computer science. Given the range of applications using social media text, and its unique language variety, we pretrain two models on tweets and forum text respectively, and empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of these two resources. In addition, we investigate how similarity measures can be used to nominate in-domain pretraining data. We publicly release our pretrained models at https://bit.ly/35RpTf0.

91. TopicBERT for Energy Efficient Document Classification [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Findings Short Paper
  Yatin Chaudhary, Pankaj Gupta, Khushbu Saxena, Vivek Kulkarni, Thomas Runkler, Hinrich Schütze
Prior research notes that BERT’s computational cost grows quadratically with sequence length thus leading to longer training times, higher GPU memory constraints and carbon emissions. While recent work seeks to address these scalability issues at pre-training, these issues are also prominent in fine-tuning especially for long sequence tasks like document classification. Our work thus focuses on optimizing the computational cost of fine-tuning for document classification. We achieve this by complementary learning of both topic and language models in a unified framework, named TopicBERT. This significantly reduces the number of self-attention operations – a main performance bottleneck. Consequently, our model achieves a 1.4x ( 40%) speedup with 40% reduction in CO2 emission while retaining 99.9% performance over 5 datasets.

92. Optimizing BERT for Unlabeled Text-Based Items Similarity [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Findings Short Paper
  Itzik Malkiel, Oren Barkan, Avi Caciularu, Noam Razin, Ori Katz, Noam Koenigstein
Language models that utilize extensive self-supervised pre-training from unlabeled text, have recently shown to significantly advance the state-of-the-art performance in a variety of language understanding tasks. However, it is yet unclear if and how these recent models can be harnessed for conducting text-based recommendations. In this work, we introduce RecoBERT, a BERT-based approach for learning catalog-specialized language models for text-based item recommendations. We suggest novel training and inference procedures for scoring similarities between pairs of items, that don’t require item similarity labels. Both the training and the inference techniques were designed to utilize the unlabeled structure of textual catalogs, and minimize the discrepancy between them. By incorporating four scores during inference, RecoBERT can infer text-based item-to-item similarities more accurately than other techniques. In addition, we introduce a new language understanding task for wine recommendations using similarities based on professional wine reviews. As an additional contribution, we publish annotated recommendations dataset crafted by human wine experts. Finally, we evaluate RecoBERT and compare it to various state-of-the-art NLP models on wine and fashion recommendations tasks.

93. DomBERT: Domain-oriented Language Model for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Findings Short Paper
  Hu Xu, Bing Liu, Lei Shu, Philip Yu
This paper focuses on learning domain-oriented language models driven by end tasks, which aims to combine the worlds of both general-purpose language models (such as ELMo and BERT) and domain-specific language understanding. We propose DomBERT, an extension of BERT to learn from both in-domain corpus and relevant domain corpora. This helps in learning domain language models with low-resources. Experiments are conducted on an assortment of tasks in aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA), demonstrating promising results.

94. Extending Multilingual BERT to Low-Resource Languages [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Findings Short Paper
  Zihan Wang, Karthikeyan K, Stephen Mayhew, Dan Roth
Multilingual BERT (M-BERT) has been a huge success in both supervised and zero-shot cross-lingual transfer learning. However, this success is focused only on the top 104 languages in Wikipedia it was trained on. In this paper, we propose a simple but effective approach to extend M-BERT E-MBERT so it can benefit any new language, and show that our approach aids languages that are already in M-BERT as well. We perform an extensive set of experiments with Named Entity Recognition (NER) on 27 languages, only 16 of which are in M-BERT, and show an average increase of about 6% F1 on M-BERT languages and 23% F1 increase on new languages. We release models and code at http://cogcomp.org/page/publication_view/912.

95. Universal Dependencies according to BERT: both more specific and more general [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Findings Short Paper
  Tomasz Limisiewicz, David Mareček, Rudolf Rosa
This work focuses on analyzing the form and extent of syntactic abstraction captured by BERT by extracting labeled dependency trees from self-attentions. Previous work showed that individual BERT heads tend to encode particular dependency relation types. We extend these findings by explicitly comparing BERT relations to Universal Dependencies (UD) annotations, showing that they often do not match one-to-one. We suggest a method for relation identification and syntactic tree construction. Our approach produces significantly more consistent dependency trees than previous work, showing that it better explains the syntactic abstractions in BERT. At the same time, it can be successfully applied with only a minimal amount of supervision and generalizes well across languages.

96. LEGAL-BERT: “Preparing the Muppets for Court’” [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Findings Short Paper
  Ilias Chalkidis, Manos Fergadiotis, Prodromos Malakasiotis, Nikolaos Aletras, Ion Androutsopoulos
BERT has achieved impressive performance in several NLP tasks. However, there has been limited investigation on its adaptation guidelines in specialised domains. Here we focus on the legal domain, where we explore several approaches for applying BERT models to downstream legal tasks, evaluating on multiple datasets. Our findings indicate that the previous guidelines for pre-training and fine-tuning, often blindly followed, do not always generalize well in the legal domain. Thus we propose a systematic investigation of the available strategies when applying BERT in specialised domains. These are: (a) use the original BERT out of the box, (b) adapt BERT by additional pre-training on domain-specific corpora, and (c) pre-train BERT from scratch on domain-specific corpora. We also propose a broader hyper-parameter search space when fine-tuning for downstream tasks and we release LEGAL-BERT, a family of BERT models intended to assist legal NLP research, computational law, and legal technology applications.

97. RobBERT: a Dutch RoBERTa-based Language Model [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Findings Short Paper
  Pieter Delobelle, Thomas Winters, Bettina Berendt
Pre-trained language models have been dominating the field of natural language processing in recent years, and have led to significant performance gains for various complex natural language tasks. One of the most prominent pre-trained language models is BERT, which was released as an English as well as a multilingual version. Although multilingual BERT performs well on many tasks, recent studies show that BERT models trained on a single language significantly outperform the multilingual version. Training a Dutch BERT model thus has a lot of potential for a wide range of Dutch NLP tasks. While previous approaches have used earlier implementations of BERT to train a Dutch version of BERT, we used RoBERTa, a robustly optimized BERT approach, to train a Dutch language model called RobBERT. We measured its performance on various tasks as well as the importance of the fine-tuning dataset size. We also evaluated the importance of language-specific tokenizers and the model’s fairness. We found that RobBERT improves state-of-the-art results for various tasks, and especially significantly outperforms other models when dealing with smaller datasets. These results indicate that it is a powerful pre-trained model for a large variety of Dutch language tasks. The pre-trained and fine-tuned models are publicly available to support further downstream Dutch NLP applications.

98. BERT-kNN: Adding a kNN Search Component to Pretrained Language Models for Better QA [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Findings Short Paper
  Nora Kassner, Hinrich Schütze
Khandelwal et al. (2020) use a k-nearest-neighbor (kNN) component to improve language model performance. We show that this idea is beneficial for open-domain question answering (QA). To improve the recall of facts encountered during training, we combine BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) with a traditional information retrieval step (IR) and a kNN search over a large datastore of an embedded text collection. Our contributions are as follows: i) BERT-kNN outperforms BERT on cloze-style QA by large margins without any further training. ii) We show that BERT often identifies the correct response category (e.g., US city), but only kNN recovers the factually correct answer (e.g.,“Miami”). iii) Compared to BERT, BERT-kNN excels for rare facts. iv) BERT-kNN can easily handle facts not covered by BERT’s training set, e.g., recent events.

99. TinyBERT: Distilling BERT for Natural Language Understanding [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Findings Short Paper
  Xiaoqi Jiao, Yichun Yin, Lifeng Shang, Xin Jiang, Xiao Chen, Linlin Li, Fang Wang, Qun Liu
Language model pre-training, such as BERT, has significantly improved the performances of many natural language processing tasks. However, pre-trained language models are usually computationally expensive, so it is difficult to efficiently execute them on resource-restricted devices. To accelerate inference and reduce model size while maintaining accuracy, we first propose a novel Transformer distillation method that is specially designed for knowledge distillation (KD) of the Transformer-based models. By leveraging this new KD method, the plenty of knowledge encoded in a large “teacher” BERT can be effectively transferred to a small “student” TinyBERT. Then, we introduce a new two-stage learning framework for TinyBERT, which performs Transformer distillation at both the pre-training and task-specific learning stages. This framework ensures that TinyBERT can capture the general-domain as well as the task-specific knowledge in BERT. TinyBERT4 with 4 layers is empirically effective and achieves more than 96.8% the performance of its teacher BERT-Base on GLUE benchmark, while being 7.5x smaller and 9.4x faster on inference. TinyBERT4 is also significantly better than 4-layer state-of-the-art baselines on BERT distillation, with only ~28% parameters and ~31% inference time of them. Moreover, TinyBERT6 with 6 layers performs on-par with its teacher BERT-Base.

100. The birth of Romanian BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Findings Short Paper
  Stefan Dumitrescu, Andrei-Marius Avram, Sampo Pyysalo
Large-scale pretrained language models have become ubiquitous in Natural Language Processing. However, most of these models are available either in high-resource languages, in particular English, or as multilingual models that compromise performance on individual languages for coverage. This paper introduces Romanian BERT, the first purely Romanian transformer-based language model, pretrained on a large text corpus. We discuss corpus com-position and cleaning, the model training process, as well as an extensive evaluation of the model on various Romanian datasets. We opensource not only the model itself, but also a repository that contains information on how to obtain the corpus, fine-tune and use this model in production (with practical examples), and how to fully replicate the evaluation process.

101. BERT for Monolingual and Cross-Lingual Reverse Dictionary [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Findings Short Paper
  Hang Yan, Xiaonan Li, Xipeng Qiu, Bocao Deng
Reverse dictionary is the task to find the proper target word given the word description. In this paper, we tried to incorporate BERT into this task. However, since BERT is based on the byte-pair-encoding (BPE) subword encoding, it is nontrivial to make BERT generate a word given the description. We propose a simple but effective method to make BERT generate the target word for this specific task. Besides, the cross-lingual reverse dictionary is the task to find the proper target word described in another language. Previous models have to keep two different word embeddings and learn to align these embeddings. Nevertheless, by using the Multilingual BERT (mBERT), we can efficiently conduct the cross-lingual reverse dictionary with one subword embedding, and the alignment between languages is not necessary. More importantly, mBERT can achieve remarkable cross-lingual reverse dictionary performance even without the parallel corpus, which means it can conduct the cross-lingual reverse dictionary with only corresponding monolingual data. Code is publicly available at https://github.com/yhcc/BertForRD.git.

102. What’s so special about BERT’s layers? A closer look at the NLP pipeline in monolingual and multilingual models [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Findings Short Paper
  Wietse de Vries, Andreas van Cranenburgh, Malvina Nissim
Peeking into the inner workings of BERT has shown that its layers resemble the classical NLP pipeline, with progressively more complex tasks being concentrated in later layers. To investigate to what extent these results also hold for a language other than English, we probe a Dutch BERT-based model and the multilingual BERT model for Dutch NLP tasks. In addition, through a deeper analysis of part-of-speech tagging, we show that also within a given task, information is spread over different parts of the network and the pipeline might not be as neat as it seems. Each layer has different specialisations, so that it may be more useful to combine information from different layers, instead of selecting a single one based on the best overall performance.

103. A BERT-based Distractor Generation Scheme with Multi-tasking and Negative Answer Training Strategies [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Findings Short Paper
  Ho-Lam Chung, Ying-Hong Chan, Yao-Chung Fan
In this paper, we investigate the following two limitations for the existing distractor generation (DG) methods. First, the quality of the existing DG methods are still far from practical use. There are still room for DG quality improvement. Second, the existing DG designs are mainly for single distractor generation. However, for practical MCQ preparation, multiple distractors are desired. Aiming at these goals, in this paper, we present a new distractor generation scheme with multi-tasking and negative answer training strategies for effectively generating multiple distractors. The experimental results show that (1) our model advances the state-of-the-art result from 28.65 to 39.81 (BLEU 1 score) and (2) the generated multiple distractors are diverse and shows strong distracting power for multiple choice question.

104. LIMIT-BERT : Linguistics Informed Multi-Task BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Findings Short Paper
  Junru Zhou, Zhuosheng Zhang, Hai Zhao, Shuailiang Zhang
In this paper, we present Linguistics Informed Multi-Task BERT (LIMIT-BERT) for learning language representations across multiple linguistics tasks by Multi-Task Learning. LIMIT-BERT includes five key linguistics tasks: Part-Of-Speech (POS) tags, constituent and dependency syntactic parsing, span and dependency semantic role labeling (SRL). Different from recent Multi-Task Deep Neural Networks (MT-DNN), our LIMIT-BERT is fully linguistics motivated and thus is capable of adopting an improved masked training objective according to syntactic and semantic constituents. Besides, LIMIT-BERT takes a semi-supervised learning strategy to offer the same large amount of linguistics task data as that for the language model training. As a result, LIMIT-BERT not only improves linguistics tasks performance but also benefits from a regularization effect and linguistics information that leads to more general representations to help adapt to new tasks and domains. LIMIT-BERT outperforms the strong baseline Whole Word Masking BERT on both dependency and constituent syntactic/semantic parsing, GLUE benchmark, and SNLI task. Our practice on the proposed LIMIT-BERT also enables us to release a well pre-trained model for multi-purpose of natural language processing tasks once for all.

105. Exploring BERT’s sensitivity to lexical cues using tests from semantic priming [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Findings Short Paper
  Kanishka Misra, Allyson Ettinger, Julia Rayz
Models trained to estimate word probabilities in context have become ubiquitous in natural language processing. How do these models use lexical cues in context to inform their word probabilities? To answer this question, we present a case study analyzing the pre-trained BERT model with tests informed by semantic priming. Using English lexical stimuli that show priming in humans, we find that BERT too shows “priming”, predicting a word with greater probability when the context includes a related word versus an unrelated one. This effect decreases as the amount of information provided by the context increases. Follow-up analysis shows BERT to be increasingly distracted by related prime words as context becomes more informative, assigning lower probabilities to related words. Our findings highlight the importance of considering contextual constraint effects when studying word prediction in these models, and highlight possible parallels with human processing.

106. MMFT-BERT: Multimodal Fusion Transformer with BERT Encodings for Visual Question Answering [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Findings Short Paper
  Aisha Urooj, Amir Mazaheri, Niels Da vitoria lobo, Mubarak Shah
We present MMFT-BERT(MultiModal FusionTransformer with BERT encodings), to solve Visual Question Answering (VQA) ensuring individual and combined processing of multiple input modalities. Our approach benefits from processing multimodal data (video and text) adopting the BERT encodings individually and using a novel transformer-based fusion method to fuse them together. Our method decomposes the different sources of modalities, into different BERT instances with similar architectures, but variable weights. This achieves SOTA results on the TVQA dataset. Additionally, we provide TVQA-Visual, an isolated diagnostic subset of TVQA, which strictly requires the knowledge of visual (V) modality based on a human annotator’s judgment. This set of questions helps us to study the model’s behavior and the challenges TVQA poses to prevent the achievement of super human performance. Extensive experiments show the effectiveness and superiority of our method.

107. BERT-QE: Contextualized Query Expansion for Document Re-ranking [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2020. Findings Short Paper
  Zhi Zheng, Kai Hui, Ben He, Xianpei Han, Le Sun, Andrew Yates
Query expansion aims to mitigate the mismatch between the language used in a query and in a document. However, query expansion methods can suffer from introducing non-relevant information when expanding the query. To bridge this gap, inspired by recent advances in applying contextualized models like BERT to the document retrieval task, this paper proposes a novel query expansion model that leverages the strength of the BERT model to select relevant document chunks for expansion. In evaluation on the standard TREC Robust04 and GOV2 test collections, the proposed BERT-QE model significantly outperforms BERT-Large models.

108. Large Batch Optimization for Deep Learning: Training BERT in 76 minutes [PDF] 返回目录
  ICLR 2020.
  Yang You, Jing Li, Sashank J. Reddi, Jonathan Hseu, Sanjiv Kumar, Srinadh Bhojanapalli, Xiaodan Song, James Demmel, Kurt Keutzer, Cho-Jui Hsieh
Training large deep neural networks on massive datasets is computationally very challenging. There has been recent surge in interest in using large batch stochastic optimization methods to tackle this issue. The most prominent algorithm in this line of research is LARS, which by employing layerwise adaptive learning rates trains ResNet on ImageNet in a few minutes. However, LARS performs poorly for attention models like BERT, indicating that its performance gains are not consistent across tasks. In this paper, we first study a principled layerwise adaptation strategy to accelerate training of deep neural networks using large mini-batches. Using this strategy, we develop a new layerwise adaptive large batch optimization technique called LAMB; we then provide convergence analysis of LAMB as well as LARS, showing convergence to a stationary point in general nonconvex settings. Our empirical results demonstrate the superior performance of LAMB across various tasks such as BERT and ResNet-50 training with very little hyperparameter tuning. In particular, for BERT training, our optimizer enables use of very large batch sizes of 32868 without any degradation of performance. By increasing the batch size to the memory limit of a TPUv3 Pod, BERT training time can be reduced from 3 days to just 76 minutes.

109. VL-BERT: Pre-training of Generic Visual-Linguistic Representations [PDF] 返回目录
  ICLR 2020.
  Weijie Su, Xizhou Zhu, Yue Cao, Bin Li, Lewei Lu, Furu Wei, Jifeng Dai
We introduce a new pre-trainable generic representation for visual-linguistic tasks, called Visual-Linguistic BERT (VL-BERT for short). VL-BERT adopts the simple yet powerful Transformer model as the backbone, and extends it to take both visual and linguistic embedded features as input. In it, each element of the input is either of a word from the input sentence, or a region-of-interest (RoI) from the input image. It is designed to fit for most of the visual-linguistic downstream tasks. To better exploit the generic representation, we pre-train VL-BERT on the massive-scale Conceptual Captions dataset, together with text-only corpus. Extensive empirical analysis demonstrates that the pre-training procedure can better align the visual-linguistic clues and benefit the downstream tasks, such as visual commonsense reasoning, visual question answering and referring expression comprehension. It is worth noting that VL-BERT achieved the first place of single model on the leaderboard of the VCR benchmark.

110. Thieves on Sesame Street! Model Extraction of BERT-based APIs [PDF] 返回目录
  ICLR 2020.
  Kalpesh Krishna, Gaurav Singh Tomar, Ankur P. Parikh, Nicolas Papernot, Mohit Iyyer
We study the problem of model extraction in natural language processing, in which an adversary with only query access to a victim model attempts to reconstruct a local copy of that model. Assuming that both the adversary and victim model fine-tune a large pretrained language model such as BERT (Devlin et al., 2019), we show that the adversary does not need any real training data to successfully mount the attack. In fact, the attacker need not even use grammatical or semantically meaningful queries: we show that random sequences of words coupled with task-specific heuristics form effective queries for model extraction on a diverse set of NLP tasks, including natural language inference and question answering. Our work thus highlights an exploit only made feasible by the shift towards transfer learning methods within the NLP community: for a query budget of a few hundred dollars, an attacker can extract a model that performs only slightly worse than the victim model. Finally, we study two defense strategies against model extraction—membership classification and API watermarking—which while successful against some adversaries can also be circumvented by more clever ones.

111. BERTScore: Evaluating Text Generation with BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  ICLR 2020.
  Tianyi Zhang, Varsha Kishore, Felix Wu, Kilian Q. Weinberger, Yoav Artzi
We propose BERTScore, an automatic evaluation metric for text generation. Analogously to common metrics, BERTScore computes a similarity score for each token in the candidate sentence with each token in the reference sentence. However, instead of exact matches, we compute token similarity using contextual embeddings. We evaluate using the outputs of 363 machine translation and image captioning systems. BERTScore correlates better with human judgments and provides stronger model selection performance than existing metrics. Finally, we use an adversarial paraphrase detection task and show that BERTScore is more robust to challenging examples compared to existing metrics.

112. Cross-Lingual Ability of Multilingual BERT: An Empirical Study [PDF] 返回目录
  ICLR 2020.
  Karthikeyan K, Zihan Wang, Stephen Mayhew, Dan Roth
Recent work has exhibited the surprising cross-lingual abilities of multilingual BERT (M-BERT) -- surprising since it is trained without any cross-lingual objective and with no aligned data. In this work, we provide a comprehensive study of the contribution of different components in M-BERT to its cross-lingual ability. We study the impact of linguistic properties of the languages, the architecture of the model, and the learning objectives. The experimental study is done in the context of three typologically different languages -- Spanish, Hindi, and Russian -- and using two conceptually different NLP tasks, textual entailment and named entity recognition. Among our key conclusions is the fact that the lexical overlap between languages plays a negligible role in the cross-lingual success, while the depth of the network is an integral part of it. All our models and implementations can be found on our project page: http://cogcomp.org/page/publication_view/900.

113. Incorporating BERT into Neural Machine Translation [PDF] 返回目录
  ICLR 2020.
  Jinhua Zhu, Yingce Xia, Lijun Wu, Di He, Tao Qin, Wengang Zhou, Houqiang Li, Tie-Yan Liu
The recently proposed BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) has shown great power on a variety of natural language understanding tasks, such as text classification, reading comprehension, etc. However, how to effectively apply BERT to neural machine translation (NMT) lacks enough exploration. While BERT is more commonly used as fine-tuning instead of contextual embedding for downstream language understanding tasks, in NMT, our preliminary exploration of using BERT as contextual embedding is better than using for fine-tuning. This motivates us to think how to better leverage BERT for NMT along this direction. We propose a new algorithm named BERT-fused model, in which we first use BERT to extract representations for an input sequence, and then the representations are fused with each layer of the encoder and decoder of the NMT model through attention mechanisms. We conduct experiments on supervised (including sentence-level and document-level translations), semi-supervised and unsupervised machine translation, and achieve state-of-the-art results on seven benchmark datasets. Our code is available at https://github.com/bert-nmt/bert-nmt

114. StructBERT: Incorporating Language Structures into Pre-training for Deep Language Understanding [PDF] 返回目录
  ICLR 2020.
  Wei Wang, Bin Bi, Ming Yan, Chen Wu, Jiangnan Xia, Zuyi Bao, Liwei Peng, Luo Si
Recently, the pre-trained language model, BERT (and its robustly optimized version RoBERTa), has attracted a lot of attention in natural language understanding (NLU), and achieved state-of-the-art accuracy in various NLU tasks, such as sentiment classification, natural language inference, semantic textual similarity and question answering. Inspired by the linearization exploration work of Elman, we extend BERT to a new model, StructBERT, by incorporating language structures into pre-training. Specifically, we pre-train StructBERT with two auxiliary tasks to make the most of the sequential order of words and sentences, which leverage language structures at the word and sentence levels, respectively. As a result, the new model is adapted to different levels of language understanding required by downstream tasks.The StructBERT with structural pre-training gives surprisingly good empirical results on a variety of downstream tasks, including pushing the state-of-the-art on the GLUE benchmark to 89.0 (outperforming all published models at the time of model submission), the F1 score on SQuAD v1.1 question answering to 93.0, the accuracy on SNLI to 91.7.

115. ALBERT: A Lite BERT for Self-supervised Learning of Language Representations [PDF] 返回目录
  ICLR 2020.
  Zhenzhong Lan, Mingda Chen, Sebastian Goodman, Kevin Gimpel, Piyush Sharma, Radu Soricut
Increasing model size when pretraining natural language representations often results in improved performance on downstream tasks. However, at some point further model increases become harder due to GPU/TPU memory limitations and longer training times. To address these problems, we present two parameter-reduction techniques to lower memory consumption and increase the training speed of BERT~\citep{devlin2018bert}. Comprehensive empirical evidence shows that our proposed methods lead to models that scale much better compared to the original BERT. We also use a self-supervised loss that focuses on modeling inter-sentence coherence, and show it consistently helps downstream tasks with multi-sentence inputs. As a result, our best model establishes new state-of-the-art results on the GLUE, RACE, and \squad benchmarks while having fewer parameters compared to BERT-large. The code and the pretrained models are available at https://github.com/google-research/ALBERT.

116. EViLBERT: Learning Task-Agnostic Multimodal Sense Embeddings [PDF] 返回目录
  IJCAI 2020.
  Agostina Calabrese, Michele Bevilacqua, Roberto Navigli
The problem of grounding language in vision is increasingly attracting scholarly efforts. As of now, however, most of the approaches have been limited to word embeddings, which are not capable of handling polysemous words. This is mainly due to the limited coverage of the available semantically-annotated datasets, hence forcing research to rely on alternative technologies (i.e., image search engines). To address this issue, we introduce EViLBERT, an approach which is able to perform image classification over an open set of concepts, both concrete and non-concrete. Our approach is based on the recently introduced Vision-Language Pretraining (VLP) model, and builds upon a manually-annotated dataset of concept-image pairs. We use our technique to clean up the image-to-concept mapping that is provided within a multilingual knowledge base, resulting in over 258,000 images associated with 42,500 concepts. We show that our VLP-based model can be used to create multimodal sense embeddings starting from our automatically-created dataset. In turn, we also show that these multimodal embeddings improve the performance of a Word Sense Disambiguation architecture over a strong unimodal baseline. We release code, dataset and embeddings at http://babelpic.org.

117. AdaBERT: Task-Adaptive BERT Compression with Differentiable Neural Architecture Search [PDF] 返回目录
  IJCAI 2020.
  Daoyuan Chen, Yaliang Li, Minghui Qiu, Zhen Wang, Bofang Li, Bolin Ding, Hongbo Deng, Jun Huang, Wei Lin, Jingren Zhou
Large pre-trained language models such as BERT have shown their effectiveness in various natural language processing tasks. However, the huge parameter size makes them difficult to be deployed in real-time applications that require quick inference with limited resources. Existing methods compress BERT into small models while such compression is task-independent, i.e., the same compressed BERT for all different downstream tasks. Motivated by the necessity and benefits of task-oriented BERT compression, we propose a novel compression method, AdaBERT, that leverages differentiable Neural Architecture Search to automatically compress BERT into task-adaptive small models for specific tasks. We incorporate a task-oriented knowledge distillation loss to provide search hints and an efficiency-aware loss as search constraints, which enables a good trade-off between efficiency and effectiveness for task-adaptive BERT compression. We evaluate AdaBERT on several NLP tasks, and the results demonstrate that those task-adaptive compressed models are 12.7x to 29.3x faster than BERT in inference time and 11.5x to 17.0x smaller in terms of parameter size, while comparable performance is maintained.

118. BERT-INT: A BERT-based Interaction Model For Knowledge Graph Alignment [PDF] 返回目录
  IJCAI 2020.
  Xiaobin Tang, Jing Zhang, Bo Chen, Yang Yang, Hong Chen, Cuiping Li
Knowledge graph alignment aims to link equivalent entities across different knowledge graphs. To utilize both the graph structures and the side information such as name, description and attributes, most of the works propagate the side information especially names through linked entities by graph neural networks. However, due to the heterogeneity of different knowledge graphs, the alignment accuracy will be suffered from aggregating different neighbors. This work presents an interaction model to only leverage the side information. Instead of aggregating neighbors, we compute the interactions between neighbors which can capture fine-grained matches of neighbors. Similarly, the interactions of attributes are also modeled. Experimental results show that our model significantly outperforms the best state-of-the-art methods by 1.9-9.7% in terms of HitRatio@1 on the dataset DBP15K.

119. BERT-PLI: Modeling Paragraph-Level Interactions for Legal Case Retrieval [PDF] 返回目录
  IJCAI 2020.
  Yunqiu Shao, Jiaxin Mao, Yiqun Liu, Weizhi Ma, Ken Satoh, Min Zhang, Shaoping Ma
Legal case retrieval is a specialized IR task that involves retrieving supporting cases given a query case. Compared with traditional ad-hoc text retrieval, the legal case retrieval task is more challenging since the query case is much longer and more complex than common keyword queries. Besides that, the definition of relevance between a query case and a supporting case is beyond general topical relevance and it is therefore difficult to construct a large-scale case retrieval dataset, especially one with accurate relevance judgments. To address these challenges, we propose BERT-PLI, a novel model that utilizes BERT to capture the semantic relationships at the paragraph-level and then infers the relevance between two cases by aggregating paragraph-level interactions. We fine-tune the BERT model with a relatively small-scale case law entailment dataset to adapt it to the legal scenario and employ a cascade framework to reduce the computational cost. We conduct extensive experiments on the benchmark of the relevant case retrieval task in COLIEE 2019. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms existing solutions.

120. FinBERT: A Pre-trained Financial Language Representation Model for Financial Text Mining [PDF] 返回目录
  IJCAI 2020.
  Zhuang Liu, Degen Huang, Kaiyu Huang, Zhuang Li, Jun Zhao
There is growing interest in the tasks of financial text mining. Over the past few years, the progress of Natural Language Processing (NLP) based on deep learning advanced rapidly. Significant progress has been made with deep learning showing promising results on financial text mining models. However, as NLP models require large amounts of labeled training data, applying deep learning to financial text mining is often unsuccessful due to the lack of labeled training data in financial fields. To address this issue, we present FinBERT (BERT for Financial Text Mining) that is a domain specific language model pre-trained on large-scale financial corpora. In FinBERT, different from BERT, we construct six pre-training tasks covering more knowledge, simultaneously trained on general corpora and financial domain corpora, which can enable FinBERT model better to capture language knowledge and semantic information. The results show that our FinBERT outperforms all current state-of-the-art models. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of FinBERT. The source code and pre-trained models of FinBERT are available online.

121. What BERT Is Not: Lessons from a New Suite of Psycholinguistic Diagnostics for Language Models [PDF] 返回目录
  TACL 2020.
  Allyson Ettinger
Pre-training by language modeling has become a popular and successful approach to NLP tasks, but we have yet to understand exactly what linguistic capacities these pre-training processes confer upon models. In this paper we introduce a suite of diagnostics drawn from human language experiments, which allow us to ask targeted questions about information used by language models for generating predictions in context. As a case study, we apply these diagnostics to the popular BERT model, finding that it can generally distinguish good from bad completions involving shared category or role reversal, albeit with less sensitivity than humans, and it robustly retrieves noun hypernyms, but it struggles with challenging inference and role-based event prediction— and, in particular, it shows clear insensitivity to the contextual impacts of negation.

122. SpanBERT: Improving Pre-training by Representing and Predicting Spans [PDF] 返回目录
  TACL 2020.
  Mandar Joshi, Danqi Chen, Yinhan Liu, Daniel S. Weld, Luke Zettlemoyer, Omer Levy
We present SpanBERT, a pre-training method that is designed to better represent and predict spans of text. Our approach extends BERT by (1) masking contiguous random spans, rather than random tokens, and (2) training the span boundary representations to predict the entire content of the masked span, without relying on the individual token representations within it. SpanBERT consistently outperforms BERT and our better-tuned baselines, with substantial gains on span selection tasks such as question answering and coreference resolution. In particular, with the same training data and model size as BERTlarge, our single model obtains 94.6% and 88.7% F1 on SQuAD 1.1 and 2.0 respectively. We also achieve a new state of the art on the OntoNotes coreference resolution task (79.6% F1), strong performance on the TACRED relation extraction benchmark, and even gains on GLUE.1

123. BERT-based Lexical Substitution [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2019.
  Wangchunshu Zhou, Tao Ge, Ke Xu, Furu Wei, Ming Zhou
Previous studies on lexical substitution tend to obtain substitute candidates by finding the target word’s synonyms from lexical resources (e.g., WordNet) and then rank the candidates based on its contexts. These approaches have two limitations: (1) They are likely to overlook good substitute candidates that are not the synonyms of the target words in the lexical resources; (2) They fail to take into account the substitution’s influence on the global context of the sentence. To address these issues, we propose an end-to-end BERT-based lexical substitution approach which can propose and validate substitute candidates without using any annotated data or manually curated resources. Our approach first applies dropout to the target word’s embedding for partially masking the word, allowing BERT to take balanced consideration of the target word’s semantics and contexts for proposing substitute candidates, and then validates the candidates based on their substitution’s influence on the global contextualized representation of the sentence. Experiments show our approach performs well in both proposing and ranking substitute candidates, achieving the state-of-the-art results in both LS07 and LS14 benchmarks.

124. What Does BERT Learn about the Structure of Language? [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2019.
  Ganesh Jawahar, Benoît Sagot, Djamé Seddah
BERT is a recent language representation model that has surprisingly performed well in diverse language understanding benchmarks. This result indicates the possibility that BERT networks capture structural information about language. In this work, we provide novel support for this claim by performing a series of experiments to unpack the elements of English language structure learned by BERT. Our findings are fourfold. BERT’s phrasal representation captures the phrase-level information in the lower layers. The intermediate layers of BERT compose a rich hierarchy of linguistic information, starting with surface features at the bottom, syntactic features in the middle followed by semantic features at the top. BERT requires deeper layers while tracking subject-verb agreement to handle long-term dependency problem. Finally, the compositional scheme underlying BERT mimics classical, tree-like structures.

125. BERT Rediscovers the Classical NLP Pipeline [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2019.
  Ian Tenney, Dipanjan Das, Ellie Pavlick
Pre-trained text encoders have rapidly advanced the state of the art on many NLP tasks. We focus on one such model, BERT, and aim to quantify where linguistic information is captured within the network. We find that the model represents the steps of the traditional NLP pipeline in an interpretable and localizable way, and that the regions responsible for each step appear in the expected sequence: POS tagging, parsing, NER, semantic roles, then coreference. Qualitative analysis reveals that the model can and often does adjust this pipeline dynamically, revising lower-level decisions on the basis of disambiguating information from higher-level representations.

126. How Multilingual is Multilingual BERT? [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2019.
  Telmo Pires, Eva Schlinger, Dan Garrette
In this paper, we show that Multilingual BERT (M-BERT), released by Devlin et al. (2018) as a single language model pre-trained from monolingual corpora in 104 languages, is surprisingly good at zero-shot cross-lingual model transfer, in which task-specific annotations in one language are used to fine-tune the model for evaluation in another language. To understand why, we present a large number of probing experiments, showing that transfer is possible even to languages in different scripts, that transfer works best between typologically similar languages, that monolingual corpora can train models for code-switching, and that the model can find translation pairs. From these results, we can conclude that M-BERT does create multilingual representations, but that these representations exhibit systematic deficiencies affecting certain language pairs.

127. HIBERT: Document Level Pre-training of Hierarchical Bidirectional Transformers for Document Summarization [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2019.
  Xingxing Zhang, Furu Wei, Ming Zhou
Neural extractive summarization models usually employ a hierarchical encoder for document encoding and they are trained using sentence-level labels, which are created heuristically using rule-based methods. Training the hierarchical encoder with these inaccurate labels is challenging. Inspired by the recent work on pre-training transformer sentence encoders (Devlin et al., 2018), we propose Hibert (as shorthand for HIerachical Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) for document encoding and a method to pre-train it using unlabeled data. We apply the pre-trained Hibert to our summarization model and it outperforms its randomly initialized counterpart by 1.25 ROUGE on the CNN/Dailymail dataset and by 2.0 ROUGE on a version of New York Times dataset. We also achieve the state-of-the-art performance on these two datasets.

128. KFU NLP Team at SMM4H 2019 Tasks: Want to Extract Adverse Drugs Reactions from Tweets? BERT to The Rescue [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2019.
  Zulfat Miftahutdinov, Ilseyar Alimova, Elena Tutubalina
This paper describes a system developed for the Social Media Mining for Health (SMM4H) 2019 shared tasks. Specifically, we participated in three tasks. The goals of the first two tasks are to classify whether a tweet contains mentions of adverse drug reactions (ADR) and extract these mentions, respectively. The objective of the third task is to build an end-to-end solution: first, detect ADR mentions and then map these entities to concepts in a controlled vocabulary. We investigate the use of a language representation model BERT trained to obtain semantic representations of social media texts. Our experiments on a dataset of user reviews showed that BERT is superior to state-of-the-art models based on recurrent neural networks. The BERT-based system for Task 1 obtained an F1 of 57.38%, with improvements up to +7.19% F1 over a score averaged across all 43 submissions. The ensemble of neural networks with a voting scheme for named entity recognition ranked first among 9 teams at the SMM4H 2019 Task 2 and obtained a relaxed F1 of 65.8%. The end-to-end model based on BERT for ADR normalization ranked first at the SMM4H 2019 Task 3 and obtained a relaxed F1 of 43.2%.

129. Neural Network to Identify Personal Health Experience Mention in Tweets Using BioBERT Embeddings [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2019.
  Shubham Gondane
This paper describes the system developed by team ASU-NLP for the Social Media Mining for Health Applications(SMM4H) shared task 4. We extract feature embeddings from the BioBERT (Lee et al., 2019) model which has been fine-tuned on the training dataset and use that as inputs to a dense fully connected neural network. We achieve above average scores among the participant systems with the overall F1-score, accuracy, precision, recall as 0.8036, 0.8456, 0.9783, 0.6818 respectively.

130. BERT Masked Language Modeling for Co-reference Resolution [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2019. the First Workshop on Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing
  Felipe Alfaro, Marta R. Costa-jussà, José A. R. Fonollosa
This paper explains the TALP-UPC participation for the Gendered Pronoun Resolution shared-task of the 1st ACL Workshop on Gender Bias for Natural Language Processing. We have implemented two models for mask language modeling using pre-trained BERT adjusted to work for a classification problem. The proposed solutions are based on the word probabilities of the original BERT model, but using common English names to replace the original test names.

131. Transfer Learning from Pre-trained BERT for Pronoun Resolution [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2019. the First Workshop on Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing
  Xingce Bao, Qianqian Qiao
The paper describes the submission of the team “We used bert!” to the shared task Gendered Pronoun Resolution (Pair pronouns to their correct entities). Our final submission model based on the fine-tuned BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) ranks 14th among 838 teams with a multi-class logarithmic loss of 0.208. In this work, contribution of transfer learning technique to pronoun resolution systems is investigated and the gender bias contained in classification models is evaluated.

132. MSnet: A BERT-based Network for Gendered Pronoun Resolution [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2019. the First Workshop on Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing
  Zili Wang
The pre-trained BERT model achieves a remarkable state of the art across a wide range of tasks in natural language processing. For solving the gender bias in gendered pronoun resolution task, I propose a novel neural network model based on the pre-trained BERT. This model is a type of mention score classifier and uses an attention mechanism with no parameters to compute the contextual representation of entity span, and a vector to represent the triple-wise semantic similarity among the pronoun and the entities. In stage 1 of the gendered pronoun resolution task, a variant of this model, trained in the fine-tuning approach, reduced the multi-class logarithmic loss to 0.3033 in the 5-fold cross-validation of training set and 0.2795 in testing set. Besides, this variant won the 2nd place with a score at 0.17289 in stage 2 of the task. The code in this paper is available at: https://github.com/ziliwang/MSnet-for-Gendered-Pronoun-Resolution

133. Fill the GAP: Exploiting BERT for Pronoun Resolution [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2019. the First Workshop on Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing
  Kai-Chou Yang, Timothy Niven, Tzu Hsuan Chou, Hung-Yu Kao
In this paper, we describe our entry in the gendered pronoun resolution competition which achieved fourth place without data augmentation. Our method is an ensemble system of BERTs which resolves co-reference in an interaction space. We report four insights from our work: BERT’s representations involve significant redundancy; modeling interaction effects similar to natural language inference models is useful for this task; there is an optimal BERT layer to extract representations for pronoun resolution; and the difference between the attention weights from the pronoun to the candidate entities was highly correlated with the correct label, with interesting implications for future work.

134. Resolving Gendered Ambiguous Pronouns with BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2019. the First Workshop on Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing
  Matei Ionita, Yury Kashnitsky, Ken Krige, Vladimir Larin, Atanas Atanasov, Dennis Logvinenko
Pronoun resolution is part of coreference resolution, the task of pairing an expression to its referring entity. This is an important task for natural language understanding and a necessary component of machine translation systems, chat bots and assistants. Neural machine learning systems perform far from ideally in this task, reaching as low as 73% F1 scores on modern benchmark datasets. Moreover, they tend to perform better for masculine pronouns than for feminine ones. Thus, the problem is both challenging and important for NLP researchers and practitioners. In this project, we describe our BERT-based approach to solving the problem of gender-balanced pronoun resolution. We are able to reach 92% F1 score and a much lower gender bias on the benchmark dataset shared by Google AI Language team.

135. Anonymized BERT: An Augmentation Approach to the Gendered Pronoun Resolution Challenge [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2019. the First Workshop on Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing
  Bo Liu
We present our 7th place solution to the Gendered Pronoun Resolution challenge, which uses BERT without fine-tuning and a novel augmentation strategy designed for contextual embedding token-level tasks. Our method anonymizes the referent by replacing candidate names with a set of common placeholder names. Besides the usual benefits of effectively increasing training data size, this approach diversifies idiosyncratic information embedded in names. Using same set of common first names can also help the model recognize names better, shorten token length, and remove gender and regional biases associated with names. The system scored 0.1947 log loss in stage 2, where the augmentation contributed to an improvements of 0.04. Post-competition analysis shows that, when using different embedding layers, the system scores 0.1799 which would be third place.

136. Gendered Pronoun Resolution using BERT and an Extractive Question Answering Formulation [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2019. the First Workshop on Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing
  Rakesh Chada
The resolution of ambiguous pronouns is a longstanding challenge in Natural Language Understanding. Recent studies have suggested gender bias among state-of-the-art coreference resolution systems. As an example, Google AI Language team recently released a gender-balanced dataset and showed that performance of these coreference resolvers is significantly limited on the dataset. In this paper, we propose an extractive question answering (QA) formulation of pronoun resolution task that overcomes this limitation and shows much lower gender bias (0.99) on their dataset. This system uses fine-tuned representations from the pre-trained BERT model and outperforms the existing baseline by a significant margin (22.2% absolute improvement in F1 score) without using any hand-engineered features. This QA framework is equally performant even without the knowledge of the candidate antecedents of the pronoun. An ensemble of QA and BERT-based multiple choice and sequence classification models further improves the F1 (23.3% absolute improvement upon the baseline). This ensemble model was submitted to the shared task for the 1st ACL workshop on Gender Bias for Natural Language Processing. It ranked 9th on the final official leaderboard.

137. A Simple but Effective Method to Incorporate Multi-turn Context with BERT for Conversational Machine Comprehension [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2019. the First Workshop on NLP for Conversational AI
  Yasuhito Ohsugi, Itsumi Saito, Kyosuke Nishida, Hisako Asano, Junji Tomita
Conversational machine comprehension (CMC) requires understanding the context of multi-turn dialogue. Using BERT, a pretraining language model, has been successful for single-turn machine comprehension, while modeling multiple turns of question answering with BERT has not been established because BERT has a limit on the number and the length of input sequences. In this paper, we propose a simple but effective method with BERT for CMC. Our method uses BERT to encode a paragraph independently conditioned with each question and each answer in a multi-turn context. Then, the method predicts an answer on the basis of the paragraph representations encoded with BERT. The experiments with representative CMC datasets, QuAC and CoQA, show that our method outperformed recently published methods (+0.8 F1 on QuAC and +2.1 F1 on CoQA). In addition, we conducted a detailed analysis of the effects of the number and types of dialogue history on the accuracy of CMC, and we found that the gold answer history, which may not be given in an actual conversation, contributed to the model performance most on both datasets.

138. Cross-Lingual Lemmatization and Morphology Tagging with Two-Stage Multilingual BERT Fine-Tuning [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2019. the 16th Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology
  Dan Kondratyuk
We present our CHARLES-SAARLAND system for the SIGMORPHON 2019 Shared Task on Crosslinguality and Context in Morphology, in task 2, Morphological Analysis and Lemmatization in Context. We leverage the multilingual BERT model and apply several fine-tuning strategies introduced by UDify demonstrating exceptional evaluation performance on morpho-syntactic tasks. Our results show that fine-tuning multilingual BERT on the concatenation of all available treebanks allows the model to learn cross-lingual information that is able to boost lemmatization and morphology tagging accuracy over fine-tuning it purely monolingually. Unlike UDify, however, we show that when paired with additional character-level and word-level LSTM layers, a second stage of fine-tuning on each treebank individually can improve evaluation even further. Out of all submissions for this shared task, our system achieves the highest average accuracy and f1 score in morphology tagging and places second in average lemmatization accuracy.

139. TMU Transformer System Using BERT for Re-ranking at BEA 2019 Grammatical Error Correction on Restricted Track [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2019. the Fourteenth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications
  Masahiro Kaneko, Kengo Hotate, Satoru Katsumata, Mamoru Komachi
We introduce our system that is submitted to the restricted track of the BEA 2019 shared task on grammatical error correction1 (GEC). It is essential to select an appropriate hypothesis sentence from the candidates list generated by the GEC model. A re-ranker can evaluate the naturalness of a corrected sentence using language models trained on large corpora. On the other hand, these language models and language representations do not explicitly take into account the grammatical errors written by learners. Thus, it is not straightforward to utilize language representations trained from a large corpus, such as Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT), in a form suitable for the learner’s grammatical errors. Therefore, we propose to fine-tune BERT on learner corpora with grammatical errors for re-ranking. The experimental results of the W&I+LOCNESS development dataset demonstrate that re-ranking using BERT can effectively improve the correction performance.

140. Multi-headed Architecture Based on BERT for Grammatical Errors Correction [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2019. the Fourteenth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications
  Bohdan Didenko, Julia Shaptala
In this paper, we describe our approach to GEC using the BERT model for creation of encoded representation and some of our enhancements, namely, “Heads” are fully-connected networks which are used for finding the errors and later receive recommendation from the networks on dealing with a highlighted part of the sentence only. Among the main advantages of our solution is increasing the system productivity and lowering the time of processing while keeping the high accuracy of GEC results.

141. No Army, No Navy: BERT Semi-Supervised Learning of Arabic Dialects [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2019. the Fourth Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop
  Chiyu Zhang, Muhammad Abdul-Mageed
We present our deep leaning system submitted to MADAR shared task 2 focused on twitter user dialect identification. We develop tweet-level identification models based on GRUs and BERT in supervised and semi-supervised set-tings. We then introduce a simple, yet effective, method of porting tweet-level labels at the level of users. Our system ranks top 1 in the competition, with 71.70% macro F1 score and 77.40% accuracy.

142. Open Sesame: Getting inside BERT’s Linguistic Knowledge [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2019. the 2019 ACL Workshop BlackboxNLP: Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP
  Yongjie Lin, Yi Chern Tan, Robert Frank
How and to what extent does BERT encode syntactically-sensitive hierarchical information or positionally-sensitive linear information? Recent work has shown that contextual representations like BERT perform well on tasks that require sensitivity to linguistic structure. We present here two studies which aim to provide a better understanding of the nature of BERT’s representations. The first of these focuses on the identification of structurally-defined elements using diagnostic classifiers, while the second explores BERT’s representation of subject-verb agreement and anaphor-antecedent dependencies through a quantitative assessment of self-attention vectors. In both cases, we find that BERT encodes positional information about word tokens well on its lower layers, but switches to a hierarchically-oriented encoding on higher layers. We conclude then that BERT’s representations do indeed model linguistically relevant aspects of hierarchical structure, though they do not appear to show the sharp sensitivity to hierarchical structure that is found in human processing of reflexive anaphora.

143. What Does BERT Look at? An Analysis of BERT’s Attention [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2019. the 2019 ACL Workshop BlackboxNLP: Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP
  Kevin Clark, Urvashi Khandelwal, Omer Levy, Christopher D. Manning
Large pre-trained neural networks such as BERT have had great recent success in NLP, motivating a growing body of research investigating what aspects of language they are able to learn from unlabeled data. Most recent analysis has focused on model outputs (e.g., language model surprisal) or internal vector representations (e.g., probing classifiers). Complementary to these works, we propose methods for analyzing the attention mechanisms of pre-trained models and apply them to BERT. BERT’s attention heads exhibit patterns such as attending to delimiter tokens, specific positional offsets, or broadly attending over the whole sentence, with heads in the same layer often exhibiting similar behaviors. We further show that certain attention heads correspond well to linguistic notions of syntax and coreference. For example, we find heads that attend to the direct objects of verbs, determiners of nouns, objects of prepositions, and coreferent mentions with remarkably high accuracy. Lastly, we propose an attention-based probing classifier and use it to further demonstrate that substantial syntactic information is captured in BERT’s attention.

144. Transfer Learning in Biomedical Natural Language Processing: An Evaluation of BERT and ELMo on Ten Benchmarking Datasets [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2019. the 18th BioNLP Workshop and Shared Task
  Yifan Peng, Shankai Yan, Zhiyong Lu
Inspired by the success of the General Language Understanding Evaluation benchmark, we introduce the Biomedical Language Understanding Evaluation (BLUE) benchmark to facilitate research in the development of pre-training language representations in the biomedicine domain. The benchmark consists of five tasks with ten datasets that cover both biomedical and clinical texts with different dataset sizes and difficulties. We also evaluate several baselines based on BERT and ELMo and find that the BERT model pre-trained on PubMed abstracts and MIMIC-III clinical notes achieves the best results. We make the datasets, pre-trained models, and codes publicly available at https://github.com/ ncbi-nlp/BLUE_Benchmark.

145. IIT-KGP at MEDIQA 2019: Recognizing Question Entailment using Sci-BERT stacked with a Gradient Boosting Classifier [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2019. the 18th BioNLP Workshop and Shared Task
  Prakhar Sharma, Sumegh Roychowdhury
Official System Description paper of Team IIT-KGP ranked 1st in the Development phase and 3rd in Testing Phase in MEDIQA 2019 - Recognizing Question Entailment (RQE) Shared Task of BioNLP workshop - ACL 2019. The number of people turning to the Internet to search for a diverse range of health-related subjects continues to grow and with this multitude of information available, duplicate questions are becoming more frequent and finding the most appropriate answers becomes problematic. This issue is important for question answering platforms as it complicates the retrieval of all information relevant to the same topic, particularly when questions similar in essence are expressed differently, and answering a given medical question by retrieving similar questions that are already answered by human experts seems to be a promising solution. In this paper, we present our novel approach to detect question entailment by determining the type of question asked rather than focusing on the type of the ailment given. This unique methodology makes the approach robust towards examples which have different ailment names but are synonyms of each other. Also, it enables us to check entailment at a much more fine-grained level. QSpider is a staged system consisting of state-of-the-art model Sci-BERT used as a multi-class classifier aimed at capturing both question types and semantic relations stacked with a Gradient Boosting Classifier which checks for entailment. QSpider achieves an accuracy score of 68.4% on the Test set which outperforms the baseline model (54.1%) by an accuracy score of 14.3%.

146. Saama Research at MEDIQA 2019: Pre-trained BioBERT with Attention Visualisation for Medical Natural Language Inference [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2019. the 18th BioNLP Workshop and Shared Task
  Kamal raj Kanakarajan, Suriyadeepan Ramamoorthy, Vaidheeswaran Archana, Soham Chatterjee, Malaikannan Sankarasubbu
Natural Language inference is the task of identifying relation between two sentences as entailment, contradiction or neutrality. MedNLI is a biomedical flavour of NLI for clinical domain. This paper explores the use of Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformer (BERT) for solving MedNLI. The proposed model, BERT pre-trained on PMC, PubMed and fine-tuned on MIMICIII v1.4, achieves state of the art results on MedNLI (83.45%) and an accuracy of 78.5% in MEDIQA challenge. The authors present an analysis of the attention patterns that emerged as a result of training BERT on MedNLI using a visualization tool, bertviz.

147. NCUEE at MEDIQA 2019: Medical Text Inference Using Ensemble BERT-BiLSTM-Attention Model [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2019. the 18th BioNLP Workshop and Shared Task
  Lung-Hao Lee, Yi Lu, Po-Han Chen, Po-Lei Lee, Kuo-Kai Shyu
This study describes the model design of the NCUEE system for the MEDIQA challenge at the ACL-BioNLP 2019 workshop. We use the BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) as the word embedding method to integrate the BiLSTM (Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory) network with an attention mechanism for medical text inferences. A total of 42 teams participated in natural language inference task at MEDIQA 2019. Our best accuracy score of 0.84 ranked the top-third among all submissions in the leaderboard.

148. QE BERT: Bilingual BERT Using Multi-task Learning for Neural Quality Estimation [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2019. the Fourth Conference on Machine Translation (Volume 3: Shared Task Papers, Day 2)
  Hyun Kim, Joon-Ho Lim, Hyun-Ki Kim, Seung-Hoon Na
For translation quality estimation at word and sentence levels, this paper presents a novel approach based on BERT that recently has achieved impressive results on various natural language processing tasks. Our proposed model is re-purposed BERT for the translation quality estimation and uses multi-task learning for the sentence-level task and word-level subtasks (i.e., source word, target word, and target gap). Experimental results on Quality Estimation shared task of WMT19 show that our systems show competitive results and provide significant improvements over the baseline.

149. Unbabel’s Submission to the WMT2019 APE Shared Task: BERT-Based Encoder-Decoder for Automatic Post-Editing [PDF] 返回目录
  ACL 2019. the Fourth Conference on Machine Translation (Volume 3: Shared Task Papers, Day 2)
  António V. Lopes, M. Amin Farajian, Gonçalo M. Correia, Jonay Trénous, André F. T. Martins
This paper describes Unbabel’s submission to the WMT2019 APE Shared Task for the English-German language pair. Following the recent rise of large, powerful, pre-trained models, we adapt the BERT pretrained model to perform Automatic Post-Editing in an encoder-decoder framework. Analogously to dual-encoder architectures we develop a BERT-based encoder-decoder (BED) model in which a single pretrained BERT encoder receives both the source src and machine translation mt strings. Furthermore, we explore a conservativeness factor to constrain the APE system to perform fewer edits. As the official results show, when trained on a weighted combination of in-domain and artificial training data, our BED system with the conservativeness penalty improves significantly the translations of a strong NMT system by -0.78 and +1.23 in terms of TER and BLEU, respectively. Finally, our submission achieves a new state-of-the-art, ex-aequo, in English-German APE of NMT.

150. How Contextual are Contextualized Word Representations? Comparing the Geometry of BERT, ELMo, and GPT-2 Embeddings [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019.
  Kawin Ethayarajh
Replacing static word embeddings with contextualized word representations has yielded significant improvements on many NLP tasks. However, just how contextual are the contextualized representations produced by models such as ELMo and BERT? Are there infinitely many context-specific representations for each word, or are words essentially assigned one of a finite number of word-sense representations? For one, we find that the contextualized representations of all words are not isotropic in any layer of the contextualizing model. While representations of the same word in different contexts still have a greater cosine similarity than those of two different words, this self-similarity is much lower in upper layers. This suggests that upper layers of contextualizing models produce more context-specific representations, much like how upper layers of LSTMs produce more task-specific representations. In all layers of ELMo, BERT, and GPT-2, on average, less than 5% of the variance in a word’s contextualized representations can be explained by a static embedding for that word, providing some justification for the success of contextualized representations.

151. Beto, Bentz, Becas: The Surprising Cross-Lingual Effectiveness of BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019.
  Shijie Wu, Mark Dredze
Pretrained contextual representation models (Peters et al., 2018; Devlin et al., 2018) have pushed forward the state-of-the-art on many NLP tasks. A new release of BERT (Devlin, 2018) includes a model simultaneously pretrained on 104 languages with impressive performance for zero-shot cross-lingual transfer on a natural language inference task. This paper explores the broader cross-lingual potential of mBERT (multilingual) as a zero shot language transfer model on 5 NLP tasks covering a total of 39 languages from various language families: NLI, document classification, NER, POS tagging, and dependency parsing. We compare mBERT with the best-published methods for zero-shot cross-lingual transfer and find mBERT competitive on each task. Additionally, we investigate the most effective strategy for utilizing mBERT in this manner, determine to what extent mBERT generalizes away from language specific features, and measure factors that influence cross-lingual transfer.

152. Investigating BERT’s Knowledge of Language: Five Analysis Methods with NPIs [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019.
  Alex Warstadt, Yu Cao, Ioana Grosu, Wei Peng, Hagen Blix, Yining Nie, Anna Alsop, Shikha Bordia, Haokun Liu, Alicia Parrish, Sheng-Fu Wang, Jason Phang, Anhad Mohananey, Phu Mon Htut, Paloma Jeretic, Samuel R. Bowman
Though state-of-the-art sentence representation models can perform tasks requiring significant knowledge of grammar, it is an open question how best to evaluate their grammatical knowledge. We explore five experimental methods inspired by prior work evaluating pretrained sentence representation models. We use a single linguistic phenomenon, negative polarity item (NPI) licensing, as a case study for our experiments. NPIs like any are grammatical only if they appear in a licensing environment like negation (Sue doesn’t have any cats vs. *Sue has any cats). This phenomenon is challenging because of the variety of NPI licensing environments that exist. We introduce an artificially generated dataset that manipulates key features of NPI licensing for the experiments. We find that BERT has significant knowledge of these features, but its success varies widely across different experimental methods. We conclude that a variety of methods is necessary to reveal all relevant aspects of a model’s grammatical knowledge in a given domain.

153. GlossBERT: BERT for Word Sense Disambiguation with Gloss Knowledge [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019.
  Luyao Huang, Chi Sun, Xipeng Qiu, Xuanjing Huang
Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) aims to find the exact sense of an ambiguous word in a particular context. Traditional supervised methods rarely take into consideration the lexical resources like WordNet, which are widely utilized in knowledge-based methods. Recent studies have shown the effectiveness of incorporating gloss (sense definition) into neural networks for WSD. However, compared with traditional word expert supervised methods, they have not achieved much improvement. In this paper, we focus on how to better leverage gloss knowledge in a supervised neural WSD system. We construct context-gloss pairs and propose three BERT based models for WSD. We fine-tune the pre-trained BERT model and achieve new state-of-the-art results on WSD task.

154. Fine-tune BERT with Sparse Self-Attention Mechanism [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019.
  Baiyun Cui, Yingming Li, Ming Chen, Zhongfei Zhang
In this paper, we develop a novel Sparse Self-Attention Fine-tuning model (referred as SSAF) which integrates sparsity into self-attention mechanism to enhance the fine-tuning performance of BERT. In particular, sparsity is introduced into the self-attention by replacing softmax function with a controllable sparse transformation when fine-tuning with BERT. It enables us to learn a structurally sparse attention distribution, which leads to a more interpretable representation for the whole input. The proposed model is evaluated on sentiment analysis, question answering, and natural language inference tasks. The extensive experimental results across multiple datasets demonstrate its effectiveness and superiority to the baseline methods.

155. SciBERT: A Pretrained Language Model for Scientific Text [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019.
  Iz Beltagy, Kyle Lo, Arman Cohan
Obtaining large-scale annotated data for NLP tasks in the scientific domain is challenging and expensive. We release SciBERT, a pretrained language model based on BERT (Devlin et. al., 2018) to address the lack of high-quality, large-scale labeled scientific data. SciBERT leverages unsupervised pretraining on a large multi-domain corpus of scientific publications to improve performance on downstream scientific NLP tasks. We evaluate on a suite of tasks including sequence tagging, sentence classification and dependency parsing, with datasets from a variety of scientific domains. We demonstrate statistically significant improvements over BERT and achieve new state-of-the-art results on several of these tasks. The code and pretrained models are available at https://github.com/allenai/scibert/.

156. Small and Practical BERT Models for Sequence Labeling [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019.
  Henry Tsai, Jason Riesa, Melvin Johnson, Naveen Arivazhagan, Xin Li, Amelia Archer
We propose a practical scheme to train a single multilingual sequence labeling model that yields state of the art results and is small and fast enough to run on a single CPU. Starting from a public multilingual BERT checkpoint, our final model is 6x smaller and 27x faster, and has higher accuracy than a state-of-the-art multilingual baseline. We show that our model especially outperforms on low-resource languages, and works on codemixed input text without being explicitly trained on codemixed examples. We showcase the effectiveness of our method by reporting on part-of-speech tagging and morphological prediction on 70 treebanks and 48 languages.

157. Sentence-BERT: Sentence Embeddings using Siamese BERT-Networks [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019.
  Nils Reimers, Iryna Gurevych
BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) and RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019) has set a new state-of-the-art performance on sentence-pair regression tasks like semantic textual similarity (STS). However, it requires that both sentences are fed into the network, which causes a massive computational overhead: Finding the most similar pair in a collection of 10,000 sentences requires about 50 million inference computations (~65 hours) with BERT. The construction of BERT makes it unsuitable for semantic similarity search as well as for unsupervised tasks like clustering. In this publication, we present Sentence-BERT (SBERT), a modification of the pretrained BERT network that use siamese and triplet network structures to derive semantically meaningful sentence embeddings that can be compared using cosine-similarity. This reduces the effort for finding the most similar pair from 65 hours with BERT / RoBERTa to about 5 seconds with SBERT, while maintaining the accuracy from BERT. We evaluate SBERT and SRoBERTa on common STS tasks and transfer learning tasks, where it outperforms other state-of-the-art sentence embeddings methods.

158. Visualizing and Understanding the Effectiveness of BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019.
  Yaru Hao, Li Dong, Furu Wei, Ke Xu
Language model pre-training, such as BERT, has achieved remarkable results in many NLP tasks. However, it is unclear why the pre-training-then-fine-tuning paradigm can improve performance and generalization capability across different tasks. In this paper, we propose to visualize loss landscapes and optimization trajectories of fine-tuning BERT on specific datasets. First, we find that pre-training reaches a good initial point across downstream tasks, which leads to wider optima and easier optimization compared with training from scratch. We also demonstrate that the fine-tuning procedure is robust to overfitting, even though BERT is highly over-parameterized for downstream tasks. Second, the visualization results indicate that fine-tuning BERT tends to generalize better because of the flat and wide optima, and the consistency between the training loss surface and the generalization error surface. Third, the lower layers of BERT are more invariant during fine-tuning, which suggests that the layers that are close to input learn more transferable representations of language.

159. Patient Knowledge Distillation for BERT Model Compression [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019.
  Siqi Sun, Yu Cheng, Zhe Gan, Jingjing Liu
Pre-trained language models such as BERT have proven to be highly effective for natural language processing (NLP) tasks. However, the high demand for computing resources in training such models hinders their application in practice. In order to alleviate this resource hunger in large-scale model training, we propose a Patient Knowledge Distillation approach to compress an original large model (teacher) into an equally-effective lightweight shallow network (student). Different from previous knowledge distillation methods, which only use the output from the last layer of the teacher network for distillation, our student model patiently learns from multiple intermediate layers of the teacher model for incremental knowledge extraction, following two strategies: (i) PKD-Last: learning from the last k layers; and (ii) PKD-Skip: learning from every k layers. These two patient distillation schemes enable the exploitation of rich information in the teacher’s hidden layers, and encourage the student model to patiently learn from and imitate the teacher through a multi-layer distillation process. Empirically, this translates into improved results on multiple NLP tasks with a significant gain in training efficiency, without sacrificing model accuracy.

160. Revealing the Dark Secrets of BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019.
  Olga Kovaleva, Alexey Romanov, Anna Rogers, Anna Rumshisky
BERT-based architectures currently give state-of-the-art performance on many NLP tasks, but little is known about the exact mechanisms that contribute to its success. In the current work, we focus on the interpretation of self-attention, which is one of the fundamental underlying components of BERT. Using a subset of GLUE tasks and a set of handcrafted features-of-interest, we propose the methodology and carry out a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the information encoded by the individual BERT’s heads. Our findings suggest that there is a limited set of attention patterns that are repeated across different heads, indicating the overall model overparametrization. While different heads consistently use the same attention patterns, they have varying impact on performance across different tasks. We show that manually disabling attention in certain heads leads to a performance improvement over the regular fine-tuned BERT models.

161. Transfer Fine-Tuning: A BERT Case Study [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019.
  Yuki Arase, Jun’ichi Tsujii
A semantic equivalence assessment is defined as a task that assesses semantic equivalence in a sentence pair by binary judgment (i.e., paraphrase identification) or grading (i.e., semantic textual similarity measurement). It constitutes a set of tasks crucial for research on natural language understanding. Recently, BERT realized a breakthrough in sentence representation learning (Devlin et al., 2019), which is broadly transferable to various NLP tasks. While BERT’s performance improves by increasing its model size, the required computational power is an obstacle preventing practical applications from adopting the technology. Herein, we propose to inject phrasal paraphrase relations into BERT in order to generate suitable representations for semantic equivalence assessment instead of increasing the model size. Experiments on standard natural language understanding tasks confirm that our method effectively improves a smaller BERT model while maintaining the model size. The generated model exhibits superior performance compared to a larger BERT model on semantic equivalence assessment tasks. Furthermore, it achieves larger performance gains on tasks with limited training datasets for fine-tuning, which is a property desirable for transfer learning.

162. Cross-Lingual BERT Transformation for Zero-Shot Dependency Parsing [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019.
  Yuxuan Wang, Wanxiang Che, Jiang Guo, Yijia Liu, Ting Liu
This paper investigates the problem of learning cross-lingual representations in a contextual space. We propose Cross-Lingual BERT Transformation (CLBT), a simple and efficient approach to generate cross-lingual contextualized word embeddings based on publicly available pre-trained BERT models (Devlin et al., 2018). In this approach, a linear transformation is learned from contextual word alignments to align the contextualized embeddings independently trained in different languages. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach on zero-shot cross-lingual transfer parsing. Experiments show that our embeddings substantially outperform the previous state-of-the-art that uses static embeddings. We further compare our approach with XLM (Lample and Conneau, 2019), a recently proposed cross-lingual language model trained with massive parallel data, and achieve highly competitive results.

163. BERT for Coreference Resolution: Baselines and Analysis [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019.
  Mandar Joshi, Omer Levy, Luke Zettlemoyer, Daniel Weld
We apply BERT to coreference resolution, achieving a new state of the art on the GAP (+11.5 F1) and OntoNotes (+3.9 F1) benchmarks. A qualitative analysis of model predictions indicates that, compared to ELMo and BERT-base, BERT-large is particularly better at distinguishing between related but distinct entities (e.g., President and CEO), but that there is still room for improvement in modeling document-level context, conversations, and mention paraphrasing. We will release all code and trained models upon publication.

164. Multi-passage BERT: A Globally Normalized BERT Model for Open-domain Question Answering [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019.
  Zhiguo Wang, Patrick Ng, Xiaofei Ma, Ramesh Nallapati, Bing Xiang
BERT model has been successfully applied to open-domain QA tasks. However, previous work trains BERT by viewing passages corresponding to the same question as independent training instances, which may cause incomparable scores for answers from different passages. To tackle this issue, we propose a multi-passage BERT model to globally normalize answer scores across all passages of the same question, and this change enables our QA model find better answers by utilizing more passages. In addition, we find that splitting articles into passages with the length of 100 words by sliding window improves performance by 4%. By leveraging a passage ranker to select high-quality passages, multi-passage BERT gains additional 2%. Experiments on four standard benchmarks showed that our multi-passage BERT outperforms all state-of-the-art models on all benchmarks. In particular, on the OpenSQuAD dataset, our model gains 21.4% EM and 21.5% F1 over all non-BERT models, and 5.8% EM and 6.5% F1 over BERT-based models.

165. Giving BERT a Calculator: Finding Operations and Arguments with Reading Comprehension [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019.
  Daniel Andor, Luheng He, Kenton Lee, Emily Pitler
Reading comprehension models have been successfully applied to extractive text answers, but it is unclear how best to generalize these models to abstractive numerical answers. We enable a BERT-based reading comprehension model to perform lightweight numerical reasoning. We augment the model with a predefined set of executable ‘programs’ which encompass simple arithmetic as well as extraction. Rather than having to learn to manipulate numbers directly, the model can pick a program and execute it. On the recent Discrete Reasoning Over Passages (DROP) dataset, designed to challenge reading comprehension models, we show a 33% absolute improvement by adding shallow programs. The model can learn to predict new operations when appropriate in a math word problem setting (Roy and Roth, 2015) with very few training examples.

166. SUM-QE: a BERT-based Summary Quality Estimation Model [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019.
  Stratos Xenouleas, Prodromos Malakasiotis, Marianna Apidianaki, Ion Androutsopoulos
We propose SUM-QE, a novel Quality Estimation model for summarization based on BERT. The model addresses linguistic quality aspects that are only indirectly captured by content-based approaches to summary evaluation, without involving comparison with human references. SUM-QE achieves very high correlations with human ratings, outperforming simpler models addressing these linguistic aspects. Predictions of the SUM-QE model can be used for system development, and to inform users of the quality of automatically produced summaries and other types of generated text.

167. Pre-Training BERT on Domain Resources for Short Answer Grading [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019.
  Chul Sung, Tejas Dhamecha, Swarnadeep Saha, Tengfei Ma, Vinay Reddy, Rishi Arora
Pre-trained BERT contextualized representations have achieved state-of-the-art results on multiple downstream NLP tasks by fine-tuning with task-specific data. While there has been a lot of focus on task-specific fine-tuning, there has been limited work on improving the pre-trained representations. In this paper, we explore ways of improving the pre-trained contextual representations for the task of automatic short answer grading, a critical component of intelligent tutoring systems. We show that the pre-trained BERT model can be improved by augmenting data from the domain-specific resources like textbooks. We also present a new approach to use labeled short answering grading data for further enhancement of the language model. Empirical evaluation on multi-domain datasets shows that task-specific fine-tuning on the enhanced pre-trained language model achieves superior performance for short answer grading.

168. Evaluating BERT for natural language inference: A case study on the CommitmentBank [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019.
  Nanjiang Jiang, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe
Natural language inference (NLI) datasets (e.g., MultiNLI) were collected by soliciting hypotheses for a given premise from annotators. Such data collection led to annotation artifacts: systems can identify the premise-hypothesis relationship without observing the premise (e.g., negation in hypothesis being indicative of contradiction). We address this problem by recasting the CommitmentBank for NLI, which contains items involving reasoning over the extent to which a speaker is committed to complements of clause-embedding verbs under entailment-canceling environments (conditional, negation, modal and question). Instead of being constructed to stand in certain relationships with the premise, hypotheses in the recast CommitmentBank are the complements of the clause-embedding verb in each premise, leading to no annotation artifacts in the hypothesis. A state-of-the-art BERT-based model performs well on the CommitmentBank with 85% F1. However analysis of model behavior shows that the BERT models still do not capture the full complexity of pragmatic reasoning, nor encode some of the linguistic generalizations, highlighting room for improvement.

169. Applying BERT to Document Retrieval with Birch [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019. System Demonstrations
  Zeynep Akkalyoncu Yilmaz, Shengjin Wang, Wei Yang, Haotian Zhang, Jimmy Lin
We present Birch, a system that applies BERT to document retrieval via integration with the open-source Anserini information retrieval toolkit to demonstrate end-to-end search over large document collections. Birch implements simple ranking models that achieve state-of-the-art effectiveness on standard TREC newswire and social media test collections. This demonstration focuses on technical challenges in the integration of NLP and IR capabilities, along with the design rationale behind our approach to tightly-coupled integration between Python (to support neural networks) and the Java Virtual Machine (to support document retrieval using the open-source Lucene search library). We demonstrate integration of Birch with an existing search interface as well as interactive notebooks that highlight its capabilities in an easy-to-understand manner.

170. CAUnLP at NLP4IF 2019 Shared Task: Context-Dependent BERT for Sentence-Level Propaganda Detection [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019.
  Wenjun Hou, Ying Chen
The goal of fine-grained propaganda detection is to determine whether a given sentence uses propaganda techniques (sentence-level) or to recognize which techniques are used (fragment-level). This paper presents the sys- tem of our participation in the sentence-level subtask of the propaganda detection shared task. In order to better utilize the document information, we construct context-dependent input pairs (sentence-title pair and sentence- context pair) to fine-tune the pretrained BERT, and we also use the undersampling method to tackle the problem of imbalanced data.

171. Fine-Grained Propaganda Detection with Fine-Tuned BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019.
  Shehel Yoosuf, Yin Yang
This paper presents the winning solution of the Fragment Level Classification (FLC) task in the Fine Grained Propaganda Detection competition at the NLP4IF’19 workshop. The goal of the FLC task is to detect and classify textual segments that correspond to one of the 18 given propaganda techniques in a news articles dataset. The main idea of our solution is to perform word-level classification using fine-tuned BERT, a popular pre-trained language model. Besides presenting the model and its evaluation results, we also investigate the attention heads in the model, which provide insights into what the model learns, as well as aspects for potential improvements.

172. Divisive Language and Propaganda Detection using Multi-head Attention Transformers with Deep Learning BERT-based Language Models for Binary Classification [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019.
  Norman Mapes, Anna White, Radhika Medury, Sumeet Dua
On the NLP4IF 2019 sentence level propaganda classification task, we used a BERT language model that was pre-trained on Wikipedia and BookCorpus as team ltuorp ranking #1 of 26. It uses deep learning in the form of an attention transformer. We substituted the final layer of the neural network to a linear real valued output neuron from a layer of softmaxes. The backpropagation trained the entire neural network and not just the last layer. Training took 3 epochs and on our computation resources this took approximately one day. The pre-trained model consisted of uncased words and there were 12-layers, 768-hidden neurons with 12-heads for a total of 110 million parameters. The articles used in the training data promote divisive language similar to state-actor-funded influence operations on social media. Twitter shows state-sponsored examples designed to maximize division occurring across political lines, ranging from “Obama calls me a clinger, Hillary calls me deplorable, ... and Trump calls me an American” oriented to the political right, to Russian propaganda featuring “Black Lives Matter” material with suggestions of institutional racism in US police forces oriented to the political left. We hope that raising awareness through our work will reduce the polarizing dialogue for the betterment of nations.

173. Cost-Sensitive BERT for Generalisable Sentence Classification on Imbalanced Data [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019.
  Harish Tayyar Madabushi, Elena Kochkina, Michael Castelle
The automatic identification of propaganda has gained significance in recent years due to technological and social changes in the way news is generated and consumed. That this task can be addressed effectively using BERT, a powerful new architecture which can be fine-tuned for text classification tasks, is not surprising. However, propaganda detection, like other tasks that deal with news documents and other forms of decontextualized social communication (e.g. sentiment analysis), inherently deals with data whose categories are simultaneously imbalanced and dissimilar. We show that BERT, while capable of handling imbalanced classes with no additional data augmentation, does not generalise well when the training and test data are sufficiently dissimilar (as is often the case with news sources, whose topics evolve over time). We show how to address this problem by providing a statistical measure of similarity between datasets and a method of incorporating cost-weighting into BERT when the training and test sets are dissimilar. We test these methods on the Propaganda Techniques Corpus (PTC) and achieve the second highest score on sentence-level propaganda classification.

174. Understanding BERT performance in propaganda analysis [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019.
  Yiqing Hua
In this paper, we describe our system used in the shared task for fine-grained propaganda analysis at sentence level. Despite the challenging nature of the task, our pretrained BERT model (team YMJA) fine tuned on the training dataset provided by the shared task scored 0.62 F1 on the test set and ranked third among 25 teams who participated in the contest. We present a set of illustrative experiments to better understand the performance of our BERT model on this shared task. Further, we explore beyond the given dataset for false-positive cases that likely to be produced by our system. We show that despite the high performance on the given testset, our system may have the tendency of classifying opinion pieces as propaganda and cannot distinguish quotations of propaganda speech from actual usage of propaganda techniques.

175. Sentence-Level Propaganda Detection in News Articles with Transfer Learning and BERT-BiLSTM-Capsule Model [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019.
  George-Alexandru Vlad, Mircea-Adrian Tanase, Cristian Onose, Dumitru-Clementin Cercel
In recent years, the need for communication increased in online social media. Propaganda is a mechanism which was used throughout history to influence public opinion and it is gaining a new dimension with the rising interest of online social media. This paper presents our submission to NLP4IF-2019 Shared Task SLC: Sentence-level Propaganda Detection in news articles. The challenge of this task is to build a robust binary classifier able to provide corresponding propaganda labels, propaganda or non-propaganda. Our model relies on a unified neural network, which consists of several deep leaning modules, namely BERT, BiLSTM and Capsule, to solve the sentencelevel propaganda classification problem. In addition, we take a pre-training approach on a somewhat similar task (i.e., emotion classification) improving results against the cold-start model. Among the 26 participant teams in the NLP4IF-2019 Task SLC, our solution ranked 12th with an F1-score 0.5868 on the official test data. Our proposed solution indicates promising results since our system significantly exceeds the baseline approach of the organizers by 0.1521 and is slightly lower than the winning system by 0.0454.

176. Exploiting BERT for End-to-End Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019. the 5th Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT 2019)
  Xin Li, Lidong Bing, Wenxuan Zhang, Wai Lam
In this paper, we investigate the modeling power of contextualized embeddings from pre-trained language models, e.g. BERT, on the E2E-ABSA task. Specifically, we build a series of simple yet insightful neural baselines to deal with E2E-ABSA. The experimental results show that even with a simple linear classification layer, our BERT-based architecture can outperform state-of-the-art works. Besides, we also standardize the comparative study by consistently utilizing a hold-out validation dataset for model selection, which is largely ignored by previous works. Therefore, our work can serve as a BERT-based benchmark for E2E-ABSA.

177. Enhancing BERT for Lexical Normalization [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019. the 5th Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT 2019)
  Benjamin Muller, Benoit Sagot, Djamé Seddah
Language model-based pre-trained representations have become ubiquitous in natural language processing. They have been shown to significantly improve the performance of neural models on a great variety of tasks. However, it remains unclear how useful those general models can be in handling non-canonical text. In this article, focusing on User Generated Content (UGC), we study the ability of BERT to perform lexical normalisation. Our contribution is simple: by framing lexical normalisation as a token prediction task, by enhancing its architecture and by carefully fine-tuning it, we show that BERT can be a competitive lexical normalisation model without the need of any UGC resources aside from 3,000 training sentences. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first work done in adapting and analysing the ability of this model to handle noisy UGC data.

178. Recycling a Pre-trained BERT Encoder for Neural Machine Translation [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019. the 3rd Workshop on Neural Generation and Translation
  Kenji Imamura, Eiichiro Sumita
In this paper, a pre-trained Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) model is applied to Transformer-based neural machine translation (NMT). In contrast to monolingual tasks, the number of unlearned model parameters in an NMT decoder is as huge as the number of learned parameters in the BERT model. To train all the models appropriately, we employ two-stage optimization, which first trains only the unlearned parameters by freezing the BERT model, and then fine-tunes all the sub-models. In our experiments, stable two-stage optimization was achieved, in contrast the BLEU scores of direct fine-tuning were extremely low. Consequently, the BLEU scores of the proposed method were better than those of the Transformer base model and the same model without pre-training. Additionally, we confirmed that NMT with the BERT encoder is more effective in low-resource settings.

179. On the use of BERT for Neural Machine Translation [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019. the 3rd Workshop on Neural Generation and Translation
  Stephane Clinchant, Kweon Woo Jung, Vassilina Nikoulina
Exploiting large pretrained models for various NMT tasks have gained a lot of visibility recently. In this work we study how BERT pretrained models could be exploited for supervised Neural Machine Translation. We compare various ways to integrate pretrained BERT model with NMT model and study the impact of the monolingual data used for BERT training on the final translation quality. We use WMT-14 English-German, IWSLT15 English-German and IWSLT14 English-Russian datasets for these experiments. In addition to standard task test set evaluation, we perform evaluation on out-of-domain test sets and noise injected test sets, in order to assess how BERT pretrained representations affect model robustness.

180. Biomedical Named Entity Recognition with Multilingual BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019. The 5th Workshop on BioNLP Open Shared Tasks
  Kai Hakala, Sampo Pyysalo
We present the approach of the Turku NLP group to the PharmaCoNER task on Spanish biomedical named entity recognition. We apply a CRF-based baseline approach and multilingual BERT to the task, achieving an F-score of 88% on the development data and 87% on the test set with BERT. Our approach reflects a straightforward application of a state-of-the-art multilingual model that is not specifically tailored to either the language nor the application domain. The source code is available at: https://github.com/chaanim/pharmaconer

181. Trigger Word Detection and Thematic Role Identification via BERT and Multitask Learning [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019. The 5th Workshop on BioNLP Open Shared Tasks
  Dongfang Li, Ying Xiong, Baotian Hu, Hanyang Du, Buzhou Tang, Qingcai Chen
The prediction of the relationship between the disease with genes and its mutations is a very important knowledge extraction task that can potentially help drug discovery. In this paper, we present our approaches for trigger word detection (task 1) and the identification of its thematic role (task 2) in AGAC track of BioNLP Open Shared Task 2019. Task 1 can be regarded as the traditional name entity recognition (NER), which cultivates molecular phenomena related to gene mutation. Task 2 can be regarded as relation extraction which captures the thematic roles between entities. For two tasks, we exploit the pre-trained biomedical language representation model (i.e., BERT) in the pipe of information extraction for the collection of mutation-disease knowledge from PubMed. And also, we design a fine-tuning technique and extra features by using multi-task learning. The experiment results show that our proposed approaches achieve 0.60 (ranks 1) and 0.25 (ranks 2) on task 1 and task 2 respectively in terms of F1 metric.

182. Transfer Learning in Biomedical Named Entity Recognition: An Evaluation of BERT in the PharmaCoNER task [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019. The 5th Workshop on BioNLP Open Shared Tasks
  Cong Sun, Zhihao Yang
To date, a large amount of biomedical content has been published in non-English texts, especially for clinical documents. Therefore, it is of considerable significance to conduct Natural Language Processing (NLP) research in non-English literature. PharmaCoNER is the first Named Entity Recognition (NER) task to recognize chemical and protein entities from Spanish biomedical texts. Since there have been abundant resources in the NLP field, how to exploit these existing resources to a new task to obtain competitive performance is a meaningful study. Inspired by the success of transfer learning with language models, we introduce the BERT benchmark to facilitate the research of PharmaCoNER task. In this paper, we evaluate two baselines based on Multilingual BERT and BioBERT on the PharmaCoNER corpus. Experimental results show that transferring the knowledge learned from source large-scale datasets to the target domain offers an effective solution for the PharmaCoNER task.

183. Coreference Resolution in Full Text Articles with BERT and Syntax-based Mention Filtering [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019. The 5th Workshop on BioNLP Open Shared Tasks
  Hai-Long Trieu, Anh-Khoa Duong Nguyen, Nhung Nguyen, Makoto Miwa, Hiroya Takamura, Sophia Ananiadou
This paper describes our system developed for the coreference resolution task of the CRAFT Shared Tasks 2019. The CRAFT corpus is more challenging than other existing corpora because it contains full text articles. We have employed an existing span-based state-of-theart neural coreference resolution system as a baseline system. We enhance the system with two different techniques to capture longdistance coreferent pairs. Firstly, we filter noisy mentions based on parse trees with increasing the number of antecedent candidates. Secondly, instead of relying on the LSTMs, we integrate the highly expressive language model–BERT into our model. Experimental results show that our proposed systems significantly outperform the baseline. The best performing system obtained F-scores of 44%, 48%, 39%, 49%, 40%, and 57% on the test set with B3, BLANC, CEAFE, CEAFM, LEA, and MUC metrics, respectively. Additionally, the proposed model is able to detect coreferent pairs in long distances, even with a distance of more than 200 sentences.

184. A Recurrent BERT-based Model for Question Generation [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019. the 2nd Workshop on Machine Reading for Question Answering
  Ying-Hong Chan, Yao-Chung Fan
In this study, we investigate the employment of the pre-trained BERT language model to tackle question generation tasks. We introduce three neural architectures built on top of BERT for question generation tasks. The first one is a straightforward BERT employment, which reveals the defects of directly using BERT for text generation. Accordingly, we propose another two models by restructuring our BERT employment into a sequential manner for taking information from previous decoded results. Our models are trained and evaluated on the recent question-answering dataset SQuAD. Experiment results show that our best model yields state-of-the-art performance which advances the BLEU 4 score of the existing best models from 16.85 to 22.17.

185. Question Answering Using Hierarchical Attention on Top of BERT Features [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019. the 2nd Workshop on Machine Reading for Question Answering
  Reham Osama, Nagwa El-Makky, Marwan Torki
The model submitted works as follows. When supplied a question and a passage it makes use of the BERT embedding along with the hierarchical attention model which consists of 2 parts, the co-attention and the self-attention, to locate a continuous span of the passage that is the answer to the question.

186. BLCU-NLP at COIN-Shared Task1: Stagewise Fine-tuning BERT for Commonsense Inference in Everyday Narrations [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019. the First Workshop on Commonsense Inference in Natural Language Processing
  Chunhua Liu, Dong Yu
This paper describes our system for COIN Shared Task 1: Commonsense Inference in Everyday Narrations. To inject more external knowledge to better reason over the narrative passage, question and answer, the system adopts a stagewise fine-tuning method based on pre-trained BERT model. More specifically, the first stage is to fine-tune on addi- tional machine reading comprehension dataset to learn more commonsense knowledge. The second stage is to fine-tune on target-task (MCScript2.0) with MCScript (2018) dataset assisted. Experimental results show that our system achieves significant improvements over the baseline systems with 84.2% accuracy on the official test dataset.

187. BERT is Not an Interlingua and the Bias of Tokenization [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019. the 2nd Workshop on Deep Learning Approaches for Low-Resource NLP (DeepLo 2019)
  Jasdeep Singh, Bryan McCann, Richard Socher, Caiming Xiong
Multilingual transfer learning can benefit both high- and low-resource languages, but the source of these improvements is not well understood. Cananical Correlation Analysis (CCA) of the internal representations of a pre- trained, multilingual BERT model reveals that the model partitions representations for each language rather than using a common, shared, interlingual space. This effect is magnified at deeper layers, suggesting that the model does not progressively abstract semantic con- tent while disregarding languages. Hierarchical clustering based on the CCA similarity scores between languages reveals a tree structure that mirrors the phylogenetic trees hand- designed by linguists. The subword tokenization employed by BERT provides a stronger bias towards such structure than character- and word-level tokenizations. We release a subset of the XNLI dataset translated into an additional 14 languages at https://www.github.com/salesforce/xnli_extension to assist further research into multilingual representations.

188. Domain Adaptation with BERT-based Domain Classification and Data Selection [PDF] 返回目录
  EMNLP 2019. the 2nd Workshop on Deep Learning Approaches for Low-Resource NLP (DeepLo 2019)
  Xiaofei Ma, Peng Xu, Zhiguo Wang, Ramesh Nallapati, Bing Xiang
The performance of deep neural models can deteriorate substantially when there is a domain shift between training and test data. For example, the pre-trained BERT model can be easily fine-tuned with just one additional output layer to create a state-of-the-art model for a wide range of tasks. However, the fine-tuned BERT model suffers considerably at zero-shot when applied to a different domain. In this paper, we present a novel two-step domain adaptation framework based on curriculum learning and domain-discriminative data selection. The domain adaptation is conducted in a mostly unsupervised manner using a small target domain validation set for hyper-parameter tuning. We tested the framework on four large public datasets with different domain similarities and task types. Our framework outperforms a popular discrepancy-based domain adaptation method on most transfer tasks while consuming only a fraction of the training budget.

189. Efficient Training of BERT by Progressively Stacking [PDF] 返回目录
  ICML 2019.
  Linyuan Gong, Di He, Zhuohan Li, Tao Qin, Liwei Wang, Tie-Yan Liu
Unsupervised pre-training is popularly used in natural language processing. By designing proper unsupervised prediction tasks, a deep neural network can be trained and shown to be effective in many downstream tasks. As the data is usually adequate, the model for pre-training is generally huge and contains millions of parameters. Therefore, the training efficiency becomes a critical issue even when using high-performance hardware. In this paper, we explore an efficient training method for the state-of-the-art bidirectional Transformer (BERT) model. By visualizing the self-attention distribution of different layers at different positions in a well-trained BERT model, we find that in most layers, the self-attention distribution will concentrate locally around its position and the start-of-sentence token. Motivating from this, we propose the stacking algorithm to transfer knowledge from a shallow model to a deep model; then we apply stacking progressively to accelerate BERT training. The experimental results showed that the models trained by our training strategy achieve similar performance to models trained from scratch, but our algorithm is much faster.

190. BERT and PALs: Projected Attention Layers for Efficient Adaptation in Multi-Task Learning [PDF] 返回目录
  ICML 2019.
  Asa Cooper Stickland, Iain Murray
Multi-task learning shares information between related tasks, sometimes reducing the number of parameters required. State-of-the-art results across multiple natural language understanding tasks in the GLUE benchmark have previously used transfer from a single large task: unsupervised pre-training with BERT, where a separate BERT model was fine-tuned for each task. We explore multi-task approaches that share a \hbox{single} BERT model with a small number of additional task-specific parameters. Using new adaptation modules, PALs or ‘projected attention layers’, we match the performance of separately fine-tuned models on the GLUE benchmark with $\approx$7 times fewer parameters, and obtain state-of-the-art results on the Recognizing Textual Entailment dataset.

191. Story Ending Prediction by Transferable BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  IJCAI 2019.
  Zhongyang Li, Xiao Ding, Ting Liu
Recent advances, such as GPT and BERT, have shown success in incorporating a pre-trained transformer language model and fine-tuning operation to improve downstream NLP systems. However, this framework still has some fundamental problems in effectively incorporating supervised knowledge from other related tasks. In this study, we investigate a transferable BERT (TransBERT) training framework, which can transfer not only general language knowledge from large-scale unlabeled data but also specific kinds of knowledge from various semantically related supervised tasks, for a target task. Particularly, we propose utilizing three kinds of transfer tasks, including natural language inference, sentiment classification, and next action prediction, to further train BERT based on a pre-trained model. This enables the model to get a better initialization for the target task. We take story ending prediction as the target task to conduct experiments. The final result, an accuracy of 91.8%, dramatically outperforms previous state-of-the-art baseline methods. Several comparative experiments give some helpful suggestions on how to select transfer tasks to improve BERT.

192. Adapting BERT for Target-Oriented Multimodal Sentiment Classification [PDF] 返回目录
  IJCAI 2019.
  Jianfei Yu, Jing Jiang
As an important task in Sentiment Analysis, Target-oriented Sentiment Classification (TSC) aims to identify sentiment polarities over each opinion target in a sentence. However, existing approaches to this task primarily rely on the textual content, but ignoring the other increasingly popular multimodal data sources (e.g., images), which can enhance the robustness of these text-based models. Motivated by this observation and inspired by the recently proposed BERT architecture, we study Target-oriented Multimodal Sentiment Classification (TMSC) and propose a multimodal BERT architecture. To model intra-modality dynamics, we first apply BERT to obtain target-sensitive textual representations. We then borrow the idea from self-attention and design a target attention mechanism to perform target-image matching to derive target-sensitive visual representations. To model inter-modality dynamics, we further propose to stack a set of self-attention layers to capture multimodal interactions. Experimental results show that our model can outperform several highly competitive approaches for TSC and TMSC.

193. Utilizing BERT for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis via Constructing Auxiliary Sentence [PDF] 返回目录
  NAACL 2019.
  Chi Sun, Luyao Huang, Xipeng Qiu
Aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA), which aims to identify fine-grained opinion polarity towards a specific aspect, is a challenging subtask of sentiment analysis (SA). In this paper, we construct an auxiliary sentence from the aspect and convert ABSA to a sentence-pair classification task, such as question answering (QA) and natural language inference (NLI). We fine-tune the pre-trained model from BERT and achieve new state-of-the-art results on SentiHood and SemEval-2014 Task 4 datasets. The source codes are available at https://github.com/HSLCY/ABSA-BERT-pair.

194. BERT Post-Training for Review Reading Comprehension and Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis [PDF] 返回目录
  NAACL 2019.
  Hu Xu, Bing Liu, Lei Shu, Philip Yu
Question-answering plays an important role in e-commerce as it allows potential customers to actively seek crucial information about products or services to help their purchase decision making. Inspired by the recent success of machine reading comprehension (MRC) on formal documents, this paper explores the potential of turning customer reviews into a large source of knowledge that can be exploited to answer user questions. We call this problem Review Reading Comprehension (RRC). To the best of our knowledge, no existing work has been done on RRC. In this work, we first build an RRC dataset called ReviewRC based on a popular benchmark for aspect-based sentiment analysis. Since ReviewRC has limited training examples for RRC (and also for aspect-based sentiment analysis), we then explore a novel post-training approach on the popular language model BERT to enhance the performance of fine-tuning of BERT for RRC. To show the generality of the approach, the proposed post-training is also applied to some other review-based tasks such as aspect extraction and aspect sentiment classification in aspect-based sentiment analysis. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed post-training is highly effective.

195. BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding [PDF] 返回目录
  NAACL 2019.
  Jacob Devlin, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, Kristina Toutanova
We introduce a new language representation model called BERT, which stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. Unlike recent language representation models (Peters et al., 2018a; Radford et al., 2018), BERT is designed to pre-train deep bidirectional representations from unlabeled text by jointly conditioning on both left and right context in all layers. As a result, the pre-trained BERT model can be fine-tuned with just one additional output layer to create state-of-the-art models for a wide range of tasks, such as question answering and language inference, without substantial task-specific architecture modifications. BERT is conceptually simple and empirically powerful. It obtains new state-of-the-art results on eleven natural language processing tasks, including pushing the GLUE score to 80.5 (7.7 point absolute improvement), MultiNLI accuracy to 86.7% (4.6% absolute improvement), SQuAD v1.1 question answering Test F1 to 93.2 (1.5 point absolute improvement) and SQuAD v2.0 Test F1 to 83.1 (5.1 point absolute improvement).

196. End-to-End Open-Domain Question Answering with BERTserini [PDF] 返回目录
  NAACL 2019. Demonstrations
  Wei Yang, Yuqing Xie, Aileen Lin, Xingyu Li, Luchen Tan, Kun Xiong, Ming Li, Jimmy Lin
We demonstrate an end-to-end question answering system that integrates BERT with the open-source Anserini information retrieval toolkit. In contrast to most question answering and reading comprehension models today, which operate over small amounts of input text, our system integrates best practices from IR with a BERT-based reader to identify answers from a large corpus of Wikipedia articles in an end-to-end fashion. We report large improvements over previous results on a standard benchmark test collection, showing that fine-tuning pretrained BERT with SQuAD is sufficient to achieve high accuracy in identifying answer spans.

197. Improving Cuneiform Language Identification with BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  NAACL 2019. the Sixth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects
  Gabriel Bernier-Colborne, Cyril Goutte, Serge Léger
We describe the systems developed by the National Research Council Canada for the Cuneiform Language Identification (CLI) shared task at the 2019 VarDial evaluation campaign. We compare a state-of-the-art baseline relying on character n-grams and a traditional statistical classifier, a voting ensemble of classifiers, and a deep learning approach using a Transformer network. We describe how these systems were trained, and analyze the impact of some preprocessing and model estimation decisions. The deep neural network achieved 77% accuracy on the test data, which turned out to be the best performance at the CLI evaluation, establishing a new state-of-the-art for cuneiform language identification.

198. A BERT-based Universal Model for Both Within- and Cross-sentence Clinical Temporal Relation Extraction [PDF] 返回目录
  NAACL 2019. the 2nd Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop
  Chen Lin, Timothy Miller, Dmitriy Dligach, Steven Bethard, Guergana Savova
Classic methods for clinical temporal relation extraction focus on relational candidates within a sentence. On the other hand, break-through Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) are trained on large quantities of arbitrary spans of contiguous text instead of sentences. In this study, we aim to build a sentence-agnostic framework for the task of CONTAINS temporal relation extraction. We establish a new state-of-the-art result for the task, 0.684F for in-domain (0.055-point improvement) and 0.565F for cross-domain (0.018-point improvement), by fine-tuning BERT and pre-training domain-specific BERT models on sentence-agnostic temporal relation instances with WordPiece-compatible encodings, and augmenting the labeled data with automatically generated “silver” instances.

199. Publicly Available Clinical BERT Embeddings [PDF] 返回目录
  NAACL 2019. the 2nd Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop
  Emily Alsentzer, John Murphy, William Boag, Wei-Hung Weng, Di Jindi, Tristan Naumann, Matthew McDermott
Contextual word embedding models such as ELMo and BERT have dramatically improved performance for many natural language processing (NLP) tasks in recent months. However, these models have been minimally explored on specialty corpora, such as clinical text; moreover, in the clinical domain, no publicly-available pre-trained BERT models yet exist. In this work, we address this need by exploring and releasing BERT models for clinical text: one for generic clinical text and another for discharge summaries specifically. We demonstrate that using a domain-specific model yields performance improvements on 3/5 clinical NLP tasks, establishing a new state-of-the-art on the MedNLI dataset. We find that these domain-specific models are not as performant on 2 clinical de-identification tasks, and argue that this is a natural consequence of the differences between de-identified source text and synthetically non de-identified task text.

200. BERT has a Mouth, and It Must Speak: BERT as a Markov Random Field Language Model [PDF] 返回目录
  NAACL 2019. the Workshop on Methods for Optimizing and Evaluating Neural Language Generation
  Alex Wang, Kyunghyun Cho
We show that BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) is a Markov random field language model. This formulation gives way to a natural procedure to sample sentences from BERT. We generate from BERT and find that it can produce high quality, fluent generations. Compared to the generations of a traditional left-to-right language model, BERT generates sentences that are more diverse but of slightly worse quality.

201. Suicide Risk Assessment with Multi-level Dual-Context Language and BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  NAACL 2019. the Sixth Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology
  Matthew Matero, Akash Idnani, Youngseo Son, Salvatore Giorgi, Huy Vu, Mohammad Zamani, Parth Limbachiya, Sharath Chandra Guntuku, H. Andrew Schwartz
Mental health predictive systems typically model language as if from a single context (e.g. Twitter posts, status updates, or forum posts) and often limited to a single level of analysis (e.g. either the message-level or user-level). Here, we bring these pieces together to explore the use of open-vocabulary (BERT embeddings, topics) and theoretical features (emotional expression lexica, personality) for the task of suicide risk assessment on support forums (the CLPsych-2019 Shared Task). We used dual context based approaches (modeling content from suicide forums separate from other content), built over both traditional ML models as well as a novel dual RNN architecture with user-factor adaptation. We find that while affect from the suicide context distinguishes with no-risk from those with “any-risk”, personality factors from the non-suicide contexts provide distinction of the levels of risk: low, medium, and high risk. Within the shared task, our dual-context approach (listed as SBU-HLAB in the official results) achieved state-of-the-art performance predicting suicide risk using a combination of suicide-context and non-suicide posts (Task B), achieving an F1 score of 0.50 over hidden test set labels.

202. ViLBERT: Pretraining Task-Agnostic Visiolinguistic Representations for Vision-and-Language Tasks [PDF] 返回目录
  NeurIPS 2019.
  Jiasen Lu, Dhruv Batra, Devi Parikh, Stefan Lee
We present ViLBERT (short for Vision-and-Language BERT), a model for learning task-agnostic joint representations of image content and natural language. We extend the popular BERT architecture to a multi-modal two-stream model, processing both visual and textual inputs in separate streams that interact through co-attentional transformer layers. We pretrain our model through two proxy tasks on the large, automatically collected Conceptual Captions dataset and then transfer it to multiple established vision-and-language tasks -- visual question answering, visual commonsense reasoning, referring expressions, and caption-based image retrieval -- by making only minor additions to the base architecture. We observe significant improvements across tasks compared to existing task-specific models -- achieving state-of-the-art on all four tasks. Our work represents a shift away from learning groundings between vision and language only as part of task training and towards treating visual grounding as a pretrainable and transferable capability.

203. Visualizing and Measuring the Geometry of BERT [PDF] 返回目录
  NeurIPS 2019.
  Emily Reif, Ann Yuan, Martin Wattenberg, Fernanda B. Viegas, Andy Coenen, Adam Pearce, Been Kim
Transformer architectures show significant promise for natural language processing. Given that a single pretrained model can be fine-tuned to perform well on many different tasks, these networks appear to extract generally useful linguistic features. A natural question is how such networks represent this information internally. This paper describes qualitative and quantitative investigations of one particularly effective model, BERT. At a high level, linguistic features seem to be represented in separate semantic and syntactic subspaces. We find evidence of a fine-grained geometric representation of word senses. We also present empirical descriptions of syntactic representations in both attention matrices and individual word embeddings, as well as a mathematical argument to explain the geometry of these representations.
