2. A BERT based Sentiment Analysis and Key Entity Detection Approach for Online Financial Texts [PDF] 摘要
7. Dialectal Layers in West Iranian: a Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Approach to Linguistic Relationships [PDF] 摘要
9. Language Models Are An Effective Patient Representation Learning Technique For Electronic Health Record Data [PDF] 摘要
11. Exploring and Improving Robustness of Multi Task Deep Neural Networks via Domain Agnostic Defenses [PDF] 摘要
1. AvgOut: A Simple Output-Probability Measure to Eliminate Dull Responses [PDF] 返回目录
Tong Niu, Mohit Bansal
Abstract: Many sequence-to-sequence dialogue models tend to generate safe, uninformative responses. There have been various useful efforts on trying to eliminate them. However, these approaches either improve decoding algorithms during inference, rely on hand-crafted features, or employ complex models. In our work, we build dialogue models that are dynamically aware of what utterances or tokens are dull without any feature-engineering. Specifically, we start with a simple yet effective automatic metric, AvgOut, which calculates the average output probability distribution of all time steps on the decoder side during training. This metric directly estimates which tokens are more likely to be generated, thus making it a faithful evaluation of the model diversity (i.e., for diverse models, the token probabilities should be more evenly distributed rather than peaked at a few dull tokens). We then leverage this novel metric to propose three models that promote diversity without losing relevance. The first model, MinAvgOut, directly maximizes the diversity score through the output distributions of each batch; the second model, Label Fine-Tuning (LFT), prepends to the source sequence a label continuously scaled by the diversity score to control the diversity level; the third model, RL, adopts Reinforcement Learning and treats the diversity score as a reward signal. Moreover, we experiment with a hybrid model by combining the loss terms of MinAvgOut and RL. All four models outperform their base LSTM-RNN model on both diversity and relevance by a large margin, and are comparable to or better than competitive baselines (also verified via human evaluation). Moreover, our approaches are orthogonal to the base model, making them applicable as an add-on to other emerging better dialogue models in the future.
Tong Niu, Mohit Bansal
Abstract: Many sequence-to-sequence dialogue models tend to generate safe, uninformative responses. There have been various useful efforts on trying to eliminate them. However, these approaches either improve decoding algorithms during inference, rely on hand-crafted features, or employ complex models. In our work, we build dialogue models that are dynamically aware of what utterances or tokens are dull without any feature-engineering. Specifically, we start with a simple yet effective automatic metric, AvgOut, which calculates the average output probability distribution of all time steps on the decoder side during training. This metric directly estimates which tokens are more likely to be generated, thus making it a faithful evaluation of the model diversity (i.e., for diverse models, the token probabilities should be more evenly distributed rather than peaked at a few dull tokens). We then leverage this novel metric to propose three models that promote diversity without losing relevance. The first model, MinAvgOut, directly maximizes the diversity score through the output distributions of each batch; the second model, Label Fine-Tuning (LFT), prepends to the source sequence a label continuously scaled by the diversity score to control the diversity level; the third model, RL, adopts Reinforcement Learning and treats the diversity score as a reward signal. Moreover, we experiment with a hybrid model by combining the loss terms of MinAvgOut and RL. All four models outperform their base LSTM-RNN model on both diversity and relevance by a large margin, and are comparable to or better than competitive baselines (also verified via human evaluation). Moreover, our approaches are orthogonal to the base model, making them applicable as an add-on to other emerging better dialogue models in the future.
2. A BERT based Sentiment Analysis and Key Entity Detection Approach for Online Financial Texts [PDF] 返回目录
Lingyun Zhao, Lin Li, Xinhao Zheng
Abstract: The emergence and rapid progress of the Internet have brought ever-increasing impact on financial domain. How to rapidly and accurately mine the key information from the massive negative financial texts has become one of the key issues for investors and decision makers. Aiming at the issue, we propose a sentiment analysis and key entity detection approach based on BERT, which is applied in online financial text mining and public opinion analysis in social media. By using pre-train model, we first study sentiment analysis, and then we consider key entity detection as a sentence matching or Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC) task in different granularity. Among them, we mainly focus on negative sentimental information. We detect the specific entity by using our approach, which is different from traditional Named Entity Recognition (NER). In addition, we also use ensemble learning to improve the performance of proposed approach. Experimental results show that the performance of our approach is generally higher than SVM, LR, NBM, and BERT for two financial sentiment analysis and key entity detection datasets.
Lingyun Zhao, Lin Li, Xinhao Zheng
Abstract: The emergence and rapid progress of the Internet have brought ever-increasing impact on financial domain. How to rapidly and accurately mine the key information from the massive negative financial texts has become one of the key issues for investors and decision makers. Aiming at the issue, we propose a sentiment analysis and key entity detection approach based on BERT, which is applied in online financial text mining and public opinion analysis in social media. By using pre-train model, we first study sentiment analysis, and then we consider key entity detection as a sentence matching or Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC) task in different granularity. Among them, we mainly focus on negative sentimental information. We detect the specific entity by using our approach, which is different from traditional Named Entity Recognition (NER). In addition, we also use ensemble learning to improve the performance of proposed approach. Experimental results show that the performance of our approach is generally higher than SVM, LR, NBM, and BERT for two financial sentiment analysis and key entity detection datasets.
3. Authorship Attribution in Bangla literature using Character-level CNN [PDF] 返回目录
Aisha Khatun, Anisur Rahman, Md. Saiful Islam, Marium-E-Jannat
Abstract: Characters are the smallest unit of text that can extract stylometric signals to determine the author of a text. In this paper, we investigate the effectiveness of character-level signals in Authorship Attribution of Bangla Literature and show that the results are promising but improvable. The time and memory efficiency of the proposed model is much higher than the word level counterparts but accuracy is 2-5% less than the best performing word-level models. Comparison of various word-based models is performed and shown that the proposed model performs increasingly better with larger datasets. We also analyze the effect of pre-training character embedding of diverse Bangla character set in authorship attribution. It is seen that the performance is improved by up to 10% on pre-training. We used 2 datasets from 6 to 14 authors, balancing them before training and compare the results.
Aisha Khatun, Anisur Rahman, Md. Saiful Islam, Marium-E-Jannat
Abstract: Characters are the smallest unit of text that can extract stylometric signals to determine the author of a text. In this paper, we investigate the effectiveness of character-level signals in Authorship Attribution of Bangla Literature and show that the results are promising but improvable. The time and memory efficiency of the proposed model is much higher than the word level counterparts but accuracy is 2-5% less than the best performing word-level models. Comparison of various word-based models is performed and shown that the proposed model performs increasingly better with larger datasets. We also analyze the effect of pre-training character embedding of diverse Bangla character set in authorship attribution. It is seen that the performance is improved by up to 10% on pre-training. We used 2 datasets from 6 to 14 authors, balancing them before training and compare the results.
4. A Continuous Space Neural Language Model for Bengali Language [PDF] 返回目录
Hemayet Ahmed Chowdhury, Md. Azizul Haque Imon, Anisur Rahman, Aisha Khatun, Md. Saiful Islam
Abstract: Language models are generally employed to estimate the probability distribution of various linguistic units, making them one of the fundamental parts of natural language processing. Applications of language models include a wide spectrum of tasks such as text summarization, translation and classification. For a low resource language like Bengali, the research in this area so far can be considered to be narrow at the very least, with some traditional count based models being proposed. This paper attempts to address the issue and proposes a continuous-space neural language model, or more specifically an ASGD weight dropped LSTM language model, along with techniques to efficiently train it for Bengali Language. The performance analysis with some currently existing count based models illustrated in this paper also shows that the proposed architecture outperforms its counterparts by achieving an inference perplexity as low as 51.2 on the held out data set for Bengali.
Hemayet Ahmed Chowdhury, Md. Azizul Haque Imon, Anisur Rahman, Aisha Khatun, Md. Saiful Islam
Abstract: Language models are generally employed to estimate the probability distribution of various linguistic units, making them one of the fundamental parts of natural language processing. Applications of language models include a wide spectrum of tasks such as text summarization, translation and classification. For a low resource language like Bengali, the research in this area so far can be considered to be narrow at the very least, with some traditional count based models being proposed. This paper attempts to address the issue and proposes a continuous-space neural language model, or more specifically an ASGD weight dropped LSTM language model, along with techniques to efficiently train it for Bengali Language. The performance analysis with some currently existing count based models illustrated in this paper also shows that the proposed architecture outperforms its counterparts by achieving an inference perplexity as low as 51.2 on the held out data set for Bengali.
5. Embedding Compression with Isotropic Iterative Quantization [PDF] 返回目录
Siyu Liao, Jie Chen, Yanzhi Wang, Qinru Qiu, Bo Yuan
Abstract: Continuous representation of words is a standard component in deep learning-based NLP models. However, representing a large vocabulary requires significant memory, which can cause problems, particularly on resource-constrained platforms. Therefore, in this paper we propose an isotropic iterative quantization (IIQ) approach for compressing embedding vectors into binary ones, leveraging the iterative quantization technique well established for image retrieval, while satisfying the desired isotropic property of PMI based models. Experiments with pre-trained embeddings (i.e., GloVe and HDC) demonstrate a more than thirty-fold compression ratio with comparable and sometimes even improved performance over the original real-valued embedding vectors.
Siyu Liao, Jie Chen, Yanzhi Wang, Qinru Qiu, Bo Yuan
Abstract: Continuous representation of words is a standard component in deep learning-based NLP models. However, representing a large vocabulary requires significant memory, which can cause problems, particularly on resource-constrained platforms. Therefore, in this paper we propose an isotropic iterative quantization (IIQ) approach for compressing embedding vectors into binary ones, leveraging the iterative quantization technique well established for image retrieval, while satisfying the desired isotropic property of PMI based models. Experiments with pre-trained embeddings (i.e., GloVe and HDC) demonstrate a more than thirty-fold compression ratio with comparable and sometimes even improved performance over the original real-valued embedding vectors.
6. Tensor Graph Convolutional Networks for Text Classification [PDF] 返回目录
Xien Liu, Xinxin You, Xiao Zhang, Ji Wu, Ping Lv
Abstract: Compared to sequential learning models, graph-based neural networks exhibit some excellent properties, such as ability capturing global information. In this paper, we investigate graph-based neural networks for text classification problem. A new framework TensorGCN (tensor graph convolutional networks), is presented for this task. A text graph tensor is firstly constructed to describe semantic, syntactic, and sequential contextual information. Then, two kinds of propagation learning perform on the text graph tensor. The first is intra-graph propagation used for aggregating information from neighborhood nodes in a single graph. The second is inter-graph propagation used for harmonizing heterogeneous information between graphs. Extensive experiments are conducted on benchmark datasets, and the results illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework. Our proposed TensorGCN presents an effective way to harmonize and integrate heterogeneous information from different kinds of graphs.
Xien Liu, Xinxin You, Xiao Zhang, Ji Wu, Ping Lv
Abstract: Compared to sequential learning models, graph-based neural networks exhibit some excellent properties, such as ability capturing global information. In this paper, we investigate graph-based neural networks for text classification problem. A new framework TensorGCN (tensor graph convolutional networks), is presented for this task. A text graph tensor is firstly constructed to describe semantic, syntactic, and sequential contextual information. Then, two kinds of propagation learning perform on the text graph tensor. The first is intra-graph propagation used for aggregating information from neighborhood nodes in a single graph. The second is inter-graph propagation used for harmonizing heterogeneous information between graphs. Extensive experiments are conducted on benchmark datasets, and the results illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework. Our proposed TensorGCN presents an effective way to harmonize and integrate heterogeneous information from different kinds of graphs.
7. Dialectal Layers in West Iranian: a Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Approach to Linguistic Relationships [PDF] 返回目录
Chundra Aroor Cathcart
Abstract: This paper addresses a series of complex and unresolved issues in the historical phonology of West Iranian languages. The West Iranian languages (Persian, Kurdish, Balochi, and other languages) display a high degree of non-Lautgesetzlich behavior. Most of this irregularity is undoubtedly due to language contact; we argue, however, that an oversimplified view of the processes at work has prevailed in the literature on West Iranian dialectology, with specialists assuming that deviations from an expected outcome in a given non-Persian language are due to lexical borrowing from some chronological stage of Persian. It is demonstrated that this qualitative approach yields at times problematic conclusions stemming from the lack of explicit probabilistic inferences regarding the distribution of the data: Persian may not be the sole donor language; additionally, borrowing at the lexical level is not always the mechanism that introduces irregularity. In many cases, the possibility that West Iranian languages show different reflexes in different conditioning environments remains under-explored. We employ a novel Bayesian approach designed to overcome these problems and tease apart the different determinants of irregularity in patterns of West Iranian sound change. Our methodology allows us to provisionally resolve a number of outstanding questions in the literature on West Iranian dialectology concerning the dialectal affiliation of certain sound changes. We outline future directions for work of this sort.
Chundra Aroor Cathcart
Abstract: This paper addresses a series of complex and unresolved issues in the historical phonology of West Iranian languages. The West Iranian languages (Persian, Kurdish, Balochi, and other languages) display a high degree of non-Lautgesetzlich behavior. Most of this irregularity is undoubtedly due to language contact; we argue, however, that an oversimplified view of the processes at work has prevailed in the literature on West Iranian dialectology, with specialists assuming that deviations from an expected outcome in a given non-Persian language are due to lexical borrowing from some chronological stage of Persian. It is demonstrated that this qualitative approach yields at times problematic conclusions stemming from the lack of explicit probabilistic inferences regarding the distribution of the data: Persian may not be the sole donor language; additionally, borrowing at the lexical level is not always the mechanism that introduces irregularity. In many cases, the possibility that West Iranian languages show different reflexes in different conditioning environments remains under-explored. We employ a novel Bayesian approach designed to overcome these problems and tease apart the different determinants of irregularity in patterns of West Iranian sound change. Our methodology allows us to provisionally resolve a number of outstanding questions in the literature on West Iranian dialectology concerning the dialectal affiliation of certain sound changes. We outline future directions for work of this sort.
8. Urdu-English Machine Transliteration using Neural Networks [PDF] 返回目录
Usman Mohy ud Din
Abstract: Machine translation has gained much attention in recent years. It is a sub-field of computational linguistic which focus on translating text from one language to other language. Among different translation techniques, neural network currently leading the domain with its capabilities of providing a single large neural network with attention mechanism, sequence-to-sequence and long-short term modelling. Despite significant progress in domain of machine translation, translation of out-of-vocabulary words(OOV) which include technical terms, named-entities, foreign words are still a challenge for current state-of-art translation systems, and this situation becomes even worse while translating between low resource languages or languages having different structures. Due to morphological richness of a language, a word may have different meninges in different context. In such scenarios, translation of word is not only enough in order provide the correct/quality translation. Transliteration is a way to consider the context of word/sentence during translation. For low resource language like Urdu, it is very difficult to have/find parallel corpus for transliteration which is large enough to train the system. In this work, we presented transliteration technique based on Expectation Maximization (EM) which is un-supervised and language independent. Systems learns the pattern and out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words from parallel corpus and there is no need to train it on transliteration corpus explicitly. This approach is tested on three models of statistical machine translation (SMT) which include phrasebased, hierarchical phrase-based and factor based models and two models of neural machine translation which include LSTM and transformer model.
Usman Mohy ud Din
Abstract: Machine translation has gained much attention in recent years. It is a sub-field of computational linguistic which focus on translating text from one language to other language. Among different translation techniques, neural network currently leading the domain with its capabilities of providing a single large neural network with attention mechanism, sequence-to-sequence and long-short term modelling. Despite significant progress in domain of machine translation, translation of out-of-vocabulary words(OOV) which include technical terms, named-entities, foreign words are still a challenge for current state-of-art translation systems, and this situation becomes even worse while translating between low resource languages or languages having different structures. Due to morphological richness of a language, a word may have different meninges in different context. In such scenarios, translation of word is not only enough in order provide the correct/quality translation. Transliteration is a way to consider the context of word/sentence during translation. For low resource language like Urdu, it is very difficult to have/find parallel corpus for transliteration which is large enough to train the system. In this work, we presented transliteration technique based on Expectation Maximization (EM) which is un-supervised and language independent. Systems learns the pattern and out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words from parallel corpus and there is no need to train it on transliteration corpus explicitly. This approach is tested on three models of statistical machine translation (SMT) which include phrasebased, hierarchical phrase-based and factor based models and two models of neural machine translation which include LSTM and transformer model.
9. Language Models Are An Effective Patient Representation Learning Technique For Electronic Health Record Data [PDF] 返回目录
Ethan Steinberg, Ken Jung, Jason A. Fries, Conor K. Corbin, Stephen R. Pfohl, Nigam H. Shah
Abstract: Widespread adoption of electronic health records (EHRs) has fueled development of clinical outcome models using machine learning. However, patient EHR data are complex, and how to optimally represent them is an open question. This complexity, along with often small training set sizes available to train these clinical outcome models, are two core challenges for training high quality models. In this paper, we demonstrate that learning generic representations from the data of all the patients in the EHR enables better performing prediction models for clinical outcomes, allowing for these challenges to be overcome. We adapt common representation learning techniques used in other domains and find that representations inspired by language models enable a 3.5% mean improvement in AUROC on five clinical outcomes compared to standard baselines, with the average improvement rising to 19% when only a small number of patients are available for training a prediction model for a given clinical outcome.
Ethan Steinberg, Ken Jung, Jason A. Fries, Conor K. Corbin, Stephen R. Pfohl, Nigam H. Shah
Abstract: Widespread adoption of electronic health records (EHRs) has fueled development of clinical outcome models using machine learning. However, patient EHR data are complex, and how to optimally represent them is an open question. This complexity, along with often small training set sizes available to train these clinical outcome models, are two core challenges for training high quality models. In this paper, we demonstrate that learning generic representations from the data of all the patients in the EHR enables better performing prediction models for clinical outcomes, allowing for these challenges to be overcome. We adapt common representation learning techniques used in other domains and find that representations inspired by language models enable a 3.5% mean improvement in AUROC on five clinical outcomes compared to standard baselines, with the average improvement rising to 19% when only a small number of patients are available for training a prediction model for a given clinical outcome.
10. The empirical structure of word frequency distributions [PDF] 返回目录
Michael Ramscar
Abstract: The frequencies at which individual words occur across languages follow power law distributions, a pattern of findings known as Zipf's law. A vast literature argues over whether this serves to optimize the efficiency of human communication, however this claim is necessarily post hoc, and it has been suggested that Zipf's law may in fact describe mixtures of other distributions. From this perspective, recent findings that Sinosphere first (family) names are geometrically distributed are notable, because this is actually consistent with information theoretic predictions regarding optimal coding. First names form natural communicative distributions in most languages, and I show that when analyzed in relation to the communities in which they are used, first name distributions across a diverse set of languages are both geometric and, historically, remarkably similar, with power law distributions only emerging when empirical distributions are aggregated. I then show this pattern of findings replicates in communicative distributions of English nouns and verbs. These results indicate that if lexical distributions support efficient communication, they do so because their functional structures directly satisfy the constraints described by information theory, and not because of Zipf's law. Understanding the function of these information structures is likely to be key to explaining humankind's remarkable communicative capacities.
Michael Ramscar
Abstract: The frequencies at which individual words occur across languages follow power law distributions, a pattern of findings known as Zipf's law. A vast literature argues over whether this serves to optimize the efficiency of human communication, however this claim is necessarily post hoc, and it has been suggested that Zipf's law may in fact describe mixtures of other distributions. From this perspective, recent findings that Sinosphere first (family) names are geometrically distributed are notable, because this is actually consistent with information theoretic predictions regarding optimal coding. First names form natural communicative distributions in most languages, and I show that when analyzed in relation to the communities in which they are used, first name distributions across a diverse set of languages are both geometric and, historically, remarkably similar, with power law distributions only emerging when empirical distributions are aggregated. I then show this pattern of findings replicates in communicative distributions of English nouns and verbs. These results indicate that if lexical distributions support efficient communication, they do so because their functional structures directly satisfy the constraints described by information theory, and not because of Zipf's law. Understanding the function of these information structures is likely to be key to explaining humankind's remarkable communicative capacities.
11. Exploring and Improving Robustness of Multi Task Deep Neural Networks via Domain Agnostic Defenses [PDF] 返回目录
Kashyap Coimbatore Murali
Abstract: In this paper, we explore the robustness of the Multi-Task Deep Neural Networks (MT-DNN) against non-targeted adversarial attacks across Natural Language Understanding (NLU) tasks as well as some possible ways to defend against them. Liu et al., have shown that the Multi-Task Deep Neural Network, due to the regularization effect produced when training as a result of its cross task data, is more robust than a vanilla BERT model trained only on one task (1.1%-1.5% absolute difference). We further show that although the MT-DNN has generalized better, making it easily transferable across domains and tasks, it can still be compromised as after only 2 attacks (1-character and 2-character) the accuracy drops by 42.05% and 32.24% for the SNLI and SciTail tasks. Finally, we propose a domain agnostic defense which restores the model's accuracy (36.75% and 25.94% respectively) as opposed to a general-purpose defense or an off-the-shelf spell checker.
摘要:在本文中,我们探索了多任务深层神经网络(MT-DNN)的稳健性对整个自然语言理解(NLU)任务以及一些可能的方式来抵御这些非目标对抗性攻击。 Liu等人,已经表明,多任务深层的神经网络中,由于正规化效应产生当训练作为其横任务数据的结果是,比只在一个任务(1.1%培养了香草BERT模型更健壮 - 1.5%的绝对差)。进一步的研究表明,虽然MT-DNN具有更好的推广,使得它很容易跨域和任务转让的,它仍然可以作出妥协,只有2次攻击(1个字符和2个字符)的准确度42.05%和32.24%,下降后对于SNLI和SciTail任务。最后,我们提出了一个未知的领域国防其恢复模型的精确度(36.75%和25.94分别%),而不是通用的防守还是关闭的,现成的拼写检查器。
Kashyap Coimbatore Murali
Abstract: In this paper, we explore the robustness of the Multi-Task Deep Neural Networks (MT-DNN) against non-targeted adversarial attacks across Natural Language Understanding (NLU) tasks as well as some possible ways to defend against them. Liu et al., have shown that the Multi-Task Deep Neural Network, due to the regularization effect produced when training as a result of its cross task data, is more robust than a vanilla BERT model trained only on one task (1.1%-1.5% absolute difference). We further show that although the MT-DNN has generalized better, making it easily transferable across domains and tasks, it can still be compromised as after only 2 attacks (1-character and 2-character) the accuracy drops by 42.05% and 32.24% for the SNLI and SciTail tasks. Finally, we propose a domain agnostic defense which restores the model's accuracy (36.75% and 25.94% respectively) as opposed to a general-purpose defense or an off-the-shelf spell checker.
摘要:在本文中,我们探索了多任务深层神经网络(MT-DNN)的稳健性对整个自然语言理解(NLU)任务以及一些可能的方式来抵御这些非目标对抗性攻击。 Liu等人,已经表明,多任务深层的神经网络中,由于正规化效应产生当训练作为其横任务数据的结果是,比只在一个任务(1.1%培养了香草BERT模型更健壮 - 1.5%的绝对差)。进一步的研究表明,虽然MT-DNN具有更好的推广,使得它很容易跨域和任务转让的,它仍然可以作出妥协,只有2次攻击(1个字符和2个字符)的准确度42.05%和32.24%,下降后对于SNLI和SciTail任务。最后,我们提出了一个未知的领域国防其恢复模型的精确度(36.75%和25.94分别%),而不是通用的防守还是关闭的,现成的拼写检查器。
12. Detecting New Word Meanings: A Comparison of Word Embedding Models in Spanish [PDF] 返回目录
Andrés Torres-Rivera, Juan-Manuel Torres-Moreno
Abstract: Semantic neologisms (SN) are defined as words that acquire a new word meaning while maintaining their form. Given the nature of this kind of neologisms, the task of identifying these new word meanings is currently performed manually by specialists at observatories of neology. To detect SN in a semi-automatic way, we developed a system that implements a combination of the following strategies: topic modeling, keyword extraction, and word sense disambiguation. The role of topic modeling is to detect the themes that are treated in the input text. Themes within a text give clues about the particular meaning of the words that are used, for example: viral has one meaning in the context of computer science (CS) and another when talking about health. To extract keywords, we used TextRank with POS tag filtering. With this method, we can obtain relevant words that are already part of the Spanish lexicon. We use a deep learning model to determine if a given keyword could have a new meaning. Embeddings that are different from all the known meanings (or topics) indicate that a word might be a valid SN candidate. In this study, we examine the following word embedding models: Word2Vec, Sense2Vec, and FastText. The models were trained with equivalent parameters using Wikipedia in Spanish as corpora. Then we used a list of words and their concordances (obtained from our database of neologisms) to show the different embeddings that each model yields. Finally, we present a comparison of these outcomes with the concordances of each word to show how we can determine if a word could be a valid candidate for SN.
Andrés Torres-Rivera, Juan-Manuel Torres-Moreno
Abstract: Semantic neologisms (SN) are defined as words that acquire a new word meaning while maintaining their form. Given the nature of this kind of neologisms, the task of identifying these new word meanings is currently performed manually by specialists at observatories of neology. To detect SN in a semi-automatic way, we developed a system that implements a combination of the following strategies: topic modeling, keyword extraction, and word sense disambiguation. The role of topic modeling is to detect the themes that are treated in the input text. Themes within a text give clues about the particular meaning of the words that are used, for example: viral has one meaning in the context of computer science (CS) and another when talking about health. To extract keywords, we used TextRank with POS tag filtering. With this method, we can obtain relevant words that are already part of the Spanish lexicon. We use a deep learning model to determine if a given keyword could have a new meaning. Embeddings that are different from all the known meanings (or topics) indicate that a word might be a valid SN candidate. In this study, we examine the following word embedding models: Word2Vec, Sense2Vec, and FastText. The models were trained with equivalent parameters using Wikipedia in Spanish as corpora. Then we used a list of words and their concordances (obtained from our database of neologisms) to show the different embeddings that each model yields. Finally, we present a comparison of these outcomes with the concordances of each word to show how we can determine if a word could be a valid candidate for SN.
13. Improving Spoken Language Understanding By Exploiting ASR N-best Hypotheses [PDF] 返回目录
Mingda Li, Weitong Ruan, Xinyue Liu, Luca Soldaini, Wael Hamza, Chengwei Su
Abstract: In a modern spoken language understanding (SLU) system, the natural language understanding (NLU) module takes interpretations of a speech from the automatic speech recognition (ASR) module as the input. The NLU module usually uses the first best interpretation of a given speech in downstream tasks such as domain and intent classification. However, the ASR module might misrecognize some speeches and the first best interpretation could be erroneous and noisy. Solely relying on the first best interpretation could make the performance of downstream tasks non-optimal. To address this issue, we introduce a series of simple yet efficient models for improving the understanding of semantics of the input speeches by collectively exploiting the n-best speech interpretations from the ASR module.
Mingda Li, Weitong Ruan, Xinyue Liu, Luca Soldaini, Wael Hamza, Chengwei Su
Abstract: In a modern spoken language understanding (SLU) system, the natural language understanding (NLU) module takes interpretations of a speech from the automatic speech recognition (ASR) module as the input. The NLU module usually uses the first best interpretation of a given speech in downstream tasks such as domain and intent classification. However, the ASR module might misrecognize some speeches and the first best interpretation could be erroneous and noisy. Solely relying on the first best interpretation could make the performance of downstream tasks non-optimal. To address this issue, we introduce a series of simple yet efficient models for improving the understanding of semantics of the input speeches by collectively exploiting the n-best speech interpretations from the ASR module.
14. FGN: Fusion Glyph Network for Chinese Named Entity Recognition [PDF] 返回目录
Zhenyu Xuan, Rui Bao, Chuyu Ma, Shengyi Jiang
Abstract: Chinese NER is a challenging task. As pictographs, Chinese characters contain latent glyph information, which is often overlooked. We propose the FGN, Fusion Glyph Network for Chinese NER. This method may offer glyph information for fusion representation learning with BERT. The major innovations of FGN include: (1) a novel CNN structure called CGS-CNN is proposed to capture glyph information from both character graphs and their neighboring graphs. (2) we provide a method with sliding window and Slice-Attention to extract interactive information between BERT representation and glyph representation. Experiments are conducted on four NER datasets, showing that FGN with LSTM-CRF as tagger achieves new state-of-the-arts performance for Chinese NER. Further, more experiments are conducted to investigate the influences of various components and settings in FGN.
摘要:中国NER是一个具有挑战性的任务。作为象形文字,中国字符包含潜在的字形信息,这些信息往往被忽视。我们提出了FGN,融合雕文网中国ER。这种方法可以提供融合表示学习与BERT字形信息。 FGN的主要创新点包括:(1)所谓的CGS-CNN一种新颖的CNN结构,提出从两个字符图和其周边图形捕获字形信息。 (2)我们提供具有滑动窗口和切片-注意提取BERT表示和字形表示之间的交互信息的方法。实验是在四个NER数据集进行,显示为恶搞实现国家的最艺术的新的性能为中国NER与LSTM-CRF是FGN。此外,更多的实验以调查FGN的各种组件和设置的影响。
Zhenyu Xuan, Rui Bao, Chuyu Ma, Shengyi Jiang
Abstract: Chinese NER is a challenging task. As pictographs, Chinese characters contain latent glyph information, which is often overlooked. We propose the FGN, Fusion Glyph Network for Chinese NER. This method may offer glyph information for fusion representation learning with BERT. The major innovations of FGN include: (1) a novel CNN structure called CGS-CNN is proposed to capture glyph information from both character graphs and their neighboring graphs. (2) we provide a method with sliding window and Slice-Attention to extract interactive information between BERT representation and glyph representation. Experiments are conducted on four NER datasets, showing that FGN with LSTM-CRF as tagger achieves new state-of-the-arts performance for Chinese NER. Further, more experiments are conducted to investigate the influences of various components and settings in FGN.
摘要:中国NER是一个具有挑战性的任务。作为象形文字,中国字符包含潜在的字形信息,这些信息往往被忽视。我们提出了FGN,融合雕文网中国ER。这种方法可以提供融合表示学习与BERT字形信息。 FGN的主要创新点包括:(1)所谓的CGS-CNN一种新颖的CNN结构,提出从两个字符图和其周边图形捕获字形信息。 (2)我们提供具有滑动窗口和切片-注意提取BERT表示和字形表示之间的交互信息的方法。实验是在四个NER数据集进行,显示为恶搞实现国家的最艺术的新的性能为中国NER与LSTM-CRF是FGN。此外,更多的实验以调查FGN的各种组件和设置的影响。
15. A Knowledge-Enhanced Pretraining Model for Commonsense Story Generation [PDF] 返回目录
Jian Guan, Fei Huang, Zhihao Zhao, Xiaoyan Zhu, Minlie Huang
Abstract: Story generation, namely generating a reasonable story from a leading context, is an important but challenging task. In spite of the success in modeling fluency and local coherence, existing neural language generation models (e.g., GPT-2) still suffer from repetition, logic conflicts, and lack of long-range coherence in generated stories. We conjecture that this is because of the difficulty of associating relevant commonsense knowledge, understanding the causal relationships, and planning entities and events with proper temporal order. In this paper, we devise a knowledge-enhanced pretraining model for commonsense story generation. We propose to utilize commonsense knowledge from external knowledge bases to generate reasonable stories. To further capture the causal and temporal dependencies between the sentences in a reasonable story, we employ multi-task learning which combines a discriminative objective to distinguish true and fake stories during fine-tuning. Automatic and manual evaluation shows that our model can generate more reasonable stories than state-of-the-art baselines, particularly in terms of logic and global coherence.
Jian Guan, Fei Huang, Zhihao Zhao, Xiaoyan Zhu, Minlie Huang
Abstract: Story generation, namely generating a reasonable story from a leading context, is an important but challenging task. In spite of the success in modeling fluency and local coherence, existing neural language generation models (e.g., GPT-2) still suffer from repetition, logic conflicts, and lack of long-range coherence in generated stories. We conjecture that this is because of the difficulty of associating relevant commonsense knowledge, understanding the causal relationships, and planning entities and events with proper temporal order. In this paper, we devise a knowledge-enhanced pretraining model for commonsense story generation. We propose to utilize commonsense knowledge from external knowledge bases to generate reasonable stories. To further capture the causal and temporal dependencies between the sentences in a reasonable story, we employ multi-task learning which combines a discriminative objective to distinguish true and fake stories during fine-tuning. Automatic and manual evaluation shows that our model can generate more reasonable stories than state-of-the-art baselines, particularly in terms of logic and global coherence.
16. Parallel Machine Translation with Disentangled Context Transformer [PDF] 返回目录
Jungo Kasai, James Cross, Marjan Ghazvininejad, Jiatao Gu
Abstract: State-of-the-art neural machine translation models generate a translation from left to right and every step is conditioned on the previously generated tokens. The sequential nature of this generation process causes fundamental latency in inference since we cannot generate multiple tokens in each sentence in parallel. We propose an attention-masking based model, called Disentangled Context (DisCo) transformer, that simultaneously generates all tokens given different contexts. The DisCo transformer is trained to predict every output token given an arbitrary subset of the other reference tokens. We also develop the parallel easy-first inference algorithm, which iteratively refines every token in parallel and reduces the number of required iterations. Our extensive experiments on 7 directions with varying data sizes demonstrate that our model achieves competitive, if not better, performance compared to the state of the art in non-autoregressive machine translation while significantly reducing decoding time on average.
Jungo Kasai, James Cross, Marjan Ghazvininejad, Jiatao Gu
Abstract: State-of-the-art neural machine translation models generate a translation from left to right and every step is conditioned on the previously generated tokens. The sequential nature of this generation process causes fundamental latency in inference since we cannot generate multiple tokens in each sentence in parallel. We propose an attention-masking based model, called Disentangled Context (DisCo) transformer, that simultaneously generates all tokens given different contexts. The DisCo transformer is trained to predict every output token given an arbitrary subset of the other reference tokens. We also develop the parallel easy-first inference algorithm, which iteratively refines every token in parallel and reduces the number of required iterations. Our extensive experiments on 7 directions with varying data sizes demonstrate that our model achieves competitive, if not better, performance compared to the state of the art in non-autoregressive machine translation while significantly reducing decoding time on average.
17. Robust Speaker Recognition Using Speech Enhancement And Attention Model [PDF] 返回目录
Yanpei Shi, Qiang Huang, Thomas Hain
Abstract: In this paper, a novel architecture for speaker recognition is proposed by cascading speech enhancement and speaker processing. Its aim is to improve speaker recognition performance when speech signals are corrupted by noise. Instead of individually processing speech enhancement and speaker recognition, the two modules are integrated into one framework by a joint optimisation using deep neural networks. Furthermore, to increase robustness against noise, a multi-stage attention mechanism is employed to highlight the speaker related features learned from context information in time and frequency domain. To evaluate speaker identification and verification performance of the proposed approach, we test it on the dataset of VoxCeleb1, one of mostly used benchmark datasets. Moreover, the robustness of our proposed approach is also tested on VoxCeleb1 data when being corrupted by three types of interferences, general noise, music, and babble, at different signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) levels. The obtained results show that the proposed approach using speech enhancement and multi-stage attention models outperforms two strong baselines not using them in most acoustic conditions in our experiments.
Yanpei Shi, Qiang Huang, Thomas Hain
Abstract: In this paper, a novel architecture for speaker recognition is proposed by cascading speech enhancement and speaker processing. Its aim is to improve speaker recognition performance when speech signals are corrupted by noise. Instead of individually processing speech enhancement and speaker recognition, the two modules are integrated into one framework by a joint optimisation using deep neural networks. Furthermore, to increase robustness against noise, a multi-stage attention mechanism is employed to highlight the speaker related features learned from context information in time and frequency domain. To evaluate speaker identification and verification performance of the proposed approach, we test it on the dataset of VoxCeleb1, one of mostly used benchmark datasets. Moreover, the robustness of our proposed approach is also tested on VoxCeleb1 data when being corrupted by three types of interferences, general noise, music, and babble, at different signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) levels. The obtained results show that the proposed approach using speech enhancement and multi-stage attention models outperforms two strong baselines not using them in most acoustic conditions in our experiments.
18. A Tree Adjoining Grammar Representation for Models Of Stochastic Dynamical Systems [PDF] 返回目录
Dhruv Khandelwal, Maarten Schoukens, Roland Tóth
Abstract: Model structure and complexity selection remains a challenging problem in system identification, especially for parametric non-linear models. Many Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) based methods have been proposed in the literature for estimating model structure and complexity. In most cases, the proposed methods are devised for estimating structure and complexity within a specified model class and hence these methods do not extend to other model structures without significant changes. In this paper, we propose a Tree Adjoining Grammar (TAG) for stochastic parametric models. TAGs can be used to generate models in an EA framework while imposing desirable structural constraints and incorporating prior knowledge. In this paper, we propose a TAG that can systematically generate models ranging from FIRs to polynomial NARMAX models. Furthermore, we demonstrate that TAGs can be easily extended to more general model classes, such as the non-linear Box-Jenkins model class, enabling the realization of flexible and automatic model structure and complexity selection via EA.
Dhruv Khandelwal, Maarten Schoukens, Roland Tóth
Abstract: Model structure and complexity selection remains a challenging problem in system identification, especially for parametric non-linear models. Many Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) based methods have been proposed in the literature for estimating model structure and complexity. In most cases, the proposed methods are devised for estimating structure and complexity within a specified model class and hence these methods do not extend to other model structures without significant changes. In this paper, we propose a Tree Adjoining Grammar (TAG) for stochastic parametric models. TAGs can be used to generate models in an EA framework while imposing desirable structural constraints and incorporating prior knowledge. In this paper, we propose a TAG that can systematically generate models ranging from FIRs to polynomial NARMAX models. Furthermore, we demonstrate that TAGs can be easily extended to more general model classes, such as the non-linear Box-Jenkins model class, enabling the realization of flexible and automatic model structure and complexity selection via EA.
19. Auto Completion of User Interface Layout Design Using Transformer-Based Tree Decoders [PDF] 返回目录
Yang Li, Julien Amelot, Xin Zhou, Samy Bengio, Si Si
Abstract: It has been of increasing interest in the field to develop automatic machineries to facilitate the design process. In this paper, we focus on assisting graphical user interface (UI) layout design, a crucial task in app development. Given a partial layout, which a designer has entered, our model learns to complete the layout by predicting the remaining UI elements with a correct position and dimension as well as the hierarchical structures. Such automation will significantly ease the effort of UI designers and developers. While we focus on interface layout prediction, our model can be generally applicable for other layout prediction problems that involve tree structures and 2-dimensional placements. Particularly, we design two versions of Transformer-based tree decoders: Pointer and Recursive Transformer, and experiment with these models on a public dataset. We also propose several metrics for measuring the accuracy of tree prediction and ground these metrics in the domain of user experience. These contribute a new task and methods to deep learning research.
Yang Li, Julien Amelot, Xin Zhou, Samy Bengio, Si Si
Abstract: It has been of increasing interest in the field to develop automatic machineries to facilitate the design process. In this paper, we focus on assisting graphical user interface (UI) layout design, a crucial task in app development. Given a partial layout, which a designer has entered, our model learns to complete the layout by predicting the remaining UI elements with a correct position and dimension as well as the hierarchical structures. Such automation will significantly ease the effort of UI designers and developers. While we focus on interface layout prediction, our model can be generally applicable for other layout prediction problems that involve tree structures and 2-dimensional placements. Particularly, we design two versions of Transformer-based tree decoders: Pointer and Recursive Transformer, and experiment with these models on a public dataset. We also propose several metrics for measuring the accuracy of tree prediction and ground these metrics in the domain of user experience. These contribute a new task and methods to deep learning research.
20. Teddy: A System for Interactive Review Analysis [PDF] 返回目录
Xiong Zhang, Jonathan Engel, Sara Evensen, Yuliang Li, Çağatay Demiralp, Wang-Chiew Tan
Abstract: Reviews are integral to e-commerce services and products. They contain a wealth of information about the opinions and experiences of users, which can help better understand consumer decisions and improve user experience with products and services. Today, data scientists analyze reviews by developing rules and models to extract, aggregate, and understand information embedded in the review text. However, working with thousands of reviews, which are typically noisy incomplete text, can be daunting without proper tools. Here we first contribute results from an interview study that we conducted with fifteen data scientists who work with review text, providing insights into their practices and challenges. Results suggest data scientists need interactive systems for many review analysis tasks. In response we introduce Teddy, an interactive system that enables data scientists to quickly obtain insights from reviews and improve their extraction and modeling pipelines.
Xiong Zhang, Jonathan Engel, Sara Evensen, Yuliang Li, Çağatay Demiralp, Wang-Chiew Tan
Abstract: Reviews are integral to e-commerce services and products. They contain a wealth of information about the opinions and experiences of users, which can help better understand consumer decisions and improve user experience with products and services. Today, data scientists analyze reviews by developing rules and models to extract, aggregate, and understand information embedded in the review text. However, working with thousands of reviews, which are typically noisy incomplete text, can be daunting without proper tools. Here we first contribute results from an interview study that we conducted with fifteen data scientists who work with review text, providing insights into their practices and challenges. Results suggest data scientists need interactive systems for many review analysis tasks. In response we introduce Teddy, an interactive system that enables data scientists to quickly obtain insights from reviews and improve their extraction and modeling pipelines.
21. Modeling Product Search Relevance in e-Commerce [PDF] 返回目录
Rahul Radhakrishnan Iyer, Rohan Kohli, Shrimai Prabhumoye
Abstract: With the rapid growth of e-Commerce, online product search has emerged as a popular and effective paradigm for customers to find desired products and engage in online shopping. However, there is still a big gap between the products that customers really desire to purchase and relevance of products that are suggested in response to a query from the customer. In this paper, we propose a robust way of predicting relevance scores given a search query and a product, using techniques involving machine learning, natural language processing and information retrieval. We compare conventional information retrieval models such as BM25 and Indri with deep learning models such as word2vec, sentence2vec and paragraph2vec. We share some of our insights and findings from our experiments.
Rahul Radhakrishnan Iyer, Rohan Kohli, Shrimai Prabhumoye
Abstract: With the rapid growth of e-Commerce, online product search has emerged as a popular and effective paradigm for customers to find desired products and engage in online shopping. However, there is still a big gap between the products that customers really desire to purchase and relevance of products that are suggested in response to a query from the customer. In this paper, we propose a robust way of predicting relevance scores given a search query and a product, using techniques involving machine learning, natural language processing and information retrieval. We compare conventional information retrieval models such as BM25 and Indri with deep learning models such as word2vec, sentence2vec and paragraph2vec. We share some of our insights and findings from our experiments.