- Reasoning Over Paths via Knowledge Base Completion
- Neural Cross-Lingual Relation Extraction Based on Bilingual Word Embedding Mapping
- Dreaddit: A Reddit Dataset for Stress Analysis in Social Media
- Sequence Modeling with Unconstrained Generation Order
- On the Linguistic Representational Power of Neural Machine Translation Models
- BERT Goes to Law School: Quantifying the Competitive Advantage of Access to Large Legal Corpora in Contract Understanding
- Select, Answer and Explain: Interpretable Multi-hop Reading Comprehension over Multiple Documents
- When Choosing Plausible Alternatives, Clever Hans can be Clever
- A Robust Data-Driven Approach for Dialogue State Tracking of Unseen Slot Values
- Kernelized Bayesian Softmax for Text Generation
- CCNet: Extracting High Quality Monolingual Datasets from Web Crawl Data
ArXiv 论文 2019/11/2-2019/11/8
- 本文链接: https://procjx.github.io/2019/11/10/ArXiv-%E8%AE%BA%E6%96%87-2019-11-2-2019-11-8/
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